Chapter 64 - Trick or Treat

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Lily helped clean up and insisted on doing it. After some debate, Jarnie gave up with a warm look that Lily could decipher and let her be. Instead, Jarnie cleaned the dining table and started wrapping up leftovers.

Lizzie and Ashley stood around the kitchen, helping but also not helping too much, as they held a conversation.

"So Lily is a dinosaur," Ashley says.

"Lily-saurous," Lily piques up at the mention of her.

"So what are you?" Ashley asks Lizzie, which earns a face palm from the younger sister. Lizzie had been hoping that it wouldn't come up. Her outfit, the one that Lily picked out, wasn't horrible at all and she hoped people would just think she didn't have a costume. "I mean, I can't imagine Lily coming as a literal dinosaur and you coming in as...nothing."

Lily looks over her shoulder at them, pausing her task just for a moment, to grin at them.

"Please don't make me say it," Lizzie begs her girlfriend.

"You have to!" Lily says, excitement filling her tone.

With a sigh, Lizzie looks down and mutters, "An asteroid."

"What?" Ashley asks, cocking her head to hear her.

"A rock," Lizzie answers, a little louder this time.

"A...rock?" Ashley questions.

"Yes, a rock," Lizzie states, this time stating it adamantly and crossing her arms over her chest. "I'm the rock that comes down to earth and kills all the dinosaurs."

"You don't look like a rock," Ashley comments. "I mean the colors...sure? Maybe your hard head resembles a rock, but wasn't the asteroid you know...on fire?"

"Yeah Lizzie, wasn't it on fire?" Lily grins, eyes shining with mischief and anticipation.

"Please don't make me say it," Lizzie groans.

"We practiced!" Lily says, almost whining.

Grumbling a few incoherent swear words, she takes a deep breath and says, quite confidently, "I'm a smoking hot rock."

"A smoking hot rock?" Ashley asks, not quite believing her.

"A smoking hot rock!" Lily confirms. Her back is to them so they couldn't see her silent laughter and her goofy grin that Lizzie knew she had.

"Is it because –"

"Because she's smoking hot!" Lily laughs.

"Oh," is all Ashley says, completely and wholeheartedly not impressed.

"Yeah, I'm a rock," Lizzie concludes.

"I think..." Ashley says, starting to back away, "MK would really like to know this new piece of information," and then bolts out of the kitchen to search for her twin.

"No! She's never going to let me live it down!" Lizzie shouts and runs after her, leaving Lily hunched over into the sink, dying of laughter.

In the end, MK did find out and rumor spread like wildfire. Lizzie's siblings teased her for the rest of the night and their friends were polite enough not to but they didn't hide their snickers and smiles. It didn't matter, Lizzie decided, because Lily enjoyed it and laughed with everyone every time it was mentioned. So she let them continue to tease her and she smiled every time Lily smiled.

They joined everyone back in the living room, settling in after dinner, before they headed out to trick or treat.

They turned off the lights and told scary stories to each other in the spirit of Halloween. They took turns but eventually got bored of it as the stories weren't very interesting and decided to talk about their fears instead.

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