When You Curse Someone, You Dig Your Own Grave

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I opened the door to see Itachi already there. I rushed up to him and gave him a hug. "How'd it go?" he asked me. He was obviously talking about hunting my father as he didn't know what I'd really been up to.

I feigned a frown. "It was a dead-end," I lied.

"Are you going to try again?"

I shook my head. "I think it's time to stop. The opportunity to avenge my mother and brother will present itself when the time is right. Until then, all I can really do is wait. Besides, I need to focus my attention on my mission and the Tailed Beasts".

After a moment, I noticed he looked troubled. "What is it?" I asked him.

"It's Asuma, he's been killed". I felt like the wind had been knocked out of me. I collapsed onto my knees as tears started streaming down my face, Itachi comforting me.

'Asuma Sensei'. He wasn't my teacher, but he was just as important to me, and he was dead. "Who did this to him?" I asked, my voice dripping with anger.

"It was... Hidan," Itachi answered hesitantly.

"And where are they now?"

"They're fighting with the Leaf ninja right now". Without another word, I wiped my tears and headed for the door. "(Y/N)". I stopped and turned my head to look at him. "Don't do anything stupid".

"I won't," I replied as I headed out the door.

I arrived in the Nara forest to see Shikamaru talking with a tied up Hidan underground. I started walking over to them. I managed to catch Shikamaru as he was leaving. "Don't take too long," he said as he passed me.

"I won't," I replied. I walked up to Hidan with a smirk on my face. "Well, you know what they say. Cockiness only gets you killed. Hopefully, now you've learned your lesson".

"Shut up," he snapped. Suddenly, he perked up. "Hey, you can get me out of here!"

I looked at him confused. "Why would I do that?" His eyes widened. "It would kinda defeat the purpose of Shikamaru defeating you, don't you think?"

His surprised look was replaced with one of anger. "You're a traitor!"

I shrugged my shoulders. "Say it how you will, it makes no difference to me. Explaining this to you takes way too much effort that I just don't have". I turned serious and stormed up to him. "You killed someone I care about! You deserve to rot down here for all eternity". I then walked away without giving him the chance to say anything.

I found Shikamaru waiting outside. I watched as he threw a paper bomb in an effort to bury Hidan. "So when are you coming back to the village?" Shikamaru asked once he was done.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know, maybe when I've collected enough information on the Akatsuki. So soon, hopefully".

"Be careful," he said.

We stood in silence for a couple of seconds before I spoke up. "I'm sorry about Asuma Sensei. I would have gone to the funeral, but I was on a mission so I didn't find out about it until just now".

He shook his head. "It wasn't your fault. Besides, you couldn't have gone to the funeral, you would've gotten caught".

I raised an eyebrow at him. "You forget that I literally have the ability to transform into a snake. I would've been fine". I opened my mouth as say more when I sensed Sakura and Sai's chakra. I turned to the man in front of me. "I should get going before they see me with you. I'll see you soon, hopefully when I return to the village". I gave him one final wave before teleporting away.

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