Part 66

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A week later, Jena was locking up her office when Sophie materialised.

"Hi." Sophie said quietly as Jena stepped out of the building.

"Oh, hi Sophie." A day after the shambolic meeting at Caleb's house, Jena and the team had talked about this contract and agreed to give Sophie a final warning and would continue, if they believe her response was sincere. So Andrew emailed Sophie and was blunt, if she resurrects her drama-queen -actions, they will terminate the contract with no warning. And Sophie replied, apologised to Sally. A new appointment, between Sally, Sophie and Isaac, was arranged. Jena wondered if their decision was right, given Sophie was here. "Is Sally expecting you?"

Sophie shook her head. She had her hands jammed in her jacket pockets, her smile looked somewhat brittle and her eyes somewhat red.

Sophie's body language worried Jena, "Are you ok?"

Sophie nodded and then blurted. "I'm here to cancel our booking."

Jena blinked. That was not possible. Why would she want to cancel? This is a rollercoaster. "What?" Was Sophie playing games again? This would have to stop. Jena simply would not tolerate this start-stop meddling. "You're here to cancel?"

Sophie nodded and her eyes welled up again. "Yes. I am here to cancel. Sorry."

"We had a discussion just a week ago. Remember? And you..."

Sophie rubbed at her nose. With a sniff she looked away. "The wedding's off." She stated bluntly and rubbed at her eyes as tears escaped.

"The wedding is off? For goodness sake!" Jena could not believe that excuse. The team had a discussion with Isaac and Sophie last week, and Jena warned them: another brideszilla-episode and the contract would be terminated. Isaac convinced Jena that Sophie's drama-queen-episode was just a one-off, and he and Sophie guaranteed that there would not be any future episodes. "Sophie we had a discussion about your behaviour. We would not put up with a drama queen. Telling us the wedding is off, sounds like the drama queen has re-appeared." From what she'd seen, Sophie and Isaac loved each other. After the email exchange between Andrew and Sophie, Jena spoken to Isaac and Sophie and was upfront about the company's rules: No drama!

Sophie bit her lip as she tried to stop blubbering. "I know. But the wedding's off." Sophie repeated.

"For real?" Jena found herself blurting out before she'd thought about her words. She glanced automatically at Sophie's ring hand and was surprised to see her finger devoid of that enormous diamond she'd been wearing a week ago.

Sophie squared her shoulders and announced as if it was nothing of consequence, "I am sorry for any inconvenience." Sophie sniffed, and rubbed her nose tip. "But I thought I ought to let you know about the booking as soon as possible. And I am really grateful that you took this booking." She sniffed, and tears escaped the confines of her eyelashes. "But I have to cancel it." She had only just removed her engagement ring. "That is why I am here."

Utterly baffled. Jena rubbed her forehead. This could not be right. She had seen the couple: Sophie loved Isaac and Isaac loved Sophie, given the way he defended her and supported her. Jena looked at the young woman standing in front of her. "I see." Actually, Jena could not see!

"I'm sorry for any inconvenience caused." Sophie's voice sounded as if it was about to fracture. "I'm letting you know as soon as I could." The fact she was repeating her statement, she was barely keeping it together.

It had not been her intention to drive here. She'd simply got in her car intending to drive around and see if her life magically glued itself together. She had driven aimlessly for almost an hour. How she came to be here, she still wasn't sure. And it was only after she pulled up, when she thought she should not drive, at all, given she could barely remember how she got here. Driving on automatic pilot is not a good idea. The thought about getting into the driver seat, and driving, was causing anxiety.

"Thank you." Jena watched Sophie's eyes. And she could see that Sophie was falling apart. "When did you call it off?" Jena asked gently.

Sophie shrugged, then all but mumbled, "I didn't. Isaac did."

Clearly the engagement was cancelled by Isaac, and might explain Sophie's body language. Obviously upset. "Sorry to hear that." Jena asked, "When?"

"Today." Her voice quivered.

Jena nearly squealed, "Today?"

"This evening." She bit her lip. How had it reached this stage? Why had it reached this stage? She loved the man. She thought he loved her.

"This evening." Jena frowned. This didn't make sense. Isaac loved Sophie, Jena knew that. Something wasn't right. Isaac loved Sophie. Sophie loved Isaac. So why would Isaac cancel their wedding?

"Just thirty minutes ago." She mumbled. Again her eyes welled up.

"Thirty minutes ago?" Jena's lips parted in consternation but her eyes zoomed in on Sophie and Jena realized that Sophie was just about holding herself together.

"Well, forty minutes, actually?" Sophie said after glancing at her watch."

Jena was not really sure what to do. But from the looks of things, Sophie did not look fit enough to drive. Jena reached forward, and turned Sophie around, "I was just heading home. Have a cup of tea with me."

Sophie shook her head. And shrugged at the same time. "No. Thanks." Confusion swamped her. But took a step away. "I should get going." She murmured. "I should tell other people." Her eyes watered again. "Sorry for the inconvenience. Sorry again. Anyway, I should let people know." She blinked but the tears continued to fall.

Jena had no intention of letting Sophie drive anywhere. Sophie was barely holding it together. Jena said gently, "Perhaps." Her eyes conveyed her concerns, "But first, we can do tea. Come on."

Again Sophie shook her head, "I am..."

Jena interrupted. "Have a cup of tea with me." She ordered quietly. And she did not allow Sophie to veto it. Jena knew Sophie should not be driving at the moment. Not in her current fragile state. "You can leave your car here. It's perfectly safe. I live at the back. A short drive on a private road." So Sophie would not meet any traffic on the private road, "So alternatively," Jena gestured toward a drive, "you can down that drive." Sophie glanced at the road. Jena said quietly, "Come and have some tea."

"I have already caused..."

Jena shook her head. "Sophie, just come with me. Have tea."

"Sophie, I do not want your accident on my conscience!"

"My accident?"

"Not a good idea to drive at the moment. As you can imagine this news is unexpected. And clearly, given your news has disrupted my thoughts I can only imagine the state of your mind. Driving on public roads is not a good idea. So come with me and have tea at my place. We will just have a conversation. About anything. Or nothing." And that might give Jena a chance to phone Isaac. "But, maybe you can tell me a bit more about why you and Isaac have reached this stage."

"Not sure it will improve my condition. Probably will be worse, if I rehash things."

"Fine. We have tea. And if you can't drive we get you a taxi, ok?"

Sophie didn't exactly agreed to this, but she watched as Jena locked the door to her business. Sophie glanced at her car, but Jena simply ushered her past her car. "It's just a short stroll to my place." Jena stated as she walked with Sophie down the two front steps past the car park. Sophie nodded without really thinking about it.

Sophie started shaking, then the tears she'd been holding at bay escaped her lashes and drizzled down her cheeks, but Jena missed that. The drive path from the office to her home had no lights.

Jena thought about phoning Caleb. She glanced at Sophie and noticed that Sophie's thumb was rubbing her eyes and was removing her tears. Without hesitation Jena draped an arm along the young girl's shoulders and gave her a hug.

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