Chapter 28 - I Trust You

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Lizzie and Lily spend the whole week together in Lily's apartment. They don't do much and don't leave the apartment at all but they didn't mind. They basked in the calmness and each other's presence. Spending time together is something they didn't take for granted and savored every second.

Every day they would wake up and cuddle, not wanting to leave the comfort of their hold but having to when hunger made it impossible to not get up. They would cook breakfast and eat together. Then they would spend their time mostly doing thing separately but together in the same room, usually while holding hands or their legs entangled with each other. Lizzie would read and Lily would browse her phone or be on her laptop working. Lizzie would often get bored and bother Lily with kisses or needing attention, which Lily happy gave. They cooked lunch together and then would find a movie, do puzzles, play games, or chat and laugh until dinner in which they danced around in the kitchen and did their daily cooking lesson.

"Only two more days," Lizzie groans, distracting Lily for the third time this morning. "I only have two more days until my vacation is over and then it'll be right back to it."

"At least you still have a job," Lily tells her. "Joseph is sending me another batch of bad scripts."

"I'm sure they aren't that bad," Lizzie encouraged, walking up behind Lily and wrapping her arms around Lily's neck, hugging her from behind.

"They're not but it's the same thing over and over again," Lily huffs.

Lily has shared her displeasure with her agency, Joseph specifically, over the week and Lizzie could understand her frustration. When she's adamantly stated what she doesn't want and yet it's what she's offered time and time again.

"You mentioned your contract with them is up for renewal soon, right?" Lizzie asks. "Have you considered if you'll stick with them or switch? You can also be your own agent – I know a few actors who are and they have a lot more freedom."

"I've thought about it a lot," Lily sighs and leans back into Lily's touch. "Joseph has been with me from the start and I owe him a lot for how my career has shaped up to be. . ."


"But it's not what I want," Lily finishes. "I feel like I'm stagnating and I want to keep climbing."

"Then leave him," Lizzie says simply. "It's easier said than done, but I'm here to support you. For what whatever you decide, I'm here."

"Thank you," is all Lily can say before her mind spirals into the possibilities. Lizzie may not know it but her words are what matters the most to her and having her encouragement and support meant the world to her.

Seeing Lily has gone deep into thought, Lizzie decides to make her a cup of hot tea in hopes it would calm her. When it's all ready, she sets it down beside Lily's laptop and gives her an encouraging squeeze on the shoulder. Lily looks up at her with a thankful smile, but notices a red mark.

"Hey, wait," Lily says, grabbing her hand gently before she can escape. "What's this?" Lily touches the side of Lizzie's neck, close to her collar bone.

"What is it?" Lizzie asks, her hand flying up to where Lily is touching. Her face flashes of a distasteful expression – guilt? – before she steps back. She grabs her phone and turns on the camera to see a fading red mark on her collarbone. Swallowing hard, she says, "It must be a bug bite."

Lily isn't convinced. She stands from her seat and walks over to her, leaning down to get a better look.

"It's nothing, really," Lizzie says, attempting to step back but is unable to as she finds she's backed into a wall.

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