Shisui Uchiha

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I woke up in a dim room. I tried to move only to realise my hands and feet were bound to the chair I was sitting on. Right in front of me were Seiichi and Kabuto. "I have got to stop getting myself into these situations," I muttered.

Seiichi nodded, agreeing with me. "Yes, you do".

"Why didn't I sense you coming?" I asked Seiichi.

He walked up to me. "I'm able to conceal my chakra so that even someone as gifted in detecting chakra as you can't see me coming. You can thank Sasuke for this". I looked down sadly. Of course Sasuke was a part of this. Seiichi lifted my head up. "If it makes you feel any better, he had no idea. All he needed was a little nudge to go see you, to keep you distracted long enough for me to sneak up behind you".

I started moving around, trying to untie myself. I decided I needed to keep them distracted so they wouldn't know what I was doing, and the best way to do that was to keep them talking. "What do you want with me?" I demanded, glaring at them.

Kabuto stepped forward. "We want information". I raised an eyebrow. "We want the location of Shisui Uchiha's eyes".

My eyes widened. What could they possibly want with Shisui's eyes? I figured the best way to keep them from learning where Itachi and I hid them was to act like I didn't know anything.

I calmed my beating heart then looked at them with confusion in my eyes. "I thought Shisui destroyed his eyes right before he killed himself".

"We have reason to believe that not only did he not destroy his eyes, but he hid them," Seiichi informed me. "We figured that if he were to tell anyone, it'd be his best friend, your husband".

I looked at him sadly, trying to see if he had any humanity left. "You were on that list once, in case you forgot. You were friends with Shisui, and Itachi. In fact, you were best friends with Itachi. You were inseparable. Always competing for the top, you graduated at the same time. How could you do this to him? To them?"

He looked at me with no emotion. "I get go of such attachments long ago".

I raised an eyebrow and smirked, leaning as close as I could to him. "Oh really? Then how did you activate your Mangekyō Sharingan?"

His eyes widened. It was the most emotion I'd seen him show, and I got the feeling it was about to get worse.

My smirk grew. "One activates the Mangekyō Sharingan by experiencing the trauma of losing a loved one to death, right? Here's that I think happened: You activated your Sharingan the night mom died, the same night I did. You activated your Mangekyō Sharingan when Sasuke killed dad".

I had barely finished my deduction when he slapped me across the face. "You don't know me". He had anger written all over his face. It was working; I was riling him up so that he was so focused on me, he hadn't noticed that I had already untied my legs.

"I could say the same to you," I muttered. I turned to look the two of them in the eyes. "Look, if Itachi did know anything about Shisui's eyes, he didn't tell me. It shouldn't be that surprising, we kept secrets from each other all the time. I still haven't told him that I went to dad for a cure to his illness". They raised their eyebrows at me, so I decided to elaborate. "It was an agreement between us. Since I was working for the Hidden Leaf and he was a rogue ninja, I couldn't indulge all my secrets, and he understood. So we agreed that if it was absolutely necessary, we would keep certain things to ourselves. It should come as no surprise that he kept such a big secret from me".

Finally, I was able to fully untie myself and I decided it was time to go. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a war to prepare for". Then I teleported straight to the village.

3rd Person P.O.V

Seiichi and Kabuto's eyes widened when their prisoner disappeared right in front of them. Seiichi groaned in anger and threw the chair she was tied to across the room, causing it to smash into a million pieces. "How did she do that?!" Seiichi yelled in anger.

Kabuto thought for a moment. "She must have been keeping us distracted so she could untie herself and use the Fourth Hokage's Teleportation Jutsu to escape".

Seiichi took a deep breath to calm down. "Did you get what you were after?"

Kabuto smirked. "Not only was she lying about what she knew, but it appears she took Shisui's right eye before Danzo died and hid it within herself".

"So the only way to get that eye without her cooperation is to kill her and cut her open?" Seiichi smirked. "Then allow me to be the one to kill that brat".

(Y/N) P.O.V

I ran straight to Aunty Tsunade's room and slammed the doors open. I looked around and saw it was just Aunty Tsunade, Shizune and Sakura.

They froze when they saw me. "Where on earth have you been?!" Aunty Tsunade demanded.

"I was kidnapped!" I told them.

Their eyes widened. "By whom?"

"Seiichi and Kabuto. They wanted to know the location of Shisui Uchiha's eyes," I explained.

"Who's Shisui Uchiha?" Sakura asked. I forgot she was the only one who wasn't in the loop.

I turned to her. "Shisui Uchiha was one of the most powerful ninja in the clan. His Mangekyō Sharingan was unrivalled. He was a Jounin at age 10. He was also a close friend of mine and Itachi's".

Shizune changed the subject back to the matter at hand. "What did you tell them?"

"I told them I didn't know anything".

"But that's not true?" Aunty Tsunade assumed.

I smiled in confirmation. Before I could tell them anything else, I had to make sure no one was listening. I activated my Sharingan and scanned my surroundings.

Once I was sure we were safe, I deactivated my Sharingan and turned to face them again. "When I was seven, not long before the massacre, Shisui killed himself. He wrote a suicide note that apparently said he destroyed his eyes. I never read it, so I don't know what it says. Anyways, I know the truth. The truth is he fought with Danzo who stole his right eye. In order to prevent his remaining eye from falling into the wrong hands, he gave it to the only person he could trust. His best friend, my husband, Itachi".

"So Itachi's been keeping it safe this whole time?"

I nodded. "Before he died, Itachi placed Shisui's left eye in a very safe place that only he can get to. Right before Danzo died, I stole Shisui's right eye back and hid it within myself, all while letting Madara believe it was destroyed. I don't know how Kabuto and Seiichi got wind that Shisui had lied in his suicide note". After that, we spent the rest of the night trying to figure out what to do. We didn't get anywhere, though.

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