Part 112

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"I guess you know the menu." Caleb's lips quirked at the corner.

"Yes. Kind of." She said vaguely, as her mind was on the counter. Poor May was dealing with queue, serving and taking the money. "And of course there is a special board, over there." Again the door bell rang, and a group came through the door and joined the queue at the counter. "Would you excuse me?" And Jena got to her feet.

"Are you leaving?" He frowned in surprise. Dismal washed through his system. And again it reminded him, that dealing with his feelings for her, made him vulnerable. His previous girlfriends' behaviour had no impact him, but with Jena, her actions were registered by his mind and heart. And when his logical-mind was governed by his heart and his heart was governed by Jena, it caused chaos in his world. Chaos was not a problem, in his previous career, where chaos was possible, he managed. Actually managed it really well. But in his personal world, he could not control the confusion and disarray. His logical mind ruled his world, tempered by his emotional heart, but with Jena, it was the opposite.

"No, of course not." She gestured at the laminated card, "I will get you a menu. I will be back soon."

Caleb assumed she was heading for the ladies room, because he noted the sign above the door, signalling the way to the toilet. He tracked her movements. He noted that Anne came through that doorway and was carrying a tray with three sundaes. Obviously that door also lead to the kitchen. He watched Jena and she stopped Anne. Animated interaction and Caleb thought he might be the topic, because Anne looked over at him. Jena and Anne had a brief chat before Jena went through the doorway.

Caleb switched his attention to the man, and pretending to glance around the café, before returning his glance to the window where he could see the reflection of the man, he took note of the man. Using his intuition and his previous experience, Caleb was pretty sure he was a reporter. So with a smile, Caleb picked up the laminate form and studied the contents. He glanced at the counter and was surprised to see Jena behind. He blinked.

Then Anne put a coffee and a plate. Smiled and said, "Black, no sugar. Carrot cake."

"I didn't order that." His mind was still on Jena, who was supposedly to be on date, and she was serving behind the counter! He nearly laughed, heard of washing dishes when you can't pay, but to work before ordering is unusual.

"I know. Jena ordered it." Anne smiled.

"For Jena?" Caleb queried. His mind was still on Jena.

"No, for you."

"Oh. Thanks." He watched Jena's interaction with a customer. And again her smile registered in his heart. A beautiful woman, inside and out, and her smile was testament to that. Caleb looked at Anne and asked, "Why she is behind the counter?'

"She is helping us." As if that was obvious. Even though Jena told her, he was not her boyfriend, but Anne was delighted to see Jena's new boyfriend was smitten! And she wondered if Jena knew that.

"All your customers do that?" His furrowed forehead showed his bemusement.

"Only Jena!" Anne said with a chuckle and walked away.

Caleb grinned at Jena, using his index finger and his middle finger formed a V and pointed at his eyes and then pointed it at her. Jena giggled and continued to serve the next customer.

Caleb returned his gaze to his plate and coffee but his gaze caught the woman at the next table, staring at him.

"Sorry." The woman said immediately, colour washed through her cheeks showing she was embarrassed. "Sorry I was staring at you. But, er, are you Caleb Harland?" What was he doing here?

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