I let out a sigh of relief at Sasuke's answer. I turned to my father and gave him a pleading look. I didn't even need to speak for everyone to know what I was begging.
My father turned to me with a smile. "We shall accompany him".
I couldn't stop the smile that appeared on my face. everything was going as I'd hoped. If I was lucky, soon, both Sasuke and my father would return to the village.
After everything was sorted, we all left. Suigetsu was about to run away but was kicked by Karin.
As he lay on the floor, I leaned over him. "That's what you get for trying to run away, you coward," I mocked with an amused smirk on my face as I put my hand out to help him up.
Karin started angrily raving about how Sasuke left her for dead, until Sasuke said, "I'm sorry, Karin," and she was melting over him again.
I turned to her with a soft smile. "We're heading to the battlefield. You wanna come? If you do, then I'll forgive you for breaking out of the prison cell". She "reluctantly" agreed.
As we were preparing to leave, I caught Minato staring in the direction of the battlefield, looking deep in thought. I cautiously walked up to him. "Excited to meet him?"
I seemed to catch him off-guard. He must have really been distracted if I was able to surprise the Yellow Flash of the Leaf.
I turned to him with a soft smile. "Naruto's an amazing person. He's one of my best friends. I think you'd be really proud of him".
He glanced at the horizon. "I am". He turned to me with a smile. "I recognised you immediately. You remind me of your mother".
I turned to the horizon with darkened eyes. "I really wish people would stop comparing me to my parents". He gave me a confused look. "My mother was willing to betray the village; my father did betray the village. I don't want to be compared to rogue ninja like that, especially ones that were selfish enough to be willing to abandon their children".
Little did I know that my father was quietly listening to our conversation with guilt flowing through him at what he put his children through.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know". I could see the remorse in Minato's eyes. "It feels nice to be able to get to know you as an adult. After all, the last time I saw you, you had just been born".
I didn't know what to say to that, so I just smiled. His words were slightly comforting, as though he knew exactly what to say. I could see why the Third Hokage chose him over my father. His mere presence was comforting when it needed to be.
"Your mother and my wife were good friends," he continued.
I smiled as the image of my mother from the past appeared in my mind. "That doesn't surprise me". He turned to me. "My guardian, Mikoto Uchiha, was good friends with Lady Kushina, am I right? My mother was best friends with Aunty Mikoto so it makes sense that she'd also be friends with Lady Kushina".
He gave me a proud smile, telling me he was proud that I was able to figure all that out.
I gave him a bow before turning to walk away. "It was nice to meet you, Lord Fourth".
Our conversation over, I walked over to Karin, who was with Sasuke, Suigetsu, Jūgo and my father. "I need a favour".
I could see what she was thinking on her face. 'The audacity...!' However, one look from Sasuke had her hearing me out.
"There are some people that were injured pretty badly during the war. They need healing ASAP or they're going to die. I'd do it myself, but I've stepped away from the front lines for way too long. I need to get back there".
She crossed her arms and looked away angrily, but agreed.
I turned to my father. "I think you should go with her, dad".
He seemed to know exactly who I was talking about and why I asked him to go with her as he nodded.
I turned to Suigetsu and Jūgo. "You two are very lucky. You are the only ones here that actually get to choose where to go". I raised my eyebrow at them. "Do you want to go with Sasuke or Karin?"
Jūgo stepped towards Sasuke. "I'll follow Sasuke".
I nodded, not at all surprised, as I turned to Suigetsu.
Shaking from head-to-toe, he stepped towards Karin and my father. "Karin might need my help". I gave him a look that told him I wasn't fooled. Anyone could see that he just didn't want to get caught up in the fight.
I addressed them all this time. "What I'll do is I'll transport Suigetsu, Karin and dad first, then I'll come back and transport Sasuke and Jūgo to the front lines, where I'll stay".
With everything sorted, we all got ready to leave. Minato was supposed to be transporting Hiruzen and Tobirama was supposed to be transporting Hashirama while I transported everyone else.
I transported Karin, Suigetsu and my father to edge of the battlefield where there lay in front of us, the dying Kage.
"You didn't say I was going to be healing the Kage," Karin said, grumpily.
"Please Karin, she's my family," I begged, pointing to Aunty Tsunade, who had been cut in half.
"Why don't you heal her yourself?"
"I told you, I need to be there pretty soon". I gestured to the battlefield, where the explosions were originating from. I looked over there and saw how dire the situation was becoming. "I'm going to go now, but please, heal my friends". Then I teleported away.
"Took you long enough," Sasuke said once I had arrived. I looked around and saw that the Hokage were already gone.
I rolled my eyes and held out my hands for them to take. With that, we were off.
And we had managed to land right in the middle of a very surprised Allied Shinobi Forces.

An Itachi Fanfiction
FanfictionLife has never been easy for the daughter of Orochimaru, and neither has being in an arranged marriage with the very man that murdered her clan. Life wasn't so bad though. After all, she had her best friend and the only other clan survivor to suppor...