Chapter 31 - PR Strategies

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Lily wakes to soft hummings and fingertips trailing along her back underneath her shirt. It's too comfortable to move out of Lizzie's hold so she snuggles up closer, which causes a low giggle to sound, vibrating against Lily's nose as she's cuddled up into Lizzie's neck.

"You shouldn't pretend to be sleeping if you're actually awake," Lizzie hums, though she's more than happy to cuddle the entire morning.

"I never said I was still sleeping," Lily grumbles, her voice hoarse and gravel with sleep. She places sweet little kisses on Lizzie's skin where she can reach.

A sigh of contentment comes from Lizzie and she returns kisses to the top of Lily's head.

"I have work today," Lizzie announces.

"Nooo," Lily complains and tightens her hold around Lizzie's stomach. Lizzie didn't mean it in any other way that informing her of the plans for the day but that implied she would have to leave the bed, leave her cuddles, and leave her for the day.

"We have a few hours," Lizzie assures her. "The producers have a meeting at noon to catch up to lay out the rest of the week."

"Can you work super hard so you can have another week's vacation?"

"Cutie, that's impossible."

"You know," Lily starts and pulls from Lizzie's hold. She props herself up with one arm and meets Lizzie's glistening green eyes. "We need to change that."

"Change what?"

"Cutie," she answers. "I'm not cute. I'm hot, sexy, and I've even been called exotic but I'm not cute."

Lizzie grips Lily's chin with one hand and leans down to place a good morning kiss on her lips. "You're cute to me."

"I've let you get away with it long enough babe," Lily says, standing her ground. "I want a new pet name."

"I like 'cutie,'" Lizzie says with a frown.

"Cutie is a term for babies and puppies. I'm neither," Lily states. "I'm your girlfriend."

Lizzie smiles at the last statement. That's right – she's her girlfriend. Lily is her's. "I'm glad you know it," Lizzie grins, leaning in for another kiss.

This time Lily doesn't give it to her. Instead, she takes Lizzie's hand from her chin and she rolls over so that she straddles Lizzie, hovering over her, and pinning both hands above her head. "I won't forget it."

Imagines of last night flash in Lizzie's mind – How Lily was on top of her, touching her, tasting her, and how she was making her feel. There was nothing cute about it.

Lizzie nods in her vulnerable position. "Revision in pet name underway."

Lily smirks, happy to hear it. "Good," she husks before leaning down and placing a long deep kiss against Lizzie's plump lips, savoring her as much as possible.

Lizzie's hand wriggles free from Lily's grasp and she pushes the younger woman off her in a playful manner. "Come on. I'll give you a tour of my house."

"Oh, I get to see it in the daylight?" Lily teases. "I thought I would only see your house if I was making you cu–"

"LILY!" Lizzie exclaims in horror.

"I'm just joking," Lily snickers, rolling out of bed to follow Lizzie throughout the room. "I'll make you cum even if I couldn't see your house."

Lizzie's face burns red as she pushes Lily back in embarrassment, causing her to fall back onto the bed in a fit of laughter.

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