My jaw dropped.
Kaguya attacked Naruto and Sasuke with her long hair, the two putting up a good fight. While the two of them caught their breaths, Kagura activated her Byakugan. She must have noticed that Naruto and Sasuke were the reincarnations of her grandchildren.
"What are your intentions?" Kakashi Sensei was the only one who dared to ask that question.
"It's futile to speak to you about it when all you do is tamper with chakra without knowing its true meaning," Kaguya dismissed us.
I thought that was rather rude of her.
"This place – this land – is my precious nursery. This means I cannot let it be damaged any further, so let us put an end to all this fighting".
I looked at her in confusion. Before any of us could ask her what she meant, she teleported us to this place that looked like the inside of a volcano.
And before I could realize, we were falling. Straight towards the lava below.
Sasuke saved himself by summoning Garuda – a hawk - to fly on it, then had Garuda catch Naruto. I grabbed Sakura and Kakashi Sensei – who grabbed Obito – and teleported us to a ledge. Thanks to this Rinnegan, I didn't need a teleportation formula to teleport.
As we were recovering, the ledge broke and we were falling again. Before I could teleport us to another ledge, Naruto caught us with a chakra arm.
Kaguya seized the moment by shooting hair needles at the boys. Sasuke activated Susanoo, blocking most of the hair needles, but a few struck Garuda's chakra points, causing us all to fall.
Naruto managed to activate his flight ability and caught us with chakra arms. He gave us to his clone so he and Sasuke could focus on Kaguya.
Kaguya released a wave of chakra fists. Naruto managed to briefly counter her attack, but was overpowered, however, it created an opening for Sasuke to attack with his Susanoo. Kaguya countered his attack, shattering Susanoo. After Sasuke teleported to Naruto, Naruto created a floating platform from a Truth-Seeking Ball for Sasuke.
I looked around. Suddenly, I noticed a higher ledge. "Naruto, over there!" I grabbed his attention.
It didn't take long for him to see what I was signalling at. He floated over to the ledge and set us down.
I looked over to see Kaguya holding a paralysed Naruto and Sasuke and Black Zetsu absorbing them and their chakra.
I teleported just above them and pulled out my sword. I shifted so I was right above the middle of them. As I got closer, I swung my sword, slicing through the part of Black Zetsu connecting Kaguya to my friends. This caused Kaguya to be temporarily distracted, allowing Sasuke and Naruto to break free. As I passed them, I teleported to Sasuke's platform.
As my feet hit the platform, the sensation was so different that I lost my balance and fell onto Sasuke, him putting his arms around me to steady me.
Still in his arms, I made the mistake of looking down and shifted closer to Sasuke.
I know, it's weird! A ninja being afraid of heights. Or maybe it's the lava I was afraid of.
He rolled his eyes at my expression and helped me stand up straight. "You need to go back to Kakashi and Sakura," he ordered me.
I scoffed. "I save your life and this is how you repay me?" He didn't budge. "Not gonna happen".
"This isn't a game!"
"Believe me, I know that! This is war, and I'm the leader of the Allied Shinobi Forces. This is as much my fight as it is yours. And as your superior, I command you to let me fight by your side".
He raised an eyebrow. "I'm not a member of your little army".
I waved my finger in front of him. "You are fighting with the Allied Shinobi Forces, are you not? Believe it or not, that indirectly makes you a part of 'my little army'. Which means YOU answer to ME".
I kept my eyes locked on his. I refused to give in. I refused to waver. I would NOT lose.
He opened his mouth and then closed it, as though he didn't know what to say. It seemed I had won this.
I smirked when I saw the resignation in his eyes and finally turned back to Kaguya. "Now if you don't mind, I would like to end this war before the end of the day. After all, we have a celebration to get to". I gave Naruto a wink. His eyes widened, almost as though he didn't expect me to remember what tomorrow was.
"We need to create an opening so we can launch the sealing Jutsu," Sasuke brought us back to the matter at hand.
Naruto nodded. "I know, and the only thing that'll work... is that Jutsu".
I turned to him in confusion. What Jutsu could he be talking about? Rasengan? Rasenshuriken? That wouldn't work on Kaguya, though.
It seemed he had forgotten so I decided to remind him. "We need to remember that Kaguya can absorb chakra, so that doesn't leave us many options".
"Just hear me out, okay?" Neither of us spoke. "I've been practicing a Jutsu, I don't think this is one that Kaguya can absorb". That just made me even more confused, but it definitely piqued my interest. "I've been secretly practicing it even more than the Rasengan. It's worth giving it a shot, isn't it?" I nodded and we prepared to move.
Sasuke engulfed Kaguya in Amaterasu while Naruto got his Jutsu ready. As soon as she absorbed it, there was a puff of smoke. Emerging from that smoke were a dozen naked men, all going straight for Kaguya.

An Itachi Fanfiction
FanfictionLife has never been easy for the daughter of Orochimaru, and neither has being in an arranged marriage with the very man that murdered her clan. Life wasn't so bad though. After all, she had her best friend and the only other clan survivor to suppor...