Chapter 44 - If Only They Knew

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"Babe," Lily groans as she blindly reaches to the other side of the bed for her girlfriend. Her hand flails up and down in search of Lizzie but the only thing she finds is a cold pillow. "Lizzie?" Lily pushes up to her elbows and forces her eyes open to see that she is in fact lying in bed alone.

Pushing the blankets aside, she gets out of bed and stretches her arms over her head with a long yawn. She checks her phone to see it's 9:37 am. 'Did Lizzie have work today?' she wondered. Surely Lizzie would have texted her.

She exits her room in search of her girlfriend. She isn't in the living room, bathroom, or kitchen so Lily scratches her head wondering where else Lizzie could be. But just as she's about to call Lizzie, the front door to her apartment opens revealing a goddess.

"Where'd you go so early?" Lily asks.

"I bought us some breakfast," Lizzie says and enters the apartment. She sets the bags on the island and approaches Lily as she wraps her arms around Lily's neck, giving her a welcoming 'good morning' kiss. These were the moments that she missed and would never get tired of.

"I have food here," Lily pouts as she wraps her hands around Lizzie's waist to pull her closer. "I wanted to wake up next to my girlfriend."

Lizzie giggles and pokes at the crease between Lily's eyes. "I thought I could get back before you woke up. You have a strong grip, you know that? I could barely get our of your grasp without prying your fingers off me."

"I love holding you," Lily whispers as she tightens her hold around Lizzie's waist.

"I was going to cook us breakfast but I happened to pass by a cafe with amazing smelling breakfast sandwiches so I couldn't resist," Lizzie explains.

"Why were you out in the first place?" Lily asks, giving Lizzie's nose a little kiss.

Lizzie grins, scrunching her nose at the kiss, and says, "Well, I had to go out to the grocery store." She detaches from Lily and rummages through one of her tote bags and pulls out a glass jar with greenish liquid and little green strips bobbing up and down.

"Pickles?!" Lily exclaims.

"You said you went out yesterday to get some but ended up not getting any because you came to my rescue," Lizzie says, "so I had to get you some."

"You didn't have to do that," Lily says in disbelief. It boggled Lily to hear Lizzie went out just to get her one thing.

"I wanted to," Lizzie grins. "If the love of my life wants pickles, she will get pickles."

"That should be my line," Lily complains and takes the glass jar from Lizzie's hands and sets it aside. "Don't go stealing my lines," she mutters and takes Lizzie's face in her hands before placing a gentle kiss on her lips.

A loud, unsettling groan sounds from behind them causing them to break away and turn to see the source of the sound. A very haphazard Hailee stands between the hallway and the living room rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

"You guys are cute and I'm glad you guys are back together but like," Hailee groans, "you two sucking faces isn't something I want to wake up to."

"We weren't sucking faces," Lily scoffs.

"Yeah, just smooshing our faces together," Lizzie says, joining in on their banter.

"Somehow that's worse," Hailee laughs, unable to keep up her facade of annoyance. "So I assume dumbo over here made things right?" Hailee sticks a finger at Lily as she walks by. She goes directly for the bag of breakfast sandwiches.

"Ms. Stubborn redeemed herself," Lizzie confirms. "But if she ever does something like that again, I might have to slap some sense into her."

"Please do," Lily chuckles. "Literally and figuratively."

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