Konoha Crush

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Kakashi Sensei, who'd also managed to repel the Genjutsu, turned to us. "Release the Genjutsu and wake Naruto and Shikamaru". We turned and noticed that Naruto and Shikamaru were fast asleep. "This is the first A-rank assignment since the Land of Waves. Sasuke's chasing Gaara and the other Sand ninja. Release the Genjutsu, wake Naruto and Shikamaru and follow Sasuke". He then cut his finger on his kunai and did hand signs and a dog appeared.

We crawled over to Naruto and Shikamaru and did the correct hand sign. Naruto slowly woke up, but Shikamaru didn't even move a muscle. As we were trying to figure out what went wrong, I noticed something. "Don't worry, I know just how to wake him". I crawled next to him and started violently shaking him. "Wake up!" I slapped him in the face and he practically jumped up.

He was rubbing the place where I'd slapped him and giving me a death stare. I just giggled. After that, Kakashi Sensei relayed the information about the mission to Naruto and Shikamaru, and then we left.

As we were running through the forest the dog, Pakkun, could sense that we were being followed by around nine Sound ninja. We realised that we might need someone to stay back and distract them while we went ahead to find Sasuke. While we were trying to figure out who would play the decoy, Shikamaru volunteered himself because of his Shadow Possession Jutsu. He jumped back while the rest of us kept going.

After what seemed like forever, we finally arrived to see Sasuke already fighting Gaara. It seemed Gaara had already started the beast transformation Temari and Kankurō told me about. I jumped over to Sasuke, who was lying on a branch and appeared to have lost control of his curse mark. Sakura tried to protect him, but Gaara attacked her and tied her to a tree, knocking her out.

I stepped in front of Sasuke. "Gaara, please. I know you, you're not a monster. You don't have to do this". In response he attacked me in the same way as Sakura, only despite being tied to a tree, I was still conscious and able to see what was going on around me.

Suddenly, Naruto did some hand signs and a frog appeared. 'No fair! When did he learn the Summoning Jutsu?!' Gaara threw sand shuriken at Naruto, who managed to save the frog just in time.

Naruto attacked Gaara using his shadow clones and attacked with a kunai and explosive tag, damaging Gaara's form. Naruto produced way too many shadow clones, which all attacked Gaara at once. Gaara responded by fully transforming and attempting to crush Naruto, but he escaped by summoning the Chief Toad. The toad identified Gaara's form as Shukaku of the Sand and agreed to fight alongside Naruto, quickly severing Shukaku's right arm. Emerging from Shukaku's head, Gaara fell asleep, handing over control to Shukaku and drastically increasing its power. The Chief Toad tried to grab hold of Shukaku. Charging toward Shukaku, Naruto managed to transform them just in time, becoming the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox. My eyes widened as I saw that. While the Chief Toad held Shukaku in place, Naruto woke Gaara up by delivering a hard punch in order for Gaara to suppress Shukaku. Naruto and Gaara leapt at each other, and Naruto succeeded in delivering the finishing blow.

As I watched the two fall to the floor, I realised it was time to act. I transformed into a snake and slithered out of the sand binding me to that tree. As I landed on the tree branch below, I transformed back. I jumped up to the tree Sakura was on and cut the sand, freeing her. I caught her as she fell and jumped to the branch Sasuke was on. I laid her down then turned to Sasuke. "Take care of her," I said to him before I jumped down onto the ground.

I ran to where Gaara and Naruto were lying on the ground. I knelt beside Gaara and started healing him. He turned to look at me with surprise. "But, why? I tried to kill you," he noted, barely hiding his surprise.

I smiled softly at him. "I told you before, you're not a monster".

Once he was healed, I got up and walked to Naruto. I knelt down beside him and started healing him. I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "I don't even want to talk about how you got such an amazing teacher". He just laughed. Before Naruto, there was only one person I knew that could summon the Chief Toad: Uncle Jiraiya. After that, I went back to Sasuke and Sakura and we all went back to the village together.

It turned out the Third Hokage had died, killed by my father. That was just another reason to want revenge on him. The whole village went to his funeral to mourn together.

3rd person P.O.V

Meanwhile, two people in distinctive black robes with red clouds stood at the edge of the Village Hidden in the Leaves overlooking everything.

"Well it survived, but barely," the man with the large sword pointed out. "The damage is extensive".

"Not long ago, it was at the height of its glory," the man with the distinctive red eyes agreed. "Look at it now".

"You sound almost sad. Don't tell me you still have feelings for your old home".

"No, none".

"What about that pretty fiancé of yours?" The man with the sword turned to the man next to him with a large grin.

The Uchiha turned to his former home, unfazed by his partner's teasing. '(Y/N)'.

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