2.6 Fight

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[Edric's POV]

We've explained Collector the rules and he seemed exicted about his role as the Owl Beast, we had to completely make up. Shortly afterwards, he redesigned the area around the Owl House to create nine coven bases and some forest around the Owl House. We also had to rearrange the rules a little to fit the concept of the Owl House. The first flag is found outside in the forest, the other two inside the Owl House. The Collector, as the Owl Beast, has complete control over the Owl House and can manipulate it in any way possible, but he's not allowed to fight the coven witches directly, it's to avoid him from hurting anyone seriously. Also, the time limit for the game is set to 7 hours. So, it's a hunt for the flags over the whole Boiling Isles within those 7 hours time. If we're not able to take down the Owl Flag at the end of the time, the game will restart the next day.

Yeah, don't ask how we made up all of that. The Collector also had some...inputs we couldn't just ignore them.

He also made it clear: if somebody wasn't playing seriously or if someone was sabotaging the game, he'd show no mercy.

Afterwards, all of us split up in the covens. The Coven heads decided to take lead of the Covens they represented and all the other citizens decided for a Coven, most went with the ones they are part of through their sigils. I decided to be part of Ebers Coven, Em went with the Healing Coven, Eda and King went with the Bard Coven and Lilith with the Potions Coven. All the other members of Cat splitted up on the remaining covens.

One more time, all of us gathered, the game is about to begin.

"Alright, try your best to bring your coven through. We only have to gather three flags and then take down the Owl Flag. Once that's done, all of this is over." Say Raine and we all nod at them.

"We have to play seriously, he will notice if someone is hesitating. So..." Says Eda and she looks at us for a while. "Don't hesitate to attack if you face each other as Owl and Coven witches. You rather wanna get hurt by a friend then killed by that freak. The Healing Coven will take care of every injury. Just try your best to bring your Coven through. If that fails, we will try to unite the Covens."

We all look at each other for a while before nodding. We all split up, returning to our Coven bases. I walk beside Eber and I look down to him.

"Think this will work out?" Eber looks up to me and he nods a little. I take a short breath and we arrive at our coven base. I see all the others wearing the same red shirts like us. If our coven disbands, those shirts will loose color and become gray, showing us that we've became Owl Witches. Shortly afterwards, a big hologram of the Collector appears over the Owl House he built.

"Welcome dear Covens to the first game of 'The Owl House'!! The last coven to find their first flag inside the forest will disband and become a part of the Owl Witches! They will do everything to prevent the other Covens from succeeding and they will try to get the  flags from your bases, so be careful dear Covens! Alright, let's begin! 'The Owl House', Game 1 starts..."

My whole team takes a short look at each other and we nod, the one half stays at the base while Eber, I and the others gather at the entrace to the forest around the giant Owl House.

"NOW! HAVE FUN!!!" Yells the Collector and we all start to run into the forest.

"Alright, everybody split up!!! We gotta find the first flag!!" They nod and we all immediately split up. I run over roots, jump over bushes and little cliffs. Looks like Collector made the forest especially dangerous.

"Where could the flag be..." I mumble quietly while I keep running. At some point, I started to use beast magic and I got some fire bees to check the area around me. Once of them alerts me and shows me that they found something. I run over to it and I see the flag of the Abonimation Coven, hidden inside a tree hole. I take a short look around, I grab the flag and I stick it into a root, making it more visible.

"Alright, let's continue!" I continue to run.

After three hours, I hear a loud bell and I look up to the sky.

"Ding, ding, ding!! Eight Covens found their flags!! The only Coven to not find their flag was...the Construction Coven!! The Construction Coven is now a part of the Owl witches and will try to take all of you down! The other two flags are inside my precious Owl House, come get them!~"

Gulping nervously I start to run to the center of the territory, towards the Owl House.

The Construction Coven...

I shake that thought out of my head and I continue to run. I gotta concentrate. Only one Coven has to come through and get the Owl Flag. Then all of this is over.

I keep running and after some time I finally exited the forest. I look around and I see some other Coven teams leave the forest and run into the building. A little impressed, I look up the giant building when I see someone get kicked out of a window. I stare at the window shocked before taking a deep breath and running inside.

Well, if it was only that easy. The entrace started to spin, rotate and jump around. If was impossible to stand. Absolutely confused, I create a spell and my Palisman appears in my hands. I jump onto him and start to fly around. Without touching the ground, it's kind of easy to get further, but then, suddenly some pillars dash out of the walls, trying to hit me.

Screaming, I do my best to avoid them, even though it doesn't really works out. One of the pillars smashes into me and out of the Owl House. I'm flying a little through the air until I ultimately land in the crown of a tree. A little confused and irritated, I'm laying in the leafs and I look over to the Owl House, kicking even more witches out.

"Urgh...and I thought we gave him as little control as possible by letting him 'only' control the Owl House..." After a while I take a deep breath and just when I jump off the tree, I hear another bell.

It looks like another coven was disbanded. I take a short look at my shirt, it's still red. Alright, that mean's I gotta go back into the Owl House!

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