2.20 prom

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[Hunter's POV]

I talked with some of my classmates, all complementing me on my outfit. I felt really honored and flattered. When I got it with Camila, I wasn't really sure, I was scared on how everyone would react. However, Camila convinced me and now I'm really happy with the outfit.

Right now, I'm standing with Amity and Vee in a corner, all of us waiting for the others to return with some drinks.

"I can't wait until we graduate." Says Vee, smiling at Amity excited. "This is so nice!"

Amity smiles at her and she nods. "You're right." She looks at me. "But I feel like someone isn't enjoying himself the way he should." She takes a short look to the dance floor, my whole grade is there, talking, laughing and having a good time.

I just smile at her, shaking my head a little. "I'm having a good time with you guys. Even so, the evening is not over yet, there's enough time to enjoy myself."

I say and she just rolls her eyes, smiling. After a few minutes, the others run over to us and they hand us a couple of cups. "Guuuuys, the principle is about to announce the Prom Couple! We gotta see that!!!" Says Gus and he grabs my free hand, pulling me along with him to a stage that was set up for the prom. We all walk to the front and the music gets a little quieter, our principle steps onto the stage and he talks into a microphone.

"Alright, voitings are officially over! The votes were counted and the Prom Couple was elected!" Says the principle and the whole crowd starts to cheer. Two other teachers walk onto the stage, holding two kind of crowns in their hands.

"And our Prom King is..." He's quiet for a moment, looking over the crowd before announcing the Prom King. "Hunter Deamonne!!!" My eyes wide in shock, the whole crowd freaks out again and all the people turn around to me, applauding and cheering.

"Hunter, you did it!!!" Says Gus exicted and the others seem just as exicted. Amity takes the cup from my hands.

"Come on, get on there!!" Says Amity and Luz pushes me a little towards the stage. A little overwhelmed and embarrassed I walk over to some stairs and I walk onto the stage towards the principle, the whole room still freaking out. Once I stop beside the principle, he and the two teachers all smile at me and the principle looks back to the crowd.

"Alright, we still need a partner for Hunter! And the second Prom...King." He says slowly, suspending the ground even further. I take a short look at my family, all smiling at me and showing me a thumbs up. Luz is even filming all of it. Titan, I can't handle this!!! Give me my mask, I'll even take a paper bag!

"Is Max Brinly!!!" Announces the principle and once again, the crowd freaks out. As Max enters the stage, weaving the people, I keep looking around and I see all my classmates and friends gathered, staring at Max. As they catch my glance, I just give them a little smile and I look back to the principle and I see Max walking up to him on his other side.

"May I open this night and officially announce Hunter Deamonne and Max Brinly, Prom Kings!!" The crowd cheers again, the two teachers place those crowns on our heads.

Kind of exaggerated, don't you think?

Yeah, but it seems to he important for everyone. They seem to really enjoy this.

I take a short look to my side to see Max, just smirking, weaving the crowd and bowing down.

"Come on you two, start the first dance of the night." Says the principle. Max walks over to me, he bows down a little before holding out one hand to me. I take another short look to my family, all showing me to move on. I place my hand on Max'. He holds it and we both walk off the stage together. All our schoolmates make a path for us to the dance stage. In the middle of it, the music turns up a little and now plays a slow, smooth song.

I don't know how to feel about this. All this people watching us. Max seems to enjoy it, I think it's too much. He stops in front of me, he lifts the hand, he's holding mine in, and he placed his free hand on my hip. I look at him for a moment, I finally place my free hand on his shoulder and after some seconds we start to move slowly to the music. Once we started, others joined in and now we're all dancing on the dance floor.

"I knew we would be Prom Kings. I mean, someone as famous as me HAS to be Prom King." He says and he looks at me, smiling. "And I have the perfect and most fabulous partner by my side. I wouldn't have accepted anyone else by my side either way. So, I'm glad it turned out to be you."

We're still moving, slowly turning and I'm just looking at him with a little smile. "Look, Max. I'm flattered by your compliment, but I already told you I'm not interested in anyone. So, we can finish this dance but then you should find another partner for the evening. I'm sure there are plenty of people who would love to spend prom with you and who are 'perfect' enough to be by your side. I just...I can't do this. Not with anyone else." I explain nicely and smiling.

"Ohhh, right the mysterious guy." He rolls his eyes. "Spare me with it. Why would you run after a guy not worthy of your attention, huh? A coward who can't even show his face. He probably moved on, got a new boyfriend and completely forgot about you.He can't be that special for you to push away someone as fabulous as me." I stare at him for a while, feeling rage build up in me. His grip on my hip and hand gets tighter and he pulls me a little closer.

The smile on my face faded and I'm just looking at him a little angry. "Don't you dare to insult him. He would never do something like that, he's the bravest, strongest and sweetest man I ever met. He would never forget me."

"Oh, honey." He places a hand on my cheek, even though I just pulled my head away. "If that's true, where is he? Where is he right now? If he is all of that, why hasn't he done everything to see you again? It's been two years. No relationship without any contact can last that long. He moved on. And it's finally time for you to move on too."

I'm staring at him with big eyes, my thoughts overtaking my mind as he holds me closer and he leads me through the dance.

Edric is gone.

"Don't worry, hun. Give us a shot and it won't take long for you to forget him."

Forget him?

A tear flowed down my cheek and he wiped it away with his thumb. "Shh...don't cry. He's not worth your tears. It's your turn to be happy. So forget him and just...move on."

He whispered that into my ear as he's still moving with me to the music. I averted my head, looking into the room and as his words echo in my head.

...Move on?


Luz and the others gathered in a corner when the dance with Hunter and Max began. They are watching those two  from a distance and they immediately notice Hunter's sad expression as Max is just smirking.

"Looks like Hunter is absolutely not enjoying this." Says Vee and the others nod agreeing.

"Oh titan, he looks so uncomfortable." Says Willow and they keep watching them.

"That guy is an ass." They hear a voice and they turn around to see Hunter's classmates behind them. "He just can't stand the thought of someone rejecting him. Hunter is the only one to ever reject him." Explains one of them and Luz, Willow, Gus, Amity and Vee exchange some glances.

"We didn't even knew..." Mumbles Gus quietly. After a while they look back at his classmates.

"But why isn't he just pushing Max away? It's not like he doesn't has the strength to." Says another one of his classmates.

"That's Hunter we're talking about. He knows everybody is enjoying this evening. He probably thinks he'll ruin everything if he does something." Explains Luz, still watching him dance with Max. "Alright, let's get him away from that idiot." Says Luz and they all nod determined.

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