Pain's Assault

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The next day, I was once again called to the Hokage's office. I opened the door to find Aunty Tsunade, Shizune and Shikamaru all waiting for me. "Before Jiraiya died, he left a message," Aunty Tsunade explained. She handed me a photo.

I grabbed it and looked at the message with curiosity. It was comprised of a bunch of numbers. "It's in code," I muttered.

"Do you know what it means?" Aunty Tsunade asked me.

I shook my head. "No, I don't". I lifted my head up and looked at the others. "It was most likely written for someone that knows him really well. Before the day I volunteered for my mission, I hadn't seen him since I was three. Even though we worked together for said mission, we never really got a chance to just sit and talk. I'm not who the message was for". I turned to Shikamaru and a lady standing next to him, probably the woman in charge of decoding the message. "But I'll be more than happy to cooperate if need be. Let me know if you need my help". They nodded. With that, I was dismissed and then I went home. (A/N: I was going to put this in the last chapter, but I completely forgot).

It had been a couple of weeks since my return to the village and things were strangely peaceful. Over time, I had gone back to my Medical Ninjutsu training, Aunty Tsunade agreeing to train me in her free time. Even though I hadn't been searching, I still held on hope that Sasuke would return. Not long after Uncle Jiraiya's death, Naruto got an offer to learn Sage Jutsu at Mount Myōboku. He left as soon as he could, but not before figuring out what the message meant: "The real one's not among them". He still hadn't returned and everyone was patiently waiting for him.

Everyone was slowly getting used to the peacefulness, but I wasn't convinced. I knew that it was only a matter of time before either the Akatsuki or Taka made their move. When I wasn't doing my Medical Ninjutsu training and caring for myself, I was out in the fields training with Ninjutsu and Taijutsu.

One day, I was at home preparing to meet up with Sakura and Shikamaru to help with their investigation when I heard an explosion. I ran to my balcony to see Pain attacking the village. I quickly raced to the Hokage's office to wait for her orders.

I noticed her standing on the roof so I met her there. I jumped onto the roof but remained on my knees as she stood before me. "What are your orders?" I asked her.

"Go help Sakura at the hospital," she ordered. With a firm nod, I was off.

I was on my way to the hospital when I was stopped by one of the Pains. "Hello, Nagato".

"Where did you hear that name?" he asked, surprised.

I smirked. "You'd be surprised the things you find out when you're being held hostage".

"Where's Naruto Uzumaki?"

"Naruto? I haven't seen him since the last time I saw him".

"And when was that?" he asked with an eyebrow raised.

"The last time I saw him. That was definitely the time I saw him last". (A/N: Yes, I got that from Teen Wolf)

Eventually, he sighed. "I don't have time for your games".

I shrugged my shoulders. "Ok, then". With that, I jumped onto the roof and evaded him, leaving a clone behind to fight him.

I quickly got to the hospital and went straight to Sakura. "Where do you need me?"

"We've tied coloured ribbons on the patients and separated them by group: red for critical, yellow for if they can wait and green for minor injuries," she explained. I nodded, rushing to the first 'red' person I saw.

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