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Hagoromo smiled at us. "Naruto, Sasuke, and the rest of us as well. You all did excellent work in saving the world". He turned to me. "Your job is not yet finished".

I nodded. "Yes, I know".

Sakura looked over at me. "What does he mean?"

"I'll fill you in later," I dismissed her. I didn't want Sasuke to know about the conversation I had with Hagoromo.

Hagoromo then turned to Kakashi Sensei. "Good job guiding everyone and making sure my mother was sealed away".

A moment later, Kakashi Sensei's Sharingan faded and Sakura rushed to catch him as he started to collapse. He gave me a nod of gratitude which I returned with a smile.

Sasuke rushed to Madara, only to be stopped by Hagoromo. We watched as Hashirama approached Madara for a final farewell.

After Madara died, Hagoromo announced, "I'll release the Jutsu, freeing the Five Kage and the reanimated shinobi".

After a bit of encouragement from his Tailed Beast, Naruto approached his father to finally say goodbye.

Naruto was at a loss for words, so Minato decided to make it easier for him. "Oh, that's right! There's something I've been meaning to tell you". At that moment, the sun appeared over the horizon, signalling the start of a new day. "Happy birthday, Naruto".

I practically jumped on him and placed my arm around his shoulders, almost knocking him off balance. "Happy birthday, Naruto!"

As Minato started to disappear, he turned to me. "Take care of him for me".

I nodded. "You can count on it, Lord Minato!"

He turned back to his son. "You truly have some special friends".

As his father completely disappeared, Naruto started crying. I hugged him tighter. We watched as the other reanimated shinobi vanished as well.

After they vanished, the tailed beasts scattered and went their separate ways. However, the Eight Tails decided to go back to Killer Bee and the Nine Tails decided to go back to Naruto.

Hagoromo then turned to Naruto and Sasuke. "All that's left is to undo the Infinite Tsukuyomi. Naruto possesses the chakra of all the tailed beasts, and Sasuke possesses the Rinnegan. If they both wield the signs simultaneously, the Jutsu will be undone".

We all looked to Sasuke as we awaited his response. I got a bad feeling when I saw his shadowy eyes. Eventually, he spoke and my fears were realised. "Yeah, alright. But before that, I'm executing the current Five Kage inside the Infinite Tsukuyomi". My eyes widened and a feeling of dread washed over me. We all gasped. "And you tailed beasts! I'm putting all of you under my control and eventually, I'll get rid of you as well". A moment later, they were all under Genjutsu.

"Is this what your current dream is?" Kakashi Sensei asked. "Are you saying that you're still seeking vengeance?"

Sasuke turned to him. "I admit, at one time all that I wanted was to seek vengeance and destruction, but now things are different. I want to destroy, but then I want to rebuild. A village without darkness, I'll reform the shinobi world".

"But you don't need to kill anyone to bring the village into light. We can do it together!" The look we gave me told me he wasn't buying it, so I decided to be honest about why I was so scared of his plan. "Please, Sasuke. My godmother is in there, my family! I don't have much of that left and I know that if you do this, not only will I lose her, but I'll also lose you!"

Completely ignoring my words, Sasuke activated the Catastrophic Planetary Devastation and the ground started crumbling.

'I have to stop him!' But as I tried to gain more chakra, I lost my strength again and felt my legs give way, Obito rushing to help me upright.

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