Chapter 71 - Time's Up

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Lily spent the rest of the night playing with Pickle. He's an energetic little puppy and she instantly fell in love. He may have the good looks and charm of Lizzie but he definitely has the personality and playfulness of Lily.

Pickle thinks he's a big dog and unstoppable. He jumps off the couch even though it's three times his height. Lily is there to catch him but she swears he tries to jump off when she's not looking. He tackles Lily when she's laying on the floor playing with him and the two women can tell he relishes in Lily's exaggerated groans. He bites and tugs on Lily's pants or socks. Pickle is just a little ball of energy.

After two hours of playing with the little thing, he started to tire out even though he refused to let go and succumb to slumber. His eyes would dropped and his head would tilt over and he would start to fall but catch himself.

With a chuckle, Lily picks him up in her arms and gives little kisses on his head. "Time for bed, my little Pickle."

Lily didn't know how Lizzie did it or when she did, but she had everything set up in the guess room for the new addition to their family. She said he had to sleep in his crate, at least for the first few months until he got too big. It would teach him that is his space and set boundaries to know he wasn't allowed in their bed.

Lily did as Lizzie asked, but had full intention to have Pickles end up in their bed every night when he got big enough. What would be better than snuggling the love of your life and your big fluffy baby? Lily couldn't think of anything better...maybe except kids.

Lizzie didn't want to admit it, but watching Lily with Pickle gave her thoughts of Lily and a kid. Lily would be a great mom. She's fun, caring, careful, and watchful. Most of all, she's so loving.

It hurt her heart thinking about starting a family with Lily and then having to sacrifice between Lily's career and Lily herself.

It took Lily ten minutes before she finally allowed herself be pulled away from Pickle. He was already knocked out in his crate but Lily sat there for a while, rubbing his ear and watched him sleep.

"I love him," Lily whispers as Lizzie shuts the guest room door and leads her to their bedroom.

"I knew you would," Lizzie grins, pulling her in by the waist. "Good present?"

"The best present," Lily replies and leans in to give her a thankful kiss.

Lizzie hums in appreciation and pulls back, a hand on Lily's chest to stop her from chasing her lips. Smirking, Lizzie says, "That's not all your presents. Go wash up and I'll be ready when you're done."

"More?" Lily questions. Biting her lip, Lizzie nods. "I won't complain about more presents," she says and backs out of the bedroom. She scurries quickly to the bathroom, washing up quickly, and then returns to the bedroom. Her mouth hangs open at the sight.

Lizzie stands with a giant white bow around her bare chest and gift wrapping paper around her waist in a make-shift skirt. Her shoulders, arms, stomach, and legs are completely bare. Lizzie doesn't shy away from Lily's gaze as she takes her body from top to bottom, Lily's eyes darkening as she licks her lips.

"Come unwrap your present," Lizzie says seductively.

"I shouldn't," Lily says causing Lizzie to drown. "We're going to wake Pickle."

Lizzie rolls her eyes but red slowly creeps up on her cheeks. The thought of what they would be doing in just a few moments burned her cheeks and the space between her legs.

"Then I can return it," Lizzie retorts.

"And where would you return yourself?" Lily asks, closing the distance between them in two long strides. She leans down, her mouth just barely skimming against Lizzie's ear. "When you belong to me?" Then her mouth attaches itself to Lizzie's ear, the warmth and wet less making Lizzie involuntarily moan.

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