Five Kage Summit's Eve

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It had been a couple of weeks since the assault. Aunty Tsunade was in a coma because she used too much chakra trying to heal everyone. Almost the entire village was destroyed and everyone was doing their part to help with the repairs, but we all had to live in tents for the time being. I was helping with the repairs while at the same time, helping Shizune and Sakura tend to Aunty Tsunade.

One day, I was leaving my tent to go check on Aunty Tsunade when I was stopped by four ninja in masks. Immediately, I knew why they were here and who sent them. I groaned. "Seriously? Hasn't he given up yet?"

"Lord Danzo wants you dead," one of them spoke.

I rolled my eyes. "Tell me something I don't know". With that, they attacked. Apparently, they weren't very formidable because, in less than 5 minutes, they were down. I walked up to one of them. "Don't worry, I won't kill you, mainly because I want to stay in the village. But also because I want you to deliver a message to this leader of yours".

"And what's that?"

I leaned into his ear as I whispered my next words. "The outcome of this fight". With that, I walked away.

The next day, I was in my tent again when a shadow appeared just outside. Curious, I opened the flap to see another ANBU kneeling in front of me. Before I could say anything, he spoke. "(Y/N) Uchiha, Lord Danzo wishes to see you".

I thought it was a little weird, so I let him lead me to Danzo's tent. I chose not to bring my sword because if I did, I might just run him through. When I arrived, he was sitting down like some sort of king. It was an effort not to roll my eyes. Instead, I gritted my teeth and gave a forced smile. "You wanted to see me?"

"Your presence has been requested at the Five Kage Summit". My eyes widened in disbelief. I had been asked to attend the Five Kage Summit? Me? A lowly Uchiha?

I opened and such my mouth a number of times, trying to think of what to say. Eventually, I settled on the question I most wanted to ask. "By whom?"

"The Raikage. Apparently, he's interested in the information you've managed to gather on the Akatsuki and Sasuke Uchiha," he informed me. "We leave in a couple of days". I nodded. I turned around to leave when he said something that made me stop in my tracks. "One more thing, the village has approved a request to eliminate Sasuke. He has joined the Akatsuki and attacked the Hidden Cloud to capture the Eight-Tails".

I clenched my fists and turned around to face Danzo. "Do you know why Sasuke wants to destroy this village? It's because you orchestrated the Uchiha massacre and sent his older brother, my husband, into a lifetime of misery!"

"I did what I had to in order to prevent the destruction of the village," he defended.

I scoffed. "Because they were planning a coup? They did that because they were treated unfairly. You sent them to the outskirts of the village so they could be monitored". He looked surprised. "Yeah, I know everything, and so does Sasuke. Only I know more than he does. He only knows what Madara told him. Unlike me, he didn't see Itachi's memories, all the sacrifices he made for this village. That's why he's doing this". I started to walk away when I remembered something. "By the way, you're lucky I haven't killed you yet, after what you did to my mother". Then I walked away, leaving him with his thoughts.

I ran straight to Naruto and Sakura. I finally found them with Kiba, Akamaru and Kakashi Sensei. Before I could tell them what happened, they beat me to it. "Sasuke's been approved for elimination!" Naruto exclaimed.

"I know, I was just with Danzo. He told me everything". Their eyes widened. "I told you that he joined the Akatsuki. Apparently, they captured the Eight-Tails Jinchūriki".

"No, Sasuke wouldn't do this," Naruto denied.

I clenched my fists. "You seem to forget that Sasuke isn't the same person that you once knew! He's changed! You can't just expect things to go back to the way they were, it's just impossible. Why is it so hard to believe that he's changed? I don't think there's a single person standing her that hasn't changed within the past 3 years!"

After a moment of silence, Sakura stepped forward. "I'm going to go talk to Danzo".

Before she could take another step, Kakashi Sensei put his hand on her shoulder. "Sakura, wait. Barging into his office won't solve anything".

I stepped in front of her. "He's right, it won't work in our favour. Besides, I'm pretty sure he's always hated our team 7".


I thought for a moment. "Let's see here. We have a pure-blooded Uchiha who is literally known as 'The Last Survivor;' a half-Uchiha who just so happens to also be Orochimaru's daughter; the Nine-Tails Jinchūriki; and the student of Tsunade, who Danzo's always hated. We can't give him the satisfaction". I took a deep breath to calm down. "I've been asked to attend the Five Kage Summit. Maybe I can talk to the Raikage, try and convince him not to eliminate Sasuke. Besides, Gaara will be there, maybe he'll back me up".

After Kakashi Sensei and I convinced them not to harass Danzo, Naruto thought of another idea. "Then let's go talk to Sai, I'm sure he's back by now". He turned to me. "You coming?"

I combed a hand through my hair. "I would honestly love to help you dig up dirt on that man, but I have to go prepare for the summit. But I'll be at the shrine if you need me". Then I walked away.

I went to the Nakano shrine and dug up the binders from where I hid them behind the stone tablet. Then I went to work making copies for the Kages.

I had only been working for a couple of hours when my brain started to hurt, so I decided to go for a walk. I was walking around the village when I saw Naruto getting beaten up by ninja with Hidden Cloud headbands.

Concerned, I started running up to them when I heard Sasuke's name being mentioned. I stepped in between them and stood in front of Naruto protectively. "What do you think you're doing to my friend?"

"He said it's his fault Sasuke Uchiha became a rogue ninja and kidnapped Lord Killer Bee," the one with the red hair spoke up.

I turned around to face Naruto and let out an exasperated sigh. "You have got to stop blaming yourself! It was NOT your fault". I turned back around to face the Cloud ninja. "It was mine. Sasuke's my brother, he was my responsibility. I once made a promise to our mother that I would look after him and I would protect him, but I broke that promise when I left. I am deeply sorry for the grief Sasuke has caused you all. If you want to punish someone, punish me". She put her fist up to punch me, but I was able to stop her with just a few simple words. "But you're not going to do it".

"And why is that?" she asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Let me introduce myself, I'm (Y/N) Uchiha. The very same person your Raikage asked to attend the Five Kage Summit. What do you think his reaction will be if I show up to the Summit with bruises all over my body caused by you?" I smirked as she stepped back. "But as a token of goodwill, I'll give you all the information I have on Sasuke". I ignored Sakura and Naruto's shocked looks. Without taking my eyes off the ninja, I called out to Sakura. "Sakura, can you go down to the shrine and bring me the binder with the Uchiha crest on it? Any binder will do. You'll know the hiding place when you see it". I couldn't risk anyone finding out about the Nakano Shrine, especially with Sai right there.

So we waited for Sakura to return. While we were waiting, I started to heal Naruto. After only a few minutes, she returned with the correct binder. I took it off her and handed it to the Cloud Ninja. "This is all the information I've managed to gather during the time he's been a rogue ninja. I'll be giving the Raikage another copy". I waved at them as they left.

I turned back to Naruto and whacked him over the head. "Ow, what was that for?"

"You know what that was for!" I straightened up. "I'm gonna go prepare for the Summit". Then I left. I spent as much time as I could, creating the copies for the Summit, hardly leaving the Nakano Shrine in the process.

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