Part 107

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"Dad and I were going through the wedding's account yesterday, and Dad even commented that 'By Design' was not paid. And told him, no sign of the invoice from them. Dad then instructed his secretary to chase 'By Design'. All the other contractors were paid. All bills paid apart from 'By Design'! As I said there is nothing wrong with cake. We just needed the invoice, to settle. If we get it soon, we can close the wedding account and get on with our real business. You know organizing a wedding is like a devious business! Headaches, when people change their minds, like my sister who wanted roses instead of orchids at the tables at the last moment! Look, I am not sure what is going here, but we have no concerns about the wedding cake. The service was fine. The wedding cake was perfect. Her behaviour, not so good."

Caleb's eyes focused on Jena. Jena ignored that. "I see."

Despite trying to keep her feelings hidden, she focused her attention on the wine in her glass.

"Caleb, what is going on here?" Caleb could hear the frown in Mike's tone.

Caleb shrugged imperceptibly. "Dealing with a really stubborn woman!" Caleb said bluntly and again looked at Jena. She berated herself silently. A shame she could not think of something pithy to say to Caleb. So she snorted!

Mike chuckled. "Sophie? I know she is working for 'By Design'. I guess she forgot to post the invoice..."

Caleb shook his head, "Not Sophie. She is an amateur at pig-headedness!"

Mike laughed. "That leaves Julie or Ms Silva?"

"The latter!" Caleb muttered beneath his breath but Jena and Mike heard it.

Jena rolled her eyes but Mike laughed. "Great, can you remind Sophie and ask her to chase her boss, for the invoice!"

He retorted on automatic pilot, "Ah, you might have a problem, Mike!"


"Because I know she will not invoice you for the cake!"

"How do you know that? Did Sophie tell you?"

"No. I got it from the horse mouth!" He looked at the 'horse' and she rolled eyes.

"What?" Mike asked.

"Jena told Sophie to cancel the invoice." His eyes held disapproval. Jena rolled her eyes and just sipped her wine. It was like being on a rollercoaster. The highs when he defended her, and the lows when he berated her with his eyes.

"Cancel the invoice?"


"As you said, have you checked with Ms Silva, perhaps Sophie misunderstood..."

"Like you, I just checked with Jena...."

"Ah, you are with her at the moment!" Mike frowned at his phone. "Assuming she has heard our conversation just now."

"She is sitting close. So, yes, she probably heard snippets." Caleb announced and fortunately for him he could not see his friend's surprised face! Mike's eyes and mouth went wide. Caleb continued, "A few minutes ago, Jena confirmed she will not charge you for the cake."

"Why?" Mike brows furrowed. He thought the best thing to do is to talk to her. "Can I talk to her?"

"Sure, I will leave it with you to sort out." Caleb remarked, a wealth of meaning in his next statement, "But I should warn you, Jena is bloody obstinate!"

With a grin, Caleb handed the phone to Jena. Jena muttered beneath her breath and gave Caleb a pointed look but took the phone.

"Ms Silva, Mike."

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