1. Curse

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Wild magic did this to me.
This is the sacrifice I had to make. The sacrifice in order to see the truth and prevent anyone from experiencing the same pain as I did because of it.
Wild magic MUST be erased.
Otherwise, all of us will pay for it.
Promise me, Hatchling.
No matter what, never use wild magic.

Those were the words my uncle would always tell me. Anytime I would bring up the topic of wild magic, he would always repeat those few phrases and make me promise the same thing.

It happened again some hours ago.


"Uncle, the curse!! It's getting worse and worse!!" I yell as I drop my mask and run over to the side of my uncle. I kneel down next to him, helping him up a little.

"It's okay. I just need another Palisman." He says as he places his hand down on the ground, trying to support himself a little. However, his hand starts to melt into green goo once again, causing him to slip out and fall to the ground.

"Uncle?!" I yell in shock and try to help him sit up again, even though his body starts to cramp and shake. "No, no, no!!!" I yell while standing up, running out of the throne room.

"Kikimora!!! Where's the palisman???" I yell for the little woman, looking around distressed. Just when I wanted to find one myself, Kikimora runs over to me, throwing one Palisman in form of a frog over to me. "Here, now go!!" I hear her yell, completely out of breath. With the staff in my hand I immediately run back into the throne room, however instead of my uncles body on the ground, I see that giant beast starting to form out of that dark green goo.

"Nonono, please don't be too late!!!" I yell as I run over to him, immediately kneeling down in front of him and breaking that staff infront of his disfigured face. As the vibrant green serum flies out of the staff and my uncle inhales it, his eyes start to return to his normal light blue and the goo starts to retreat, forming back to his normal body. After a couple of seconds my uncle returned to his normal self, laying on the ground and breathing heavily.

"Uncle!!" I yell while throwing the broken staff to the side and supporting him.

"Urgh..." I hear him say and he places a hand on his head while I help him to stand up. "Thank you, Hatchling..." he mumbles quietly as I help him to walk out of the throne room to his own sleeping quarters. "Don't look at me with those sad, worried eyes of yours. This curse is nothing to be of your concern."

"How can't I be worried??? That curse is eating you alive, it's killing you!!" I yell upset while still helping him walk to his room. "And you...you aren't even trying to do something against it. Are you okay with just...slowly rotting away?" I ask quietly as we reach his room and I help him sit down on his bed.

For a short time it's silent until he starts to take off his shoes. "I'm already living with this curse for many, many years. There's nothing that could help me. I've tried everything." He says while laying down on the bed with his eyes closed.

"But you haven't tried wild magic, haven't you?" I ask, once again hoping he would accept the idea of at least trying out wild magic.

"Oh Hatchling..." Thats when he repeated those same sentences. I did not listen to him to the end. After I noticed that he said them again, I simply walked out of the room. I couldn't listen to them again.  Neither promise it again.


So, right now I am laying on my bed, just staring at the ceiling while my little red cardinal chirps around me, trying to cheer me up. Sighing quietly I sit up and coop him up in my hands.

"Sorry, Flapjack. I just...can't live with the thought of him...decaying away..." I say, purposely avoiding that one word. I look down at Flapjack and I pet over his head. "I mean...Palismen are helping him. And they were made with a technique that requires wild magic. I'm sure there's something out there that will free him of his curse..." I mumble quietly as I keep looking at him, ignoring the fact that I am hiding a Palisman from him. And even using it. That's why I can't promise him again to avoid using wild magic. I can't lie to him directly like that. After another sigh I jump from my bed, walking to the window in my room. "Come on, Flapjack. Todays another coven convention. And after Lilith Clawthrone betrayed the Emperor I have to represent the coven and make sure the Owl Lady and her people won't mess anything up again."

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