Part 82

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The following morning, Sophie arrived bright eyed and bushy tailed, ready for work. Jena showed her how to work the phone, explained how their booking system worked, and explained that there was a few filing tasks that she could do.

Jena hung around and watched as Sophie handled a couple of queries on the phone and also watched Sophie when she responded to existing clients at the office. Sophie was in her element. She may not have had any prior experience, but her social skills were good, and she took note of the advice she'd been given.

So after half an hour, Jena went off to help Mary with a particularly challenging cake.

They all stopped for lunch, and though the phones tended to run hot during that time, as people used their own lunch break to contact By Design, between the existing team and Sophie, they had all managed to handle things. After lunch, Sally headed out to visit Andrew. Jena had been earlier that morning and had reported back that he was finding it tough. She knew exactly what he was going through, given she'd gone through pretty much the same thing two years ago. But her team were a tight knit group and she knew that between them they would be there for Andrew.

Sophie left around 2.30, still excited about working. She said she would come earlier the next day. Jena vetoed that. She explained they could not afford to pay her for additional hours. Sophie offered to work for free. Jena vetoed that too.

"So how was it?" Caleb asked his sister as they sat down to eat with their parents and Isaac, having met up at one of the nicest restaurants in Wellington.

"It was great." Sophie beamed. "Jena's team is wonderful." She mulled aloud. "They're like a little family rather than workers. It was nice being there."

"What did you do?" Amanda asked.

"Answered the phone. Took messages. Checked up on progress of various cakes for various clients. Took bookings for new appointments. Made coffee for people who came to the office. Did a bit of filing. That was my least favourite bit. I know it sounds boring, but it wasn't. That office is a hive. Busy bees!"

"And you're back tomorrow for more of the same?" Amanda could see that her daughter was delighted about her work-placement.

Sophie nodded happily. "Yes. Jena said it might be even up to a month. Is that great?"

"A month?" Amanda asked.

Sophie nodded, her eyes twinkled with happiness. "Mum, today was, well, just amazing.  Busy, but you don't get lost in the chaos. Well, not chaos, just busy."

"And you think you will be there for a month?"

"Well, not sure actually. But Andrew, the guy I'm standing in for, his mother has liver cancer and is in the final stage. That is why he is off. Possible for a month. I have met him, and the fact he was dealing with that, his mother's cancer, while I had my meltdown." She sighed, "I am selfish. Always thinking about me. Today, I realised that I have to park my ego. Everyone working at the office has so much on their plates and despite that, you could see, in their actions, their words, was about everyone." She bridged her fingers, and glanced at her family "I realised, By Design is run by family."

"Family? I thought Ms Silva is an orphan." Isaac frowned. "You said her grandmother died two years ago, and Caleb said she has a cousin, but he was not involved in the baking business."

"I meant, the group at By Design, are practically family. You know they all took it in turns to go see Andrew today. Jena went in the morning. Sally went at lunchtime. The other baker, Mary, was going at tea-time. And Mary and Sally brought food for Andrew. The icer said he would go after dinner."

Caleb's eyebrows rose "Icer?"

"Yes. Matthew. He is deaf. He taught me two signs! His job is to ices the cakes! And he delivers the cakes with Jena, Mary or Sally! As I said, the people at By Design are family. Jena, Sally, Andrew, Mary, and Matthew, so different, and from diverse social layers.  Family in essence." Sophie explained and then frowned. "They all have their own challenging lives and yet they all made time for Andrew."

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