Chapter 80 - Die First

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Lizzie and Lily laid on the bed in Lizzie's trailer with their arms and legs tangled against each other.

They continuously whispered "I'm sorry" and "I love you" back and forth as they slowly, but surely fell back into the rhythm of their relationship before Lizzie ever met Joseph and was proposed the ultimatum. It was easy because they both were still fully, completely, wholly, absolutely in love with each other; fallen out of love wasn't even a thought.

After Lizzie shredded each piece of paper (twice), Lizzie had asked for the rest of the day for her mental health. The director was very accommodating and understanding. Lizzie wasn't in the best state of mind to put on her best performance and if she felt she needed time off, the director was happy to give it to her.

Lizzie did a great deal of crying into Lily's chest while Lily stroked her hair and whispered reassurances to her. She cried too, but silently. When Lizzie caught her, Lizzie wiped Lily's tears and kissed her repeatedly.

Lily was just happy to have Lizzie back.

After a while, well after the sun had set, Lily asked her what had happened with Joseph. Lizzie explained to her what had happened and the ultimatum that was proposed. She cried and continued to apologize but Lily just got more and more angry at her prior manager. She couldn't believe Lizzie was holding onto this secret and debating internally for months up until the end of last year.

A part of her was angry at Lizzie too. She hated that Lizzie kept that from her and struggled with it all on her own. She wished Lizzie had brought it to her but she could understand why Lizzie had done what she chose to do. She hated the thought that Lizzie went through such hardship when they should have solved the issue together.

The worst part was the lying and betrayal. But Lily couldn't hate Lizzie for that – she could never hate Lizzie despite her better judgment.

"Did you send Scarlett to spy on me?" Lizzie asks, fiddling with one of the drawstrings on the collar of Lily's hoodie. Lily had taken off her coat, but she wore a hoodie to stay comfy on the plane and for the cold weather in London.

"No, I didn't even know Scarlett was in London until yesterday," Lily says with a frown. "Why would you think that?"

Lizzie shrugs as she hides her face into Lily's neck. "She was just being weird."

"Weird as in being a good friend and checking up on you?"

"Yes, it was extremely weird," Lizzie states.

Lily chuckles and kisses the top of Lizzie's head. "That's crazy. Very suspicious."

"You did mention she texted you," Lizzie defends.

"I do text my friends," Lily replies. "She mentioned she was staying with you for a few days while you were filming so I knew she would know where you were."

Lizzie hums in understanding. A moment of silence passes them and a thought crosses her mind. A terrible, jealous filled thought that made her frown. The thought of Lily showing up on Raegan's instagram stirred something in her below that she didn't like. They weren't together – Lizzie made sure of it – but it didn't make her feel any better assuming Lily and her ex were hanging around in her absence.

"What's that pretty little head overthinking about now?" Lily coos, kissing between Lizzie's eyebrows until they parted.

"It's nothing," Lizzie lies, clutching onto Lily's hoodie tighter.

"More lying?" Lily frowns.

Lizzie sighs. "I was thinking about you and Raegan. I saw you tagged on her Instagram post."

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