Part 54

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She threw her hands into the air. "Idiot." She mumbled and was not happy to see the bloom of desire in his eyes. Clearly, he, like her, were reliving that kissing moment. She gulped. 

There was a sharp rap on the door. Following by more raps on the door.

"Your family has no patience!" She muttered. Jena opened the door, and a beautiful young woman stepped into the hallway, a warm smile on her lips and in her eyes. She and her brother shared very little in terms of appearance. She was tiny in comparison with him. Her hair was fair. Her eyes were a hazel. She was beaming as if someone had given her everything she had ever asked for.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you! Ms Silva, this is the best news." She gushed as she rushed in and she grabbed Jena's hand and shook it. "I'm so happy you've agreed to do this."

Jena shook her head. If she thought the brother was a juggernaut, this juggernaut-tornado had no boundaries. Jena said, "I haven't..."

Sophie ignored the statement, partly because she hadn't heard it and partly because she was still so immeasurably happy. "I know it's eight months off, but you have no idea how pleased I am that you've agreed to do this. I have some ideas for the cake, but obviously will ceded any ideas. But at least three tiers. This is the best news."

"I have not ..." Jena nearly laughed, when she realized that the brother and sister were cut from the same cloth.

Sophie smiled happily, "I have a few ideas. Isaac thought about it too. But we did not bring a  sketch. I know you and your team will create an amazing cake if we describe it to you." She turned and beamed at the three people who had followed her in. "As mum, dad and Isaac will tell you, this has made my day."

"I haven't.."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you." Sophie turned back to face Jena, as she made the introductions while Jena blinked in astonishment, while the juggernaut tornado said, "This is my mother Amanda Harland." Jena found herself shaking hands with the blonde woman who gave her daughter her colouring. Caleb came by his dark hair and golden skin from his mother and Amanda was his step-mother. Jena could also see that Caleb got his blue grey eyes from his father. Jena pulled herself together as the introductions continued, "My father, Drew Harland." Jena shook the tall stately-man's hands. "And the man of my dreams, my fiancé,  Isaac Cavendish." Jena shook the hands of a man who seemed somewhat amused by his fiancee's antics.  But Isaac was openly watching Jena to see how she reacted to the whirlwind known as Sophie.

Jena raised her palm. Jena thought she ought to squash this farce before it went any further.  "Ms Harland, I am flattered, but I'm afraid things are not as your brother would have you believe." She was tempted to add that they should all now leave as she had things to do. Including having to rehash the fact she had nearly kissed Caleb. A spur moment, nothing to worry about. Except her heart was still thumping. She was tempted to blame the juggernaut-tornado, but she knew her pulse was racing because of the main juggernaut.

"Oh." Sophie's watt smile vanished. The other three adults looked pensively at Jena registering the firmness in her voice.

"The office is this way." Caleb stated as if the recent statement had no impact. Jena turned around to glare at him. Caleb shrugged. "Might as well be sitting down when we discuss this and how we are going to make it work." He stated as if Jena had said nothing of importance. It was a deliberate ploy. He could see from Isaac's expression that Isaac had cottoned on to the fact that Caleb was baiting Jena into allowing them to stay.

Jena breathed out slowly, counting to ten before she spoke. "There is no discussion to be had, Mr Harland." If she had sense, she would have told this family they have issues: mainly about power and arrogance.

Isaac was impressed by Jena's self-control and her poise and the fact she had just demolished the family's hopes with minimum effort. Isaac looked over at his friend and was surprised to see that Caleb was enjoying this encounter. Suspicious reared it head, what was going on here?

Jena recognised  the group were somewhat bemused. "Mr Harland," She stated flatly, "as I've explained to you and your sister, I cannot take this on." She made sure she looked at every adult in front of her, to ensure that they read the certainty in her eyes. "Sorry, I think you have made a wasted journey." She folded her arms, "My company cannot supply this wedding cake because we are fully booked." She glared at Caleb. "I, and my staff, have already explained this to Mr Harland. Repeatedly!"

Isaac watched the interaction between Caleb and Jena. Sophie frowned. Amanda and Drew shared a look. Either Caleb missed the worry-messages between his family but he deliberately continued with his plans, "We were discussing it just before Sophie, Isaac, mum and dad arrived. You and I had not reached a conclusion!"

"Yes we did!" Jena hoped her body language would convey her exasperation. "We are busy! Which bit of that did not register in your mind. By Design cannot take this on. The end!"

"You can find space. You can." Caleb countered with utter confidence. With a broad grin he addressed his family, "Amanda, Dad, Sophie, Isaac, this way." He held open the door and took command. Amanda and Drew shared another question-look but went into Jena's office. Caleb stood beside Jena, "I suggest we sit down," He instructed Jena, who was still at the door. "we discuss the options with my family and we come to an arrangement."  

Despite being cross with him, Jena picked up the fact he addressed Sophie's mother by her first name. Deciding that trying to throw them out now was going to be difficult, given they were ensconced in her office. She shook her head in frustration and flounced away.

Caleb smiled. One battle won. But to win the war would take effort. He followed Jena into her office.

In Jena's office, Sophie took note of Jena's office, while she reviewed their conversation at the front door. Sophie knew her brother's character. But he called Ms Silva, Jena? Sophie blinked. Did he know Ms Silva in a personal capacity? Sophie's radar went into operation.

 All present in her office looked at her with questions in their eyes. Jena sighed. To buy her sometime, Jena opted to offer them coffee. And while she prepared their coffee, she tried to explain that she could not take on their request because she simply did not have any spare capacity. As she handed them their coffee, she thought her best option would be to show them her diary and bookings!

Some half hour later, Jena wondered why she thought she'd be able to move them. If she thought Caleb was an expert at getting his own way, she had to put Sophie in a class of her own. For within fifteen minutes of Jena explaining clearly and exactly, why she was unable to take on any more, including showing her diary and bookings, Sophie had convinced her to make an exception. 

By Design were to make Sophie's wedding cake.

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