Reliving the Past

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A while later, Ino was fixing Sakura's hair and everyone was doing their own thing while I sat in the corner alone, my mind swirling with thoughts about what had happened that day. All of a sudden, Sakura walked over to me and knelt in front of me. "You look like you have a lot on your mind. Sometimes talking about it can help". I knew that was her gentle way of telling me to tell everyone the truth.

By now, everyone was already staring at me. I knew there was no point in keeping it a secret with my father already in town. I took a deep breath. "My father's name is Orochimaru. He's an S-rank criminal. He was once a ninja of the Hidden Leaf before he went rogue. Both my parents were two of the Four Legendary Sannin, four of the strongest ninja to have ever lived in our village. My mother's name was Chiharu Uchiha". The clearing was filled with gasps at what that meant. "My father killed her.

"I was three. I remember waking up in the middle of the night after hearing a crashing sound coming from the entry hall. I got up to see what was going on and saw my father standing over my dead mother with the murder weapon in his hand. He almost killed me too but I was saved by my adopted father". I decided to leave out the part about Itachi being there as well. I knew talking about him would never lead to anything good. Besides, I didn't think Sasuke would appreciate me talking about his older brother.

"Killing my mother wasn't the only reason he became a criminal. He was caught doing illegal experiments on children. My older brother and I were two of those children. The thing with the experiments is not everyone survives. I did, but Seiichi didn't. He died just a few days before my mother.

"With the experiments came this". I opened my collar to reveal my curse mark. "It's called a curse mark, courtesy of my father. It zaps your chakra when you use it, but if you don't know how to control it, it can be fatal".

"And you don't?" Ino asked.

I gave her a soft smile. "I did, once". I looked down remembering all those times Itachi trained me to control my abilities. "But after not using them for so long, they went dormant. They must have reactivated when I came face-to-face with my father".

"You said your mother's name was Chiharu Uchiha. Does that make you an Uchiha as well?" Sakura asked.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I guess".

"Then why don't you have the last name? Or wear the crest?"

"I've never really considered myself to be a full-fledged Uchiha, especially since I was never accepted within the clan, with the exception of my adopted family and a close personal friend of ours".

"Was that close personal friend Sasuke?"

I looked at Sasuke with a smile as I said, "Sasuke was my adopted family. That man that saved me from my father was his father. My mother was close friends with his parents, so I've known Sasuke practically since the day I was born". With that, I ended my explanation. Everyone didn't really seem to mind my messed-up history.

After a while, Ino and her team left. After Sasuke, Naruto and I had recovered, so did we. Thanks to those Sound Ninja, we had both scrolls, so we just slowly made our way to the tower.

I had been a lot more distant since that day. Normally I would make it through the day with a big smile, no matter how fake, but I was too emotionally exhausted to do that, thanks to my father's appearance.

I was sitting by the creek when I let out a deep sigh. "That's a big sigh," I heard from behind me. I whirled around to see Sasuke. Without another word, he knelt down beside me with a bucket to get water. "Everyone's worried about you".

I just turned my head the other way as I replied, "I guess I'm just surprised at the impact he still has on me. It's been ten years, and it's still hard on me. I feel like I should've healed even just a little bit by now".

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