Sasuke vs Naruto

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Finally, I arrived. They were still facing off against each other. I was actually glad I didn't miss anything. I eventually found a good spot on the cliffside to watch the fight.

Naruto unleashed the Rasengan, a new Jutsu he'd learned, while Sasuke unleashed his Chidori respectively, causing each other to fly backwards. Activating his Cursed Seal, Sasuke used his enhanced speed and strength to overcome Naruto and strike him with a Chidori. Naruto managed to block the attack, but Sasuke tried to strangle Naruto, but the latter just threw him aside. Apparently, he was using the Nine-Tails' chakra.

With his enhanced abilities, Naruto was able to easily overwhelm Sasuke all the while trying to reason with him, only to have Sasuke reject his efforts. Despite this, Sasuke finally admitted they were fighting as equals. At this moment, Sasuke's Sharingan finally reached its third state, enabling him to predict Naruto's movements and once again turn the tables. Upset by Naruto's persistence, Sasuke knocked him unconscious with Peregrine Falcon Drop. The Nine-Tails gave Naruto even more of its chakra, creating, Naruto's one-tailed transformation, complete with the demon fox cloak that surrounds him. With one arm of the cloak, Naruto unleashed powerful short and long-range attacks, which Sasuke was unable to keep up with.

Sasuke increased his Cursed Seal of Heaven to Second State. Sasuke revealed that the location of their fight was the Final Valley, and forced the use of a third Chidori. Naruto created, using one hand and the demon fox cloak's chakra as a shell, the Demon Fox Rasengan. Sasuke's Chidori warped into the Flapping Chidori. The two ninja collided their attacks; Sasuke, planning to punch Naruto in the heart, missed and targeted the gut instead, while Naruto scratched his forehead protector. A black dome of energy formed around them, which eventually dissipated, revealing Sasuke the victor.

He knelt beside the unconscious Naruto. After a while, he looked up and we locked eyes. Then he left, to the Village Hidden in the Sound. I looked ahead of me and watched as Zetsu, a member of the Akatsuki, emerged from the Earth. He smiled at me before disappearing again.

Once I was sure he was gone, I jumped down to Naruto and immediately started healing him. While I was healing him, Kakashi Sensei arrived with Pakkun. I looked up at him with a sad expression, the expression telling him everything he needed to know. I looked down sadly as a tear trickled down my face. I still couldn't believe Sasuke would do this. This was probably how he felt when he found out I had left the village.

Once I had finished healing him, I stepped back, giving Kakashi Sensei enough room to take Naruto and leave. Once they were out of sight, I quickly wiped my tear and removed any expression from my face. I then disappeared.

I went straight to the hideout. I was late to the meeting though. I went straight to Itachi. "Everything alright?" he whispered to me when I reached him. (A/N: I know that in the anime, they were just projections, but I changed it slightly to suit my story).

I gave him a look that said 'yes, but he still left'.

"I'm sorry," he whispered. He then gave me a kiss on the cheek to comfort me. Then the meeting began.

"How long has it been since we've all been together like this?" Kisame asked when we were all together.

"7 years," Pain answered. "Not since Orochimaru left us". I clenched my fists at the mention of my father's name.

"And now Orochimaru has the Sharingan," Zetsu finished.

"Is that true Itachi?" Sasori asked. "Your little brother?"

We all turned to Itachi, who once again showed no emotion. "It's true," I answered for him. "I was there".

"Don't be impatient," Deidara said. "We'll deal with our old friend Orochimaru in time. We have all of three years to prepare, and we all know what we need to do to be ready, right?"

"Of course," Pain said. "No mistakes. Remember what we seek. Everything, including the Nine-Tailed Fox". With that, the meeting ended.

I was standing at the top of the stairs leading to the hideout with Itachi. "Are you alright?" He asked me.

I turned to him with a soft smile. "You already asked me that".

He shook his head. "I asked if everything was alright. This time, I'm asking about you".

I turned back towards the horizon with my fists clenched. "Sasuke left. This mission has become about more than just killing my father because now Sasuke's become involved. I will bring Sasuke home to the Hidden leaf, where he belongs". With that, I walked off with Sasori, who was now next to me.

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