30. Abomaton

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[Edric's POV]

We both sprinted forward, both with the same goal.

Get hold of that remote.

If it controls the Abomatons here, it can probably also control the Abomatons stationed at the Day of Unity.

We're doding the Abomatons attacks, both dashing forward to mother. We both jump her, both aiming for the remote. However, mother grabs her pendant and I know exactly what is going to happen.

"LOOK OUT!!" I yell to Hunter, but we're both hit by the spirit my mother summoned. It hits us away, smashing me into a wall, Hunter luckily managed to land on his feet. I fall to the ground, grunting quietly. I slowly lift my head and I see Hunter, running over to me, he kneels down beside me and lifts up my upper body a little.

"Oh titan, Edric are you alright??" I hear his sweet, worried voice ask.

"D-Don't worry, Hunty. I'm fine." I mumble and he still holds me in his arms.

"Hunty?" I hear my mother's voice ask, I can't really get up. Hunter immediately stands up, he stands in front me while I'm still laying on the ground. He lifts his staff, staring at my mother, watching her every move.

"How could you hurt your own son like that??? What kind of a mother are you, why would you ever hurt your own son out of free will?!?" Yells Hunter, almost upset. I look at him suprised as I slowly sit up. I remember the words he told me when we were in the Emperor's mind.

You don't understand...it was always his curse that did this. His curse hurt me.

His uncle hurt him too, but it was always his curse that did it. Apparently, he himself never hit Hunter. It looks like he doesn't understand why anyone would do that without a curse or something making them. At least...that's a pleasant thought. He didn't went through even more then he already has.

"Oh, you're trying to question my morals?" Something hushes past the both of us and before we could even react, something pulls of Hunter's hood of  his head. "Golden Guard, Hunter?" She smirks at us and we see her spirit returning back to her, laughing among side her.

I immediately stand up and Hunter just looks at her growling quietly. "Ohhh, this got even better now. You even brought me the Golden Guard, the one the Emperor has been searching for days!! If we bring him the Golden Guard, we'll be royalty in the new world he's gonna create!!" Both of us stare at her in shock.

"Y-You know about the Emperor's plan...?" I ask in shock. I can't believe it. "You can't be serious..."

She looks at us, silently. She taps around the remote for a moment before looking back to us. "What he does with our products is none of our business."

We both look at her, not believing her. "You're insane..." mumbles Hunter causing mother to laugh.

"Ohh, no no no, Golden Guard. Other than you, I am loyal to the Emperor. That's the difference." She smirks at us and we growl quietly, but we're shortly afterwards surrounded by Abomatons. We stand with our backs to each other, staring at the Abomatons around us.

"You know, Edric..." I hear Hunter whisper behind me. "If Day of Unity won't end good and there won't be a tomorrow after it... I want you to know, that I was the happiest I ever was with you. I don't think I would've ever found myself or stand up for what I want without you. Thank you..."

A little smile appears on my lips and I create a spell circles. "Don't worry. All of this will end good. And there will be a next time." Hunter huffs quietly and I grab his hand behind me. "You ready?"

Hunter presses my hand a little and he nods. "Let's go."

We let go of each others hands and start to fight the Abomatons around us.

Minutes later we're still fighting the Abomatons, however by now we're rather exhausted. Dodging, attacking, magic, plans and tricks, nothing works.

"Don't be stupid. You can't defeat my Abomatons. They are high-end." Says mother and Hunter and I look at each other, breathing heavily. His eyes wide a little and he runs over to me, picking me up and jumping away. Shortly afterwards, we see an Abomaton hit the ground I was standing on. "Are you alright?" Asks Hunter, still carrying me on his arms. I look at him, blushing a little and I nod. He puts me down and we both look over to mother. We have to snatch the remote from her. Just when we want to make one last attempt, we hear doors open and steps walking in.

"They can't defeat them." We hear a voice say and I turn around with big eyes. "But I can!"

We see father standing along side Luz, Emira, Amity and King, all smiling at us determined.

"Dad!!!" I say smiling and he walks over to us.

"You did good kids." He looks at us for a while before looking confused at Hunter. "Wait, aren't you the Golde-"

"ENOUGH!!!" He is interrupted by mother.

Father looks at her and he takes another step forward, standing in front of us. The others also walk forward and we're all standing behind father.

"Odalia, the Emperor is planning to wipe out everyone with a draining spell and our Abomatons are helping him do it." Explains father and we all look at her, looking at him uninterested.

"Forget it." Says Hunter and everybody looks at him. "She already knew."

Everybody except me and Hunter gasp and they look back to mother.

"This is too much, even for you..." mumbles father and he creates an Abonimation, letting it attack mother. She creates a spirit and they both fight against each other.

"Hunter, Edric!" We both turn around to take a look at Luz. "Do you still have enough strength to fight?"

Hunter and I take a short look at each other before smiling determined. Just when we were about to jump into the fight we hear several people coming in.

"Alright, what do you want from me Odalia? Why did your Abomatons dragged us all th-" Kikimora and scouts stop once they see what is happening inside the building.

A smirk appears on my mothers face. "Kikimora!! I found someone you would love to have back!" Odalia points into a direction and Kikimora looks into that direction, confused. But as soon as she sees it, her eyes wide in shock and all the scouts around her gasp.

"That is-!!!" Says a scout and Kikimora finishes the sentence, smirking. "The Golden Guard."

Now all our glances move to Hunter. He's holding his staff in his hand and slowly backing away.

"Capture the Golden Guard!!" Yells Kikimora and we see how the Abomatons start to go into his direction. My sisters, Luz and I jump in between them and we fight them.

"Hunter...!!" I yell, struggling as we're holding one of them back and it suddenly grabs me. "RUN!"

He looks at me with big eyes. King runs over to him, pulling on his foot. "Come on, they'll be fine, but they can't concentrate on the Abomatons AND on you!!" Says King and Hunter looks at him.

"I...I can't just run away now. I promised I'd protect him from his parents..." He mumbles and looks back to me, being hold by an Abomaton.

"Don't you see??" Yells King and keeps on pulling on his pants. "He wants to protect you, just like you want to protect him!! So let him protect you now and you can protect him later!!!"

After a few seconds Hunter nods, he grabs King and gets onto his staff. I take a short look at him, flying on his staff and about to leave the building. A smile appears on my face when they are flying towards the exit.

"Ohh, you won't escape me that easily, Golden Guard." Says Kikimora and she lifts one hand, which is glowing in a red light.

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