2.13 school

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{Hunter's PoV}

By now, one week has passed. We have completely moved into the abandoned building in the foresy. I'm happy that we have a home, however my sleep schedule got even worse.

It's nice to have my own room. However, I guess I don't feel save enough in my own to sleep properly.

We also started research on a new portal. We're really moving forward, but all of us are ignoring the one thing we know we will need. All of us know it, without titan's blood, we won't be able to go back.

And we don't know how the other side looks. We don't know if they are even able to open the portal again.

So, we either find titan's blond in the human realm or they have to open the portal on the other side.
Which one is more likely?

"Has anyone seen my backpack??" yells Luz from upstairs, we're all running around, preparing ourselves for our first school day.

"It's down here!!" Yells Gus and he's packing all our backpacks.

"Oh titan, we didn't even had that many books in Hexside." Says Amity as she checks some time tables and hands Gus the books he needs to pack for each of us.

"Well, looks like human school is only about books and texts. Don't worry, I'm sure it'll be interesting." Says Willow as she stands infront of a mirror and hides her ears in her pigtails.

"I'm so exited!! I've never been to school!" I say as I'm walking over to Gus and Amity and I put a water bottle into each backpack.

"Don't be too excited, Blondie. School's gonna let you down sooner then you think." Says Luz as she runs down the stairs, walks past me and punches my shoulder lightly.

"Maybe because you're just bad in it." I say to her, smirking. She looks at me and sticks out her tongue before walking past me.

We luckily managed to enroll all of us in school. It was a bit of a hussle since we had to create some kind of parents for all of us, but it still worked out. Luz enrolled the school as a girl called Veronica, or Vee, Noceda. An Alias we created, she's Luz' cousin and is living with her aunt and cousin for some time. Vee will continue to be Luz and Luz herself will live on as Veronica, and once they finish school they will swap places. Luz will be Luz again and Vee will get the name Veronica.

"Hey, it's gonna be great." Says Gus and places another book in a backpack.

A little later, someone knocks at the door. Willow opens it and we see Camila with Vee behind her.

"Good morning, Sweeties. I brought you lunch." She lifts five paper bags into the air.

"Ohh, thank you Camila." Smiles Willow and she takes the five bags, she brings them over to Gus and he puts one of them in each bag.

"Done!" Says Gus exicted, he closes up the bags and we all grab ours.

"We should get going!" Says Vee, smiling exicted.

We all put our shoes on and Camila gives us all a hug. "Have fun, Sweeties. Enjoy your day." She smiles at us and we smile at her too. We all leave the house and at the street, Camila waves at us before we're parting ways. So, we make our ways towards the school, we're chatting a little and laugh together.

We arrive at the school and take a short look around.  "Alright, get your timetables out, who's in which class?" Says Vee and we all take them out.

"Alright, I am in class 8.1." Says Amity and Vee nods. "That's my class."

"Class 8.2" says Willow, smiling at us.

"8.3" says Luz, sighing quietly.

"I'm in 6.2, why am I in 6th grade??" says Gus upset and Luz places a hand on his shoulder.

"It's because of your age, but if you learn good enough you can skip some grades." Says Luz, smiling a little.

I keep staring at my time table a little nervous. "Class 10.2. Guess I...I kinda forgot I'm older then you guys." I smile at them a little sad.

How are you going to pull this off now?  You don't know how school works. Without the others, you'll absolutely fail.

"Ohh, don't worry, Hunter. You'll do just fine! And during the breaks we can all hang out together!" Says Willow and she smiles at me.

"Yes, Willow is right." Says Luz and she looks at me. "I know you haven't really interacted with kids your age, but just think about how you talk with us and the rest won't be a problem." I look at her for a moment and I nod a little.

"Alright, let's get you all to your classrooms." Says Vee, giving us a smile. They drop me off in front of my classroom and then continue to walk. All of them wish me good luck and I weave them before looking back to the door. I take a deep breath before knocking at the door and opening it.

Inside the room, I see a lot of people sitting at tables and the very front stands a woman in front of a board. All of them look over to me, causing me to gulp nervously.

"Oh, you must be the new student!" Says the, apparently, teacher and she weaves me into the room. "Come on, don't be shy. Introduce yourself."

I take a short look around before walking over to the teacher. I look into the class absolutely nervous.

"H-Hi..." I say while I look into the class and I smile slightly. "M-My name's Hunter Deamonne, I'm new in town and...I-I'll be staying here for some time."

All of them look at me for a while and then they start to mumble and whisper. Smiling a little nervous, the teacher tells me to sit down by a desk. I give her a small nod and sit down at the desk. I notice a lot of stares, I look to the side a little uncomfortable and I pull my hat a little deeper into my face.

The class passes smoothly, we have math. I even understood most of the class, I already learned all of this, uncle teached me all of it. We hear a bell ring and the first hour passes, announcing a little break in between classes. The teacher leaves the room and once he's gone, I hear a lot of people jumping up. Before I even knew what was happening, some of my classmates gather around my desk.

"How did you get that insane scar?? It makes you look like a real badass!!" Says a guy in front ot me.

"And your eyes, what a cool color!! Are they natural??" Says another girl and I look at them overwhelmed.

"Even your name sounds badass! 'Hunter' can't imagine a cooler name then that!!!"

"Hey, don't crowd him, don't be dicks!" Says another guy, pushing all of them a little away from my table. "So Hunter, what are you doing in such a lame town like Gravesfield? Someone looking so cool doesn't fit in here."

I look at them a little confused. "Well...I lost my family, so...now I am living with some friends here in Gravesfield."

All of them gasp in shock. "Woah, the whole family?!" Says another boy and a girl hits him on the shoulder.

"How can you be so insensitive?!! We're so sorry Hunter." Says the girl, looking at me pitying.

"I-It's okay..." I mumble quietly. "Ehm, as long as no one talks about it...." All of them immediately nod and I smile a little. "Thank you."

They continue to talk to me, introducing themselves to me and telling me all kind of things.

Looks like my first day at school started better then expected.

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