Part 104

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"Jena, what is going on here?" Caleb asked softly, but the gentleness in his question went unnoticed by Jena. Caleb rubbed the back of his neck, "I am not leaving until you explain what is going on here?"

No response.

Not point asking about her grumpy mood. So Caleb took a moment, and altered his strategy. He said, "I understand, you are not going to charge George and Mel for their cake." That is why he was here. Sophie had no idea why Jena written off the cost for the cake and the way Sophie relayed the information, suggested there was more to this circumstances. And also suggested it had something to do with his family, in particular him. Sophie knew Caleb had attended the wedding and she asked if he had offended Jena at the wedding. Caleb ignored Jena's antics and asked, "Why?"

Jena smirked and shook her head. "Not your business." She then took a sip of her drink. She had no intention to explain her reasons. Especially as it concerns him. 

Again, he ignored her statement. "Damn it." He growled, "Why, Jena?" He rubbed his forehead, "I assume you know this is not the way to run a business for profit."

"I assumed you understood English. As I said, not your business!" She was not sure why she was baiting the tiger, but for some reason, arguing with him was a balm to her gloomy mood. She was busy storing his images in her heart and head. 

He narrowed his eyes. "I saw you at the reception and I saw the cake. I know people were talking about that cake, because it was beautiful and different. All positive compliments. So why are you not charging the Jakings family? This does not make any sense."

"Not your business." He was right, her cake was a success. She heard the guests' views and she was proud of her effort. It was her design, executed by her, something she had not done for a year. For the last year, her efforts were on the management aspect of her company: she dealt with the legal aspects and other administration, required by a thriving business. She was so pleased when she heard the compliments because it showed she had not lost her touch. A tad rusty for her self imposed standards, but good enough for the customers. And she was happy, until Caleb's girlfriend ruined her mood.

"You told Sophie not to invoice them for it. Why? Sophie said this was yours, you designed it and baked it, and iced it, she said you had not done that for ages and you were happy and everyone, Andrew, Mary and everyone at the bakery said it was a triumphant," He informed her, tipping his head to look into her eyes, "and I know for a fact that was mirrored by guests at the wedding. Including me. I thought it was modern and elegant. Beautiful." Like you, he added silently.

"As I said, not your business." As if she had no concerns. But that event created this gloomy mood. She was having difficulties to offload her mood. She has tried exercise, opted to work from home, and immersed herself in a new hobby, knitting, but she could not offload this mood. Because what happened at the party, followed by his girlfriend's statement at the Jakings' wedding event, had all but stripped her of her confidence.

He was tempted to shake her, but knew that would not help the situation. He kept his voice low and said, "The question is why you have not invoiced them for the cake. Sophie thinks something happened at the wedding, and she gave the impression that it has something to do with me! So what happened, Jena?"

"Why would you think it has something to do with you?" She muttered.

Caleb poked his tongue into his cheek, took another look at her, and said quietly, "Did I miss something at the wedding?" She looked really glum. And for some reason, he was certain it had something to do with him.

She snorted and did not mean to reveal anything, but she asked with sarcasm, "Didn't your date tell you?" She glared at him in mounting outrage. She was also not happy when her sarcasm muffled her logic. This was the problem. Her mood was a chink in her wall. She did not mean to alert him to the crux of this matter. In any case, sarcasm is not part of her normal character.

He planted his elbows on his thighs, linked his fingers formed an intertwined clench between his hands, and planted his chin his intertwined fists. "About what? And if it has something to do with my date, then obvious Sophie was right." He wanted to know for certain. "By the way, who? Exactly?" His eyes tracked over her face, and acknowledged her attitude was different today. He associated her with a spark in her eyes, and that spark was missing today.

She took a sip, pretending to search her mind, while she knew his date's name. Now that she gave him a clue, she felt she had no options, she mumbled, "Julie, or was it Julia, or something similar." Of course she knew her name. It was engraved in her mind.

"Julie." Seconds elapsed. Caleb reviewed his memory of the wedding. He remembered thatJulie was talking to Jena. And at that moment, he assumed Julie was talking about the cake. But when Julie returned, she complained about Jena! "I saw you talking to her." Jena said nothing. Caleb narrowed his eyes, because he remembered what Julie said. "I was pretty sure that you have not met Julie before, so I asked her about your conversation." Not actually true. Julie could not contain her petulance or her fury when she told him about her experience with Jena. He glanced over at Jena and said, "She said you told her she was in your way!" At the time, he chuckled, as it did not sound like Jena, and his chuckle annoyed Julie. But in any case, Caleb ignored Julie's pout when he dismissed her complaint.

Caleb's opinion was contradicted by Jena when she said, "True." She took a sip and looked away. She was not going to tell him anything about this. It was embarrassing.

"What you told her that? That she was in your way? Really?" The placatory tone was lost on her, "I do not believe that. That is not you!" Again he scowled then narrowed his eyes. "What happened?" Caleb thought he knew Jena, and what he knew did not match this debacle.


He narrowed his eyes, knowing she was trying to scupper this inquisition.  "What happened at the reception?"

"Ask your date." She said bluntly. Caleb watched her eyes, and it was interesting to see her mood was moving, from gloomy to frustration and fury. Jena put her glass down. "Now that you are here, can I ask you a question?"

He tipped his head to the side, "About?"

"Why do you think I gave your sister a job?" 

He frowned by the change in the conversation. He thought about the question for a long time before answering. He shrugged, "You were sorry for her, and me!"

"You?" She shook her head.

"Yes. You were sorry for me!" Caleb smiled with deprecation.

Jena snorted. "Not sure how you reached that conclusion, Mr Harland!"

"You recognised the fact my sister needed a job, you knew she had never worked. So, yes, I would say, you have compassion. You demonstrated compassion and kindness, actually, every single time we met. You ooze compassion and kindness because it is part of your makeup."

She blinked. "Kindness?"

"Yes, you understood she needed to work.  She told you her engagement was cancelled and you showed compassion. And your generosity, when in reality you did not need workers, you gave her job."

"Part time, and short term." Jena corrected.

"Yes. We know. But we also know, and you can ask my parents and Isaac for confirmation, that Sophie has blossomed working for your outfit! She is so happy. And has, via osmosis, modelling your compassion and empathy! The first thing she said to me today, when she saw me, she said she was worried about you! That is not normal for Sophie, normally she would never clocked that!"

Of course she had not explained the situation with Sophie, but she had discussed the problem with the rest in her group. And between the team, they thought the best option would be if Jena took a back seat at the moment until this hullabaloo becomes history.

"Me? Me? She is worried about me?" Jena sighed.

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