Chapter 66 - No Matter What

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Lily pulls up to the restaurant and lets the valet take her car. She takes the elevator up to the top floor and goes up to the hostess and tells her she has a reservation under Olsen. The woman says it would be a few more minutes and Lily nods. She is early, having been nervous for their date night.

It's rare they labeled a date an actual date. Most times they just went out to dinner and did all the things they did on a date but never called it that. They rarely ever did something so spontaneous either; it was usually Lily who came up with ideas on the spot and took them on some sort of adventure. It's nice Lizzie surprised her, but it also made her nervous.

Even after so long, Lizzie could still give her butterflies.

A tap on her shoulder makes Lily spin around.

"I'm here to have dinner with the most beautiful woman in the world," a sweet voice says.

Lily is met with sparkling green eyes. Dark dusty eyelashes only make her eyes brighter. Soft, plump lips are glossed over with pink lipstick. Seeing Lily's eyes jump from her eyes down to her lips, a soft blush creeps to her cheeks.

She wears a white low cut blazer with a black belt tied around her middle. Long beige pants flow down around her white heels.

 Long beige pants flow down around her white heels

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Her beauty leaves Lily breathless. Lily is immediately captivated by how green her eyes are. Her contagious smile makes Lily's heart skip a beat. The low cut shirt, Lily being taller than her and having such a great view, sets the butterflies in her stomach ablaze.

Shaking out of her daze and realizing Lizzie was waiting for a response, she quickly composes herself with a crooked smile. "Such a shame. You're having dinner with yourself?"

Lizzie's smile widens, and offers her hand. Lily takes it happily and kisses it.

"I'm talking about you," Lizzie says, sharing Lily's crooked smile, and scrunching her nose up at her in an affectionate manner.

"Not when you look like this," Lily beams, clearly not hiding her gaze as she stares from top to bottom.

"You're looking spiffy too," Lizzie compliments, linking their arms and laying her free hand on Lily's stomach under her jacket.

"You're looking spiffy too," Lizzie compliments, linking their arms and laying her free hand on Lily's stomach under her jacket

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