Part 96

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Caleb watched as the man and Jena left.

The rest of the group immediately returned to the elephant in the room.

"Was that the woman who had an affair with Hardy's wife?" Iris asked.

"Yes. I think so." Chloe nodded. "I read about it, must be about a month ago. I thought it was odd as the story kind off fizzled away."

"She is kind of beautiful, don't you think?"

"I guess if you like that type."

"She was very calm and beautiful." Harry repeated. "I thought she was very calm."

"Guess it does not matter to her. And probably this gossip is just old news." Chloe chuckled.

"I guess she must have had to deal with it for the last month."

"Probably developed a good shell."

"You should have asked her. See if she is still living with Hardy's wife."

"Caleb might know. Given his sister is working there."

They waited, but Caleb was still watching Jena and was not listening to the conversation.

"Caleb?" Chloe gave his midriff a squeeze.

"Caleb?" Mark asked at the same time.

"Sorry?" Caleb blinked, his focus returned to the group. He was furious with himself. muttered beneath his breath, why did he let her leave without an explanation?

"Do you know her?" Mark asked.

 Having missed the conversation, he asked, "Who?"

"Jena." Chloe muttered and threaded her arm through his. 


"And Hardy's wife left him for Jena?"

Caleb frowned. "Hardy? Jena and Hardy? No."

"We read about it..."

It was then that he registered this group had the wrong Jena!  "The newspaper had a typo!"

"A typo. Really? In the newspaper?"

"Yes, the woman you just met is called Jenaqueta Silva, and people call her Jena. She has a company called By Design. I told you that."

"She was reported in the newspaper, having an affair with that cricketer's wife!" Chloe reminded Caleb.

"She didn't! Another woman. Called Jean Silva. And she is living with Hardy's ex wife." With acrimony, he said, "And if you look at the door, you will see, Jenaqueta Silva leaving with a man. Not a woman!"

On the way back to home, him being the designated driver, Caleb was driving Sophie, Isaac back home, given Amanda and Drew had left two hours ago, at ten. Sophie and Isaac were working on re-establishing their relationship, but were taking things slow.

"That was a good party." Sophie slightly tipsy. "Did you enjoy the party, Isaac?"

"Yes." Isaac with a smile in his voice.

"What about you, Caleb."

"Yes." No sign of a smile.

"That did sound right." Sophie pouted, "You sound grumpy."

And Isaac looked across at Caleb, and Sophie was right, Caleb did not look happy.

"Probably because you and your cousin were behaving like toddlers."


"Giselle and you."

"She was winding me up. "

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