Part 53

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Caleb could see that Jena was trying not to laugh. She shook her head, "And after one May-Ball encounter, you thought Melanie would make you a good wife? Despite the fact she already  had a boyfriend?" Being an attractive blonde had probably influenced his view for his search. He had seen Melanie on one occasion, and had thought Melanie was wife material. Men should be relabelled as idiots. "You really thought Melanie would make a good wife?"

That rankled some more, the fact she was questioning his judgment. And again, his brain asked him why he was still explaining things to her. "I thought Melanie was a sweet, kind and beautiful. Typical qualities that I, like most men, would want in a good wife." He stated frankly. At which point Jena did laugh. "I don't get why you think that's funny?"

"Yes. Sorry. I did not mean to laugh. But Melanie wasn't into loyalty and fidelity! I told you that when I came to your office." She told him honestly. 

Jena lost the laugh in her tone and said with honest, "Surely a woman who loved, and was in love with you, is what you'd want in a wife. Someone who put you, rather than your lifestyle, first." Though what she knew about loving a man could be written on a postage stamp. Her young life had been spent caring for her grandmother, who with passing years had become more and more senile. It was only in the last couple of years that Jena had really begun to experience any real degree of freedom. Making and icing cakes had been her way of coping with the stress in her life. The degree of concentration it required had provided the small snatches of time to escape the routine and challenge of looking after a person with dementia. Jena continued, "If I was contemplating marriage I would find a partner who would catch me if I fell." Jena realised she had made this personal and changed the tone. "If you were  contemplating marriage, you should find someone who accepted your foibles and failings while treasuring your integrity and virtues. Someone that makes your heart thump with love, more than a strong desire for physical connection and intimacy.  But from my position, you sounds like you were looking for a wife , regardless of the fact that you were not in love and were not expecting her to love you, so Melanie would meet that job description." She sighed. "I think love is crucial." Jena petered out.

"Love." He snorted at her use of the term. "No wonder you make wedding cakes." He narrowed his gaze. His eyes flicked to her ring less fingers. "How is it that a romantic, like you, is not married? And for your information, marriage is simply a contract between two!"

"What? A contract? That is silly. Even if you do not agree about whatever, you have to see things from your partners' perspective because you are in love with them. It allows you to reach compromises. A contract does not allow for compromises. "

"A marriage is simply a contract. A contract between people who share principles and future plans. Needs and wants in equally measures. Of course that includes compromises, when needed." He glanced over at Jena, "Obviously, chemistry, too. Or lust. But getting married is just a legal contract. And find a wife is matter of processing logical thoughts. Identifying values. Morality." It was something that had just surfaced. He thought he could ferret out her situation, whether she still preferred married women! "Do you have a boyfriend, Jena?" He asked her without batting an eyelid at the intrusion into her private life. After all, he had just told her he dated Melanie because he was looking for a wife!

Jena was attractive. Going by her social circle of friends, she was sociable and personable. She was feisty and stood up for her friends and family. And she was loyal.

Jena frowned. She had no intention of discussing her private life. Jena ignored his question and glanced out of the office window just in time to see two new cars pull into parking spaces. "Mr Harland, my personal life is not your business, I..." She began, only to peter out when she saw four people piled out of the two cars. Her car parking space now looked like a good venue for expensive cars. Currently in the parking lot were a Jaguar, a Ferrari and a Bentley. She had a pretty impressive list of past customers, and only a few of them would be in the same stratosphere as the group currently in her parking lot. She moved towards the window, and she scowled as she watched the small group of four make their way from their cars to her front door.

Caleb joined Jena at the window. He stood behind her shoulder, and smiled when he saw the group. He glanced at Jena's profile and saw she was scowling. 

Jena muttered, "Excuse me, I will have to deal with these people."  She was sure that Andrew had kept her diary free after this 3pm meeting with Caleb. So perhaps these cars' occupants were lost. And they were definitely in the wrong suburbs. This was an industry site, and two women, wearing stilettos, accompanied by two men in suits were walking towards her office. Jena frowned, she knew she had closed the front door, and no doubt they would knock on the door soon. 

Caleb's breath teased her ear, when he said, "My sister, her fiancé, who also happens to be a good friend of mine, my step- mother and my father." 

She turned her face and tipped her chin and said, "What?" Only to find his face and lips within kissing distance. She gulped. Their eyes met. The muscle in his jaw throbbed.  Both held their breath. She licked her lower lip. He angled his head to the side closing the distance between their heads. She lowered her eyelashes. He opened his mouth. Breath mingled.

Sophie knocked on the front door and it was enough to spring Jena and Caleb away. 

Jena pushed at Caleb and stepped away and sought a pithy comment. But could not find it. She inched past the chairs they had recently vacated. She flashed him a look, her exasperation, her bemusement, reflected in her eyes, covering her embarrassment. She knew that knock had averted a disaster, because they were about to kiss. 

Jena folded her arms, "Mr Harland I suggest you tell your family they have had a wasted trip. Preferably before they enter my office!" 

"You tell them." He replied calmly. From what he had seen of Jena, she was a softy when it came to family. He had no qualms in playing the family card. 

She huffed, and exited her office, furious to find that he had ambushed her. Although, she accepted that fleeting kissing moment was an accident, because she turned her face at the wrong moment. But the fact he had ambushed her by arranging this meeting with his family, is his fault!

Knowing he could use emotion blackmail, he shrugged, "You're the one dashing my sister's dreams." He followed Jena into the corridor.

Jena snorted. "For goodness sakes. I am not dashing any dreams.  And why are you dealing with your sister's wedding?  Surely your sister and her fiancé would handle this." Caleb banked his smile, because that is what Isaac said to him. Jena continued. "There are heaps of other bakers who could make your sister's wedding cake. I can give you a list. Or give your sister and her fiancé the list. And why did you bring your parents?"

"So that you can meet them." Caleb said sagely and studied Jena surreptitiously, "I'll leave you to explain to them why you are not going to create their wedding cake." He had called in reinforcements hoping that their sheer numbers could be used to corner Jena into agreeing to make Sophie's cake.

Jena pouted at Caleb. He shrugged with smile pasted on his lip and banked his laugh. "So, are you going leave them on your office steps or going to let them in?"

"What I am going to do is to administer a firm boot to your derriere, Mr Harland!"

"Good to hear you are flexible." He grinned as the nearly-kissing-moment resurfaced in his mind.

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