11. Confrontation

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[Hunter's POV]

I've been out here for hours. By now, it's midnight.

At some point I sat down on top of a giant tree, just watching over the boiling isles.

Everything that happened today repeats in my head.

Raine. They were always the nicest to me. Always honest, always understanding and loveable. Always sticking up to me and helping me in tough times.

What could've happened to them?

And what has the Owl Lady to do with all of us this, she's a powerless, wild witch, what has she to do with Raine?

And why would uncle lie to me about them?
Why would he lie either way?
Why would he ask someone to spy on me?


As my breath fastens and I just stare into the far I can't hold it anymore. I have to know.

I jump off the tree crown, landing on my staff and starting to fly away in an enorm speed.

My destination ? The castle.
My goal? Get answers.

Only a few minutes later and I arrived at the castle. Instead of waiting for the main gate to open I flew in through a window, making my way towards the throne room.

Some coven scouts tried to stop me, thinking I was an intruder. Without my mask, they won't recognize me as the Golden Guard. But after I used my artifical magic to kick all of them away, they let me pass without a question. I just straight up walk to the Throne Room, kicking the door open without hesitation. The room is filled with all the coven heads, Raine too. However, I don't really pay attention to them, my only goal is my uncle sitting om his throne.

"We have to talk." I say, in a serious tone while my uncle looks over to me.

"Golden Guard?? I'm so glad to see you, I was so worried. Raine told me you took care of some criminals but you didn't return. If already sent out Kikimora and the scouts for you, I'm glad you returned to me." Says Uncle. He talks in this voice.

Not the voice of Emperor Belos, no it's the voice of my caring uncle. The voice of the man who raised me, the man who took care of me.

He is like a father to me.

My head turns towards Raine, looking at me nervously and begging. I want to yell at him, yell everything I've found out. However, Raine didn't rat me out for my meetings with Edric and about me having Flapjack.

I can't rat them out now.

"Yes sorry, Uncle...the criminals took a littler longer." Uncle stands up and walks over me. He kneels down in front of me and places a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm very proud of you, Hatchling." I look at him suprised. He never called me that in front of others.
Not even in front of those who know about our relation. "You can take the next few days off. We will be busy with planning the Day of Unity, nothing you could help me."

I nod and he stands up again, walking back to his throne. I take a short look to the Head Witches, I see Raine, visibly releaved.

After a short moment I turn around, leaving the throne room behind me.

Only a few minutes later I am back in my room. I sit down on my bed, staring at the ground. After all, I didn't get my answers.

Maybe I overreacted. Maybe all of this isn't what I think this is. Raine could've misunderstood those scouts. That's it! And maybe they're still sick, that's why they can't remember somethings.

But...the Owl Lady...

I shake my head, throwing that thought out of my head. There's no problem and uncle didn't lie to me. Everything will be just fine.

I can't believe how I almost went against my uncle, my family. I almost accused him of those horrible things, he would never do something like this to me or Raine.

Yes, there's no need to worry.

I sigh quietly, relieved that I probably just over reacted when I hear something hitting against glass. Confused I turn around to my window, only to see Flapjack sitting on the windowsill outside, hitting on the glass with his beak.

"Oh, gosh Flapjack!!" I immediately open the window for him and he flies inside. He lands on my hands and chirps quietly.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry. I totally forgot about you..." I say while sitting down on my bed again, stroking over his head. "I'm glad to see you, little one." That's when I notice something inside Flapjacks claws.

"What's this...?" I ask quietly and he drops the paper in my hand. I open up the note to see a rather sloppy handwritten text.

Hey Hunter,

if you receive this letter, please tell me that you are alright. Some crazy shit happened today and little Flapjack got almost taken by the Golden Guard.

I know, you probably won't believe me, I couldn't neither. However, it looks like the Emperor's Coven is planning something and the Emperor isn't the
man everybody always thought he was.

I need to talk to you, I have to know that you are fine.

Please answer me.


Once I read his name a little smile appears on my lips.

"He's way too caring..." I chuckle quietly. After some seconds I sit down on my desk, writing an answer for him.



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