Part 33

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Steve lobbed the cushion at Kels who caught it. Jena feigned a frown and ordered, "Will you two stop throwing my possessions around! Anyway, Steve, you found a ridiculous reason and turned down my invitation, remember?" She looked around, seeing happiness in her guest faces, she said with simplicity, "Living here suits me. The cube with the deck is my home and the factories as neighbours, suits me!" She smiled with joy.

And seeing a genuine smile, Caleb gulped. The joy in her eyes acknowledging her home and environment disadvantage were celebrated in her honest reply. It was sincere and reflected in her smile.

"Clearly!" Steve chuckled, and like Caleb saw that Jena's smile elevated her from beautiful to gorgeous.

Jena again glanced around before she said, "The deck seems like the icing to me." Her friends snorted at that reference. Jena shrugged with insouciance. "You know, I love my home." Jena said with feeling. This place felt calm and safe, despite the fact she was in essence on her own as her neighbours were factories, and they were pretty enclosed, so she rarely sees anyone around.

"Yes. We know!" Ali chortled. "Even when it was a shell, you loved it! I remember the inside, when we first visited, before the renovation. It was awful! Like a warehouse, albeit a mini warehouse! With rodents residents and dust mites and rubbish and..."

"Cheek! It was not awful, just a diamond waiting a polish! And no rodents! Cheek! You made that up!" Jena chuckled. She took no umbrage at their teasing.

"You mentioned cockroaches early this evening." Caleb said, with a twinkle in his eyes.

She rolled her eyes, "Just one!" The corner of her lips tip up and smiled at him. Caleb grinned.

"You had cockroaches. Eww." Melanie looked around. She shuddering. "I can't believe I stayed here. Why didn't you tell me you had cockroach infestation, I would not stay here."

She looked at Melanie as if she was nothing but flotsam. "As I said, just one." Jena eyes cooled to icy flint.

"Just one?" Kev snorted.

"Yes. Just one. A really big one!" Jena resumed her smile. Caleb chuckled beneath his breath.

Kev snorted, "Really? They aggregate!" As if he knew about the lives of cockroaches, Kev continued, "I read they live in multigenerational nest!" He narrowed his eyes. "Where did you see this solitary cockroach?"

"At the front door." Jena said with a shrug, and Caleb hooted. While Ali and Steve shared a look. Clearly something was going on with Caleb and Jena, which was really odd as he was here after taking Melanie out on a date.

"At the front door." Kev asked, "What did you do?"

"I considered squashing it!" She said and glanced at Caleb. He quirked a brow. And grinned at her. She snorted quietly, and they exchanged silent messages.

"I hope you didn't." Steve frowned. And he could not understand the silent messages between Caleb and Jena. Why was talking about cockroaches resulted in grinning? Well, the only people grinning were Caleb and Jena. 

"Nope. I just encouraged it to leave! Kept the door open, didn't even have to shushed him out..."

"What, no broom? And him? The cockroach was male?" Kev snorted and grinned, "I did not know you know how to sex a cockroach?" He teased.

With her eyes firmly on Caleb, Jena said, "Nope, but definitely a male, and it scuttled away as per normal!"

Caleb hooted. That stopped the conversation. Kev suddenly noted the chemistry between Jena and Caleb but said nothing. Ali labelled the behaviour between Jena and Caleb as flirting. Kels reached a conclusion, this was bigger than flirting. Steve narrowed his eyes, Jena was definitely flirting with Caleb and that was not normal for Jena. But Melanie was not happy. She was going to have to do something about this. 

"Have you got anything for cockroaches? Perhaps I should leave with Caleb." Hopefully Caleb will register that request. When he did nothing, Melanie shuddered, "I hope the cockroach didn't bring his family!"

Jena sipped her tea. Then put her mug down and shrugged, "I think he came looking for a possible mate!"

But Ali kept her grin to herself when her label for Caleb and Jena's behaviour was confirmed, when Caleb and Jena glanced at each other and again, Caleb grinned and Jena grinned. Oh yes, definitely flirtatious, Ali looked at Steve and nodded at Caleb and Jena. Steve nodded in confirmation.

"I thought you said just one." Kev interrupted. "Doesn't matter, Jena, you know you can ask the council to come, or go private, they can come and spray or whatever, if needed!"

Jena kept her eyes on Caleb when she said, "Thanks. If I can't squash him, I will phone the council and ask for an exterminate officer and he or she can escort him out!" Caleb quirked his lips, and banked his chuckle.

"You can't do that for everyone!" Ali frowned.

Jena tip her chin and look back at Caleb, "I know. Anyway, I can deal with the lonely, solo cockroach." With her eyes flashing, she said, "I am pretty sure he was just checking the area, and he knows he cannot outstay his welcome!"

Caleb hooted. Again, Steve, Kev, Kels, Ali, looked at her, then glanced at Caleb. Yup, they all thought, something was going on here.

Caleb stopped laughing and said, "And of course you can ask me, I can come here, if you need my help." Caleb grinned, "I will leave you my number." He retrieved his wallet and removed a card and placed it on the table beside the chair.

Melanie glared. She was tempted to shout at him. What is going on here?

Jena saw that and grinned, "Anyway, cake?" She got to her feet, "Hey, Ali, you didn't finish the story." She picked up the plate with the cake slices and passed the plate around. When she reached Caleb, he took a slice of cake and his eyes flashed at her. Her brain waves started to dance in panic. She couldn't remember this jolt of electricity with just a look. She was operating on automatic pilot. Her palms were coated with perspiration. What is going on here? With him? This surge of feeling through every cell in her body. That is not possible. And why did this frisson of attraction only registered now?

She wasn't sure why she'd felt that jolt of electricity, but that changed nothing. He was on a date with Melanie. And unlike him, Jena knew she does not poach.

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