21. Hunter

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[Hunter's POV]

It's been some days since I was locked into my room. The door wasn't opened a single time. Even food was only brought to me through the window. They know exactly, I can't get out without my staff and unfortunately they always close the window again.

So, I just sat in my room.

It's suffocating.

Well, if it only was as calm as it sounds like.

Right now, I am sitting on the ground, leaning against a wall, just staring out of the window and watching the sky. Deep eyebags formed around my eyes. I didn't sleep at all those last night's. I couldn't.

Around me on the ground are notes spreaded out. I wrote my thoughts down on them.

Otherwise, I would have lost myself in all my thoughts. At least, I had something to do.

So with some paper and a pen placed on my lap, I pull a little at my gloves, turning and fixing them. Even though moving them the whole time itches my hands. Either way, I just stare out of my window and watch the clouds pass by.

I feel so tired, but I can't sleep. My thoughts hunt me in my dreams.

Ironical, don't you think?

A Hunter being hunted by his own thoughts.

I write this down on a paper, rip it off the bigger paper and place it down on the ground beside me.

I start to look out of the window again.
I don't know for how long I already sat there.
Probably hours.

However, something unexpectedly happens. Just when I place down another note, I hear my window open, first I thought a tray of food will fly into my room, like all the other times before, but no.

Not this time.

I look from the note to the window and I see three persons, clothed in dark cloths, standing in my room. I can't see their faces and I don't recognize them either.

Completely tired and strengthless I stand up, looking at them shocked and scared.

"W-Who are you...what do you want from me??" I ask them. I'm in no condition to fight them, neither can I leave this room.

I am trapped.

I keep staring at them, they seem to look around in my room. The three of them wear the same ropes. One of them is pretty small, they stand on the wrack of my bed and seem to...sniff around?

The second one is kneeling on the ground, apparently reading some of the notes I wrote.

And the third one stands in front of me, just staring down on me.

Just when I want to ask again, what they want from me we hear someone knock at the door beside me.

"Hunter...? Hunter are you in there...?" That's...him.
It's Edric. My eyes wide and I turn to the door, about to call for his help when something covers my mouth.

My eyes wide in shock, I reach out with one hand to the door, ready to grab the handle, but one hand grabs mine, stopping me. The person who stared at me the whole time grabbed my arm and starts to pull me away. I try to pull my arm away, trying to free myself. I try to scream, but that thing that covers my mouth muffles every sound I make.

The door handle rattles and moves up and down.

"Hunty, it's me, Edric! The others and me are fine and we're here to rescue you!! If you're in there, open the door!"

I look back to the door, trying to free myself. He has to know I'm here!

Another knock and the guy who holds my pulls me further away from the door.

"I will get you out of here! You don't have to fear him anymore, I will protect you from him!!"

I look at the door and a smile appears on my face, I lift my leg and kick the man behind me away with all my strength. I try to run over to the door, but I didn't get my leg back on the ground fast enough, causing me to fall to the ground.

"Hunty?" I hear his voice again and I try to jump up and run back to the door. The dorr handle moves again. "Are you alright?"

I try to scream his name, scream for help, but nothing.

Before I can reach the door the guy from before grabs my hand again, pulling both my arms on my back and holding them there.

One of the persons walks over to the window, ready to climp out, however, they immediately come back and shake their head. The guy who hold me takes a short look around before he looks up to the ceiling.

Only a few seconds later, someone lands on the windowsill.

And, well, the four of us are glued to the ceiling. Or rather, abomination goo holds us in the corner of the ceiling, between some support bars. While those three are only hold by a little goo to the ceiling, my whole body is covered by the goo, making me unable to move. Only my head is free, even though my mouth is still covered, probably by goo too.

"Hunty, I-" we hear a voice. All of us look down and we see Edric entering the room.

"W-What happened here...?" Edric looks around my destroyed room while Flapjack flies around. I try my best to move and yell, trying to draw their attention to us. However, nothing works. That goo completely stops my movement.

At some point Edric kneels down and looks at all my notes on the ground.
"This is definitely Hunter's handwriting..."

It looks like he reads my notes, since he picks up one after another.

After a while I hear a soft sob and I look down to him with big eyes.

"H-He waited for me..." He mumbles and Flapjack lands on his shoulder. "And now...he's gone. I...I couldn't protect him..."

I watch him, crying and pressing my notes to his chest. This breaks my heart. I can't hold it anymore.

Tears roll down my cheeks and they disappear in the goo holding me in place. If that goo wouldn't cover my mouth I would just scream.

And because of me, he's blaiming himself. He doesn't deserve someone like me.

The other three, who are sticking to the ceiling like me turn their heads to me, seeing me crying horribly.

"Where are you, Hunty...?"

I'm here, Edric. Right above to you.

The next moment Lilith Clawthrone appears with that Owl House Demon and they get Edric out of their before the scouts got to him.

They are trapped by some magical rope, but they free them selves fairly quick and then run out, trying to go after Edric and the other two.

As soon as the room is empty, the abonimation goo moves us back to the ground, however, now tieing up my hands and legs. One of the persons picks me
up and they leave with me through the window.

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