25. Low

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[Hunter's POV]

We've been wandering around my uncle's mind for some time now and we've seen... lot of things.

"Look, I know exactly how that looked like." I say and I turn around to look at Edric and Luz. "He had his reasons to...do that! It's for the greater good! He would've never lied without a reason! And never..." I mumble quietly.

"Hunter, you saw what happened!! He blamed that attack he caused himself on wild magic!! And then, he wanted to kill those people!!!" Says Luz and I turn around.

"M-Maybe his memories were messed with, he's still under the influence of that curse! He probably just tried to perfect sigil magic!!" I argument back and I turn around when I see that monster again.

"Look out!!" I yell, I grab both their hands and we jump into the next painting. There, we see the scene of the rebuild portal and...

"The collector..." Mumbles Luz, we both take a short look at her before looking back to the scene.
We see my past self run into the room, bringing my uncle some pieces for the portal.

"Will those parts work?" Asks my past self and Uncle places a hand on his head.

"Yes, good work, Hatchling. You can go take a rest, your mission for today is done." My past self smiles at uncle, he nods and then leaves the room.

"Nawww, you sounded kinda proud just know. Are those some emotions I smell??" Says the collector, snickering.

"Ot course I am proud." Says Uncle as he places down the parts my past self got him. "I'm glad he does what he's told unlike the...previous attempts."

"I'm starting to think you make those things just to destory them! You have fun with it, admit it!!!"

"Of course I don't, Collector. It hurts everytime he chooses to betray me. And would his current one decide to betray me, it would hurt the most."

"Ahhhh, yes the burden of a heart! Well, you won't have to feel that way once the Day of Unity starts, he can finally fulfill his duty and be our sacrifie!! The one thing you ultimately raised him for!"

We watch that scene, in terror. After a while I notice how both Luz and Edric turn around to look at me. I simply run over to a painting on a wall, leaving this memory behind me.

The other two follow me outside. "H-Hunty..." says Edric worried. That's when I see it. A little corridor with paintings, all of the previous Golden Guards and under them are all their masks, broken our overgrown by plants.

Just when I want to look back at
them, that monster with hundreds of eyeballs reappears again, but it's shortly afterwards defeated by my uncle, who looks like a child.

"Wait...this wasn't the inner Belos..." Says Edric as we watch that monster fall to the ground and we hear multiple voices.

"Are those...Palismen??" Asks Luz in shock and the three of us look back to the Child Belos, only to see him laugh like crazy and turn into the Belos we know today.

"Hello Hunter, Hello Luz." He takes a short look at Edric. "And boy who's name I don't know. Thank you for distracting it. That thing was a dorn in my eyes for some years now."

Uncle walks over to me and I just stare at him with big eyes and my whole body trembles.

"W-What did you do to the other guards...to our family??? It wasn't wild magic, was it...?" I ask quietly and with a shaking voice.

He looks at me for a moment and his smirk turns into a sad one. "Oh, I missed you so much, I was so worried, Hatchling. Let me explain." He says and looks into the corridor with all the Golden Guard paintings. "I had no choice. All of them betrayed me. It had to be done, for the greater good." He looks back to me and wants to place a hand on my shoulder, but I step away. "You didn't. From the moment you were little, you were always the light in my day, always on my side. I would've given up years ago, if it wasn't for you, Hatchling."

"H-How could you?? You lied to me, you lied about everything!! And why would you have given up?? Because you would've lacked someone to be your sacrifice for the Day of Unity?? You only took care of me to ultimately sacrife me for that Day!!" I yell at him and I see how his eyes light up again. I know that to well. His face starts to distort, forming into that monster.

"N-No..." I mumble quietly and step back, Edric runs over to us and he stands in between us, staring at that monster seriously.

"Don't even dare to place one finger on him." Says Edric and I look at him surprised.

Belos, or rather his monster form, the form he takes when the curse takes over, starts to laugh. "What a shame. Out of all the Grimwalkers you looked the most like him. And now, you did the exact same mistake he did." Says his disturbed and demonic voice before lifting a claw. "YOU AFFILIATED WITH WITCHES!!!" screams his voice before his claw starts to light up in a dark red. Suddenly, the ground starts to sink, swalloing both me and Edric in. My eyes wide in shock and Edric grabs me, holding me close to him.

"Oh nonono, Edric, Hunter!!!" Yells Luz as she throws her jacket sleeve over to us and Edric grabs it. "You're gonna be okay, you're gonna be-!!!" She says as she tries to pull us out, but we continue to sink into the ground. And before she knew, we were completely devoured by the ground.

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