14. Game

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[Hunters POV]

I can't explain how this happened, but right now I am sitting on my staff, along with my team about to battle against the Flyer Derby Team of a teacher. Apparently the teacher of the Abonimation Classes.

My team consists of the green haired girl who recruited me, called Willow, the boy who was with her, Gus, the girl who took care of that Griffin I accidentally stepped on, Viney, and a girl of the Bard Magic track, called Skara.

And we also have a Cheerleader, or rather Edric, who insisted on watching the game and 'watch us kick this teachers ass'.

"GO TEAM!!! DESTROY THEM HUNTY!!'l yells Edric from the tribune and now my whole team looks at me with a smirk.

"Would you please stop that?!" I say, completely embarrassed causing them to laugh.

"Hunter's right." Says Willow, our team captain, and now everybody looks back to our opponents. "We have a match to win."

{insert epic Flyer Derby battle from the episode in here + Edric freaking out and cheering}

I can't believe it.

I did it. I won. We won.

I land on the ground and before I could even realize it, my whole team jumped me, pulling me into a big group hug. At first I felt pain strike through my body, then I felt hesitant, but it felt comfortable. Edric also came over and hugged all of us.

"You guys were amazing!!! How you defeated them and used your magic, just wow!!!" He says smiling widely.

"Everybody say Titan!!" Says Willow as she pulls out her scroll and takes a picture of all of ous.
I can't help but smile slightly.

I never had that much of fun.

"This was amazing!! Thanks to you, Hunter!!
Thanks to you the Flyer Derby Club can stay!!" Says Willow, also smiling.

"Really...?" I say quietly and Edric ruffles through my hair.

"This was your win, Hunty. How does it feel?" He asks me and all of them look at me curiously.

"It felt..." I think about the feeling for a while before smiling slightly. "Amazing..."

All of them start to cheer and plan about what to do next and that they should celebrate the win.

For the first time I feel welcomed, like I have a place. Friends. People who like and accept me.

However, it looks like I just didn't earn it to have a place in this world.

"What are YOU doing here???" We hear a voice say and all of turn around to see Luz and Edrics little sister, Amity, standing there.

"Luz, Mittens!! You should have seen the game, they completely won over Professor Hermonculus's team!!" Says Edric excitedly, even though Amity is looking confused at Luz, while Luz is staring at me.

"Step away from them." Says Luz while pulling out a couple of papers, probably glyphs.

I lift my hands in defense while everyone gasps shocked.

"N-No, wait!!! Please don't!!" I say, fearing what is about to happen.

"Yeah, Luz. Hunter is really nice, why are you acting like this?" Says Willow in my defense while everyone else is agreeing.

"Because-" "PLEASE DON'T!!!" I yell, clenching my fist into my shirt, looking at her begging.

Please don't. Don't do this. Don't destroy everything I found here. Don't take them away from me.

"Please..." I mumble quietly, looking at her begging.

Everybody looks confused at me before they look back at Luz, seeing her hesitating.

"Luz, what is going on here?" Asks Gus.

Luz takes a deep breath before saying those few words I didn't want to hear.

"Hunter is the Golden Guard."

I feel my heart drop, my breath stop. It's as if time stopped. All of them slowly turn around back to me, as if in slow motion.

"Hunter?" I hear Edric's Voice ask, breaking the slow motion. Now everyone else, excluding Amity, starts to talk to Luz, asking her if she's certain.

"I am certain. He's the Golden Guard. He's Belos Right Hand man." I notice some of them stepping away.

"Hunter." I hear once again, Edric's Voice. I can't look at him. I just can't.

"It's true..." I mumble quietly, now getting everybody's attention. "I am...the Golden Guard." I lift my staff and look at all of the others, with exception of Edric. "And I have to ask all of you to follow me." I say. I feel horrible. The pain on their faces. The betrayal. And it's my fault.

"Hunter...you can't be serious..." says Willow and I lift my staff in front of me, clothing me in my uniform, the one of the Golden Guard. Now I am happy for the mask. Those glances I am getting are so painful. Nothing my face could hide.

I gulp quietly, just staring at them through my mask. "You will go through the training of the Coven. You will have access to all you magic and you will...serve Emperor Belos...my uncle." I say, earning another round of gasps.

Why can't I say this. I always said it with enthusiasm and joy. Always being proud of being the Golden Guard. Why can't I do this?

This is my mission right now. Why can't I do it.

I have to find new recruits. They are here. If I bring them to the castle, I would complete my mission. I would make everything right. I could forgive myself that I actually lost my trust in him. To show that I am usefull. Not a burden.

But to be honest...is this really what my heart and mind longs for right now?

After a while I take off my coat and I just stare at the sigil on the back. The sigil of the Golden Guard.

"I...I can't do this..." I mumble quietly and just drop the coat on the ground. Shortly afterwards follows my mask. I just stare at those two things for a while before lifting up my head and looking at all of them. "I'm sorry for lying to you. I won't do anything to you...you don't have to fear me..." I take a deep breath before turning around to Edric. Just when I want to look at him, I feel him hugging me. I wasn't expecting this. I look at the back of his head in shock.

"It's the right thing. Thank you, for trusting your feelings. You're free of Belos control." I look at him, shocked. After some seconds I start to hug him baxk, burying my face in his shoulder.

"Y-You don't hate me...? I lied to you...the whole time..." I ask, quietly and about to cry.

"Of course not. I could never hate you." He lets go of me and places a hand on my cheek. "You're so hurt. Physically-" he strokes over the scar on my cheek. "-and mentally." He wipes away the tear forming in my eyes. "I always knew that. But now you were strong enough to stand up for what is right. For yourself. For what you want." I just stare at him, speechless. While he smiles softly at me.

And I can't help it anymore. Tears start to roll down my cheeks and I hug him again, just crying into his shoulder.

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