Part 44

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The next day, Caleb checked with Annie if she got a call from Sophie. Annie told him she had got the address and phone number from Sophie and tried the company. Annie also said the company confirmed Sophie's conclusion, they did not have capacity to cater for Sophie's wedding. Annie repeatedly his name in the call, but was ignored. Annie got the same reason as Sophie: they were fully booked.

Caleb thought he could persuade the company to find a slot, by throwing money at them. So Caleb asked for the address and phone number. When Annie read the address for 'By Design', it rang bells. His brain reminded him of his visit to Jena Silva's home. She lived in that area. Annie read out the full address. Caleb couldn't help but smile to himself. He knew this address. He'd been here two months back. Well, 34B Callander road. Jena Silva obviously lived close to the 'By Design' office, 34A Callander road. That coincidence called for homework. And his homework revealed she was the owner of the bakery and discovered her full name was Jenaqueta Silva!

His research into 'By Design' threw up a complication. Keeping his promise to his sister will be difficult. Jena Silva was, for all intents and purposes, 'By Design': She owned it. She was recognized as the creative genius behind the success of the cake shop. The trouble was, given the promise he'd made his sister, and given his short history with Jena Silva, she was unlikely to take on the job if he phoned her.

While he'd met her a couple of months back, he remembered her address, vaguely, at least he remembered the name of the road. What he remembered more was the vision of Jena Silva, in her red long skirt, white t-shirt, bare feet, and sitting curled up in a large oversized armchair, laughing with her friends over something trivial but funny. That had his lips quirking at the corner. The last time he'd seen her was well over two months ago, at Bruce and Alice's wedding. Yet the image was still so fresh in his mind. In direct contrast with his memory of Melanie. But he did remember Melanie's news. News that had destroyed his intentions regarding Jena.

Caleb weighed up the pros and cons, and he told Annie, he would contact By Design personally. Probably best to deal with it now, while it was fresh in his mind: he could offer Jena a ridiculous sum, it would only take a few minutes and he could put this matter to bed. In his heart he was sure it would give him another opportunity to see her and see if it the connection was intact. In contrast, his mind warned him, stay away, given he had not displaced her from his memory, and seeing her again would be foolish. For a man, who relied on his common sense and logic, why would he resurrect this, his mind hammered at his temple.

His mind won the battled between his heart and brain. He opted for a call to Jena's office. 

Annie gave Caleb the number and he telephoned. Caleb got Jena's manager, and again, Andrew explained that unfortunately they would not be able to take on the task. 

Caleb tried charm. No effect. 

Caleb increased the sum. No effect. 

That had not deterred Caleb. He'd made a promise to his sister, a promise he fully intended to keep. After giving it some more thought, Caleb decided it would be harder for Jena to turn him down in person. And that's what brought him to her place of work.

The building he approached looked like a unit-house,sitting side onto the road. The small sign on the front indicated that it was abusiness not a home. By Design's sign was simple, no logo, just black text on awhite background. Not surprising he hadn't noticed this unit when he'd visitedthis area before. There was a large fence that shielded it from the main roadside'straffic. But he recognised the unsealed road leads to her property. Heremembered his initial thoughts when he realized that Melanie was staying ahouse that was hemmed by industry buildings, mainly warehouses, and does notmatch residence zones.

A simple industry site like others around thisarea. 

While her home was set back from the road, with a small driveway leading to her home on the waterfront, this particular office, was one of two units that sat on the road, albeit, sideways on. There was a small parking strip, between her driveway and the front of the house. Another By Design sign was at the door, and was more imaginative. 

Caleb arrived at the park. Currently there were three cars parked there, leaving space for another three. He took up one of those spare spots. He locked his car and walked towards the front door.

A group leaving the office, smiled at him. A brunette flashed a smile and stopped. She said, "If you are here to book 'By Design', you will not regret it!" 

The other women in the group giggled when one in the group recognised Caleb.

"Honestly, they are amazing!" Another said.

The one who recognised Caleb, said with a hopeful smile, "Sorry, cheeky, I know, but could we take a selfie with you?"

Caleb nodded. While the woman delved into her bag to retrieve her phone, the others came closer. They huddled, all giving orders to the others, as they placed them within the frame. Several clicks later, one said, "Thanks."

One asked, "Collecting or booking?"

"What?" Caleb took a couple steps away from the huddle.

"Are you here to collect or book a cake?"

"Ginny!" One squeaked, as she warned her friend. Clearly they were treading on personal areas.

"What?" Ginny shrugged and scowled at her friends, "What?"

One looked at Caleb and said, "Sorry, Mr Harland. My friend has forgotten her manners!"

With a look, another said, "Ginny, you can't interrogate him!"

"Just asking." 'Ginny snorted and shrugged and said as if she had the right to check on his reason for being here. "It could be his wedding?"

"Exactly. That is personal!"

Caleb chuckled and waved at the group and said a cheerily, "Bye ladies!" And he walked away, hearing the women arguing about the episode.

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