12. Nightmare

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*TW: Injuries*

It's already the next morning. I've written my answer for Edric and I sent out Flapjack to bring it to him.

And right now, I am on my way to Uncle. I want to apologize for my sudden distribution yesterday. And to ask how the planning for the Day of Unity is going. Maybe there is something I could help with, otherwise I would feel so useless.

"Uncle?" I knock at the throne room, but I don't hear his voice. After a while, I slowly open the door and I look inside. It's completely dark inside the throne room. All the curtains cover the windows and no lights are on. "Uncle, you in here?" I ask into the room, but I don't get an answer. I take off my mask to see better. I walk in on the way to a window to open it, but suddenly the door I walked in closed, leaving me in complete darkness.

"Damn..." I left my staff behind and Flapjack isn't here. I wish I could perform magic. I walk around the room with my hands streched out, trying to find anything I could orientate myself with. I keep searching when I finally hear something. Something fell over.

"Uncle, is that you? If that's you Kikimora, then you can quit this, I won't fall for this." I cross my arms, even though I hear something a little later. And it's not human.

"No..." I whisper quietly. I see two bright blue eyes appearing in the dark, but those eyes are so bright, those are not the eyes I know.
It happened again.

I immediately turn around and start to run, begging to find the door.

I need a Palisman, now!!!

I hear footsteps following me, they are fast.

Faster then mine.

"HEEEELP MEE!!!" I yell out of the bottom of my lungs when I hear him lunch off the ground. And shortly afterwards I feel myself get thrown to the ground.

As I am laying on the ground I feel something dripping on me and over me I see those blue eyes, staring down on me. Because of the light his eyes illuminate, I also see a little of his face, completely formed to goo and melting away.

"U-Uncle..." I gasp. His curse, it got even worse. I've seen this form before. I hear his heavy breathing over me. "P-Please Uncle... I know you're in there. It's me, Hunter...your nephew..."

A loud roar blows into my face, even blowing some of my hair strands out of my face. I gulp nervously when I see the scheme of a claw about to slash me. Gasping shocked, I turn my face away and I feel one of his claws scratch a bit of my chin. I immediately lift my leg, using all my strength to kick him away. As he roars and falls back, I jump off the ground, running again. I have to get out of here.

However, that beast started to follow me again and only after a few seconds I feel sharp claws, bury into my back. A loud, bone drilling scream leaves my mouth and I fall to the ground with a loud thud. Laying on the ground, I lift a hand, my whole body shakes and I touch my back only to feel a warm liquid on it.

Just when I hear him coming closer, a door opens and the room is flooded with light.

"Who screa- oh gosh...?!" I hear familiar voices say, I lift my head a little to look at them, however everything is blurry. I can't see them.

"Un-cle..." I whisper, strengthless. "P-Pal...ism-" Before I could even finish my sentence I hear some people yell my name. However, everything turned dark and I drifted away into a dream.


"U-Uncle...?" A voice says. I know that voice. It's my voice. Much younger. I look around and I see a child, slowly backing up.

Around a corner appears that monster. The curse took over my uncle and made him to...that thing.

I look back to my little self, crying and holding onto a pillow, slowly backing away from that monster.

It was a sleepless night. I went to ask my uncle to tell me a story or let me sleep in his bed with him.

I see that monster, slowly getting closer and suddenly it jumps me, reaching out with one claw to me. The moment I hear my past self scream, I feel that incredible pain in my cheek again. I fall to my knees, pressing down my hands on my cheek.

"N-Not again..." I mumble, feeling that immense pain. The next moment the scene gets blurry and I see my uncle in his normal form, holding my past self in his arms.

"I'm so sorry, Hatchling. You will be okay. I promise you," He picks my past self up and starts to run. "I will never hurt you again."

I watched that scene, silently.

"Oh uncle...you broke your promise..."


"HELP!!!!!" I yell as I suddenly sit up in a bed, panting and gasping for air. As I do so, immense pain drives through my body, causing me to scream again.

"Hunter!!!" I hear two voices yell and then footsteps running to me.

Pained, scared and exhausted I look around and I see Raine and Darius who ran to my side. "Hunter!! You have to calm down, your wounds are still fresh!" Say Raine while Darius helps me to lay down in my bed again.

"Wounds...?" I ask, a little calmer and not so scared anymore, still breathing heavily.

"You had an encounter with Belos' curse. How are you feeling?" Says Darius. Yeah, I remember. I lift one hand to my chin, there's a giant bandage on it.

"Head witch of the healing coven isn't in town because of preparation for the Day of Unity. And the best healer we had here was a scout, but he couldn't do much. Those wounds are really deep." Says Raine and to the end they sounded rather sad. "Hold on a little longer, the head witch will return soon."

"No..." I shake my head a little, looking at them weakly. "Wh-o knows that...I got hurt because of...h-his curse...?" I ask, quietly.

I earn two confused and shocked stares from them, but Darius is the one to answer my question. "Me, Raine, Eberwolf and that scout we asked to heal you. We were the first to take you out of there, all the others took care of the beast."

I nod once again. It's so hard to keep my eyes open. "C-Can I ask you for a favor...?" They look at me confused but then just nod. "Can you...k-keep this a se-cret from...uncle? The coven scout can ke-ep healing my wounds...a-anything he can't heal..." My eyes feel so heavy. "Can...heal naturally..."

"Hunter, this is insane!! Your wounds are serious, let them be taken care of by the Head witch!!!" Says Darius but Raine sighs quietly. "And the head witch will, of course, report your status to your uncle. And they will know where your injuries came from. Additionally, your uncle gave you some days off, enough to let your body heal." Explains Raine, getting a weak nod from me in respone.

Darius looks at both of us before sighing annoyed and walking out. "Fine, but don't blame us if those wounds leave scars or if you are in pain!!"

As soon as he walked out I turn my head to Raine, they are smiling at me softly. "There's someone waiting to see you." Says Raine and he opens the window, letting Flapjack in. Once he lands on my chest he chirps quietly and I look at him with a weak smile. Then I notice Raine laying down some paper and a pen beside me. "I noticed he's holding a paper. This is if you want to write someone something." They smile at me before turning around, also leaving the room.

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