Chapter 60 - 25

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Lizzie had been looped into a huge group chat that Callie started to plan for Lily's birthday. They essentially only had a day to plan it since her birthday is literally the next day but it turns out Callie is a good planner and very efficient too.

The group chat that she was invited to had nearly a hundred people and she barely knew half of them. Thankfully for her, she didn't have to but it is a crushing feeling seeing so many people not being able to make it. Especially when it was such short notice and most people wanted to spend time with their family for the end of Thanksgiving break. It made her wonder if this was a common thing where Lily didn't have many people spend time with her for her birthday because of that.

By the end of it, only a dozen or so people could make it who were available and in the state. Others were out of the state, out of the country, said it was too short notice, or those that wanted to spend time with their own families.

Most of the people that would be able to make it, Lizzie did know, which is a relief. It includes a lot of the Marvel cast, Hailee, and then a few non-celebrity friends who were in for a surprise at the event.

It was hard to find a chance to talk to Callie without Lily being around since they were together all the time. But a few sneaky requests for Lily to pick up some Starbucks coffee for breakfast or pick up some Chipotle for lunch and tacos for dinner, they were able to get some time to talk over the details.

Callie suspected that Lily would be very attached to her as she always was on her birthday. Lizzie didn't argue since she's never celebrated with Lily but she secretly hoped that Lily would be attached to her instead. She is her girlfriend after all. But because of Callie's assumption, Gabriel would find an opportunity to pick up a cake that Callie placed an order for early that morning. Lizzie wanted to buy one for her but Callie shut down the idea saying it's a tradition for her; she always bought Lily's birthday cake.

In all honesty, Lizzie had very little to do with the planning. Callie grouped everyone together in the group chat and figured out who would come to the party. Callie was more in touch with Hailee who planned their night out at a club and made all the arrangements than with her. Lizzie wanted to think that it's because it would have been easier since Hailee wasn't with them and wouldn't have to sneak around but she couldn't be certain. She just felt a little...left out.

The morning of Lily's birthday, Lizzie woke up early. She tiptoed downstairs and prepared all of Lily's favorite breakfast foods. Making sure to make enough for everyone, she then plated everything on a tray and carried it upstairs. Lily is still asleep, snoring lightly and clutching the pillow that Lizzie had slept on in her absence.

She set the tray of food on the bedside table and walked around the bed, climbing back in under the covers. Gently and carefully, she removes the pillow from Lily's strong hold. For a second, Lily doesn't notice but then her eyebrows knit together and her nose scrunches up in annoyance. She groans and her arms move on their own, searching for the closest thing to hold. Pleasantly surprised, Lily's arms wrap around Lizzie's stomach and pull her in.

Giggling to herself, Lizzie relishes in the moment to watch as Lily's face relaxes and a soft smile appears when she's satisfied with finding something to hold. She always loved watching Lily sleep; there's no walls or barriers. It's just her.

"Baby," Lizzie whispers. She strokes Lily's hair and down her back. "Baby," she repeats a little louder when she doesn't get a response.

"Hm?" Lily sounds but her eyes don't open and Lizzie suspects her body is responding out of instinct.

"Wake up," Lizzie whispers, pecking her face gently.

"Hm...five minutes," Lily mumbles. Her grip tightens around Lizzie and Lily buries her face into Lizzie's chest, wiggling like a worm.

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