2.17 Failure

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[Edric's POV]

It's been a little more than two years since the Owl House game began.

Two. Long. Years.

Two years we had to play this sick game. Two years we lost of our lives. We got older, matured. We lost our childhood to this. To surviving.

And nothing. Nobody even came close to winning. All for nothing. By now, we're able to enter the Owl House and get our last two flags, yet tearing down the Owl Flag is near to impossible. With the Collector freaking out and manipulating the House and the Owl Witches always fighting against us, it's just impossible.

The Collector already changed the setting around the Owl House 11 times. Every time we were about to figure the scheme out, he would change it.

And by now...people started to give up. It started after a year. All the covens would just...not attend the games anymore. The Collector would always threaten us or add a new price to the game in order to motivate us to play. It worked for some weeks, maybe months but it would always end up in the same old depression.

Even those who were eager to become the next Emperor gave up.

We wanted to continue, if the other covens won't play, it'd be a childs play to gain all the flags.

However when we wanted to, the Collector implemented another rule.

All covens have to attend for the game to start.

We're still working on the portal, we even got titan's blood thanks to King, but nothing worked. As if something was preventing us from moving forward.

So, right now we're just sitting around in our base, waiting for the game to start and then just continue to do nothing.

"ENOUGH!!!" We hear a voice yell and we all look to the Owl House in the distance to see familiar hologram of the Collector appearing in the sky. "I have enough of you spoilsports!!! New rule: Last chance!!! Today's game is your last chance!!! If you don't win game number 826, then it's over!! I will destroy the whole demon realm!!!" He snaps his fingers and a countdown appears in the sky. It starts to count down from 9 hours. "You have two hours to prepare yourselves! Once those are over the game starts and if nobody wins by the end of that countdown, I will break apart the whole demon realm!!!"

The hologram disappears. And I'm only now realizing what happened. What he said.

"N-No..." I mumble quietly and I see the others all standing up and looking at each other. This can't be real.

"T-There's no way...no way he'd do that..." Mumbles King beside me and I take a short look at him. Darius, Eda and the others run out of the Owl House, all looking at us shocked.

"He can't do that, can he???" Asks Eda, looking at us worried.

"As the Owl Beast he can't fight us directly. But...outside the game he's not playing the Owl Beast anymore." I mumble thoughtfully.

"We said...he could not hurt anyone once we win the game. So...he can't if we win. If not, he can." Adds King and we both look at each other. "How could we not think about that??" Says King frustrated and Steve places a hand on both our shoulders.

"You were scared and stressed. We wouldn't even have survived that long without you." Says Steve and all the others nod.

I take a short look at King and we both take a deep breath. I keep on thinking for a while until I look at the others determined.

"Em, go grab 8 crow phones." I look at her. "Send each coven base one, link them all up in one call." Em looks at me for a moment before nodding and running off.

"What's your plan?" Asks Dad and I look at him.

"If this is our last chance, then I will try it. Try to group all the covens to fight against one commen enemy. I don't care anymore, if this is our last chance either way, then I'll to everything to win this!!!" They look at me surprised and Em returns with a Crow Phone in her hand.

"The call is ready." She gives me the phone and I take deep breath.

"Dear covens. I know, this has been going on for years. I know you're all tired. I'm too. But I'm begging you. This is our last chance. There's nothing after this. We have to try. One last time. I don't care who tears down that damn flag and wins this game, it doesn't matter!! The only thing that matters is to survive this!! Don't let those past three years be in vain!!" I yell into the phone, now starting to cry. "I didn't waste two years of my live to do this day for day!! To try and win this! I didn't let him wait for...for YEARS just to die now!!!" I cry into the phone, panting. All the others look at me worried. I take a deep breath and close my eyes. "So. We do this. All of you will. I don't care what you say. I don't care what your excuses are. We will end this. Today."

I end the call and take another deep breath. I give Em the phone back and I turn away from all of them, wiping over my eyes.

"Edric?" Say Raine and I shake my head.

"I'm okay." Once I wiped away all my tears I look back to them. "Come on, let's plan something. One last time."

They all look at me and then nod. We all walk towards the Owl House, prepaying ourselves for one last game.

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