2.10 plan

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[Hunter's POV]

{At the Noceda residence}

I finished explaning to them what I talked about with Bob. I let let out some small things, like his advice to talk to them about my feelings. But I told them about everything else.

"Alright, that's a good explanation." Says Luz. "So there won't be any questions on how long you'll be here." Camila nods agreeing.

Wow, finally didn't fail at something.

"Yes, good work." She looks at Amity, Willow and Gus. "But we gotta think of something else for you. I don't wanna keep you locked in here. And people will get curious if you appear out of nowhere, without a family and come and go out of my house."

All of us look at each other for a while, thinking. "What about..." I mumble quietly, stroking over Flapjacks head and looking at him. "The old abandoned house in the forest...? The one we came through. It's abandoned. If we fix it up a litte, it could work as a home for us. We...you can still work magic here. It won't be a problem to fix it up alone. And the parents thing won't be an issue either with Gus' illusion magic." I finished mumbling and Flapjack chirps quietly. I look up and I see the others looking at each other, suprised and thinking.

"For an indefinite amount of time...that'll be the best option we have." Says Willow.

"And it'll be a good idea to stick with the abandoned house. If the portal ever opens up, we'll be right there. Or maybe we'll be able to open up one ourselves. No one should see us experimenting with magic to open up a portal." Says Amity and all of us take a look at Camila.

"Mh...the thing is the house is property of someone. We can't just take it and live in it. Bob once told me the property is owned by a woman called Marylin."

We look at each other, a little disappointed but both Vee and Luz look at each other with big eyes. "Marylin???" Say both and they smile excitedly. We look at them confused and Vee looks at Camila smiling while Luz looks at us.

"It won't be a problem to move into the abandoned house!! Because-" Says Vee and Luz continues. "Marylin is the name Eda lived under in the human realm!! She must've bought that shack to preserve the place the portal appears in!"

Now all of us look back to Camila and she smiles a little. "Yes. This will work."

All of us look at each other, smiling and relived. Finally, something is working out.

Who says you'll ever be able to open up a portal?

No one. But we'll never know if we stop here.

A little smile appears on my face as I watch them happily smile and hug each other. Looks like having at least one solution to a problem gives them hope.

I just keep on watching them, I hear Flapjack chirp a little and I look at him. "I'll tell them, but not now..." I look back up to the others. "Let them have this moment."


A few days have passed. By now, we started working on the abandoned house in the forest to make it a home. Willow created materials with her plant magic, mostly wood we used to fix up the walls and some holes. With Amity's Abonimation we were able to lift up heavy things and transport them. We even managed to provide the houses with electricity and water, also with the help of some magic. We don't have any furniture or anything yet, but the house itself is finished. We're now living here, Amity, Gus, Willow, Luz and I. Well, Luz could live with her mom but we don't wanna risk anyone seeing her and Vee at the same time until we have a solution for that.

Right now, we're sitting in our improvised living room in the house and Camila is telling us something that none of us have thought of.

"Go to school???" Say all of us in shock and Camila takes a deep breath.

"Look, we don't know when you'll be able to open up a portal again. Until then, you'll have to live here. I'm not implying that the portal won't open again and you'll have to stay here but...I want to provide each of you a future. We can't teach you everything in this world and...I want you to at least have your childhood back. You're children, you shouldn't worry about your families and friends like that, you should be going to school, spend time with friends and enjoy life! Not fight or train in case anyone attacks you."

"Mom..." says Luz and her mom takes her hands, holding them in hers.

"Please, cariño." She looks at her and then at the rest of us. "Some of you have forgotten what it means to be a kid." She places a hand on Amitys cheek, stroking it and she looks at Gus and Willow. "Some of you never knew." She looks over to me and I just look at her, not knowing how to react to that.

After a while, we exchange some stares. All of us look back to Camila, giving her a nod.

"Thank you, Sweeties." Says Camila and she gives us a smile.


Later that evening all of us are chilling in the newly built living room of the house in the woods. Amity is sitting on the old couch, Luz laying between her legs, Willow and Gus are sitting on a carpet doing some small magic excerices while I am sitting on a chair, just watching them.

Flapjacks chirps quietly and I take a short look at him. I take a deep breath and I look at the others.

"Hey, guys..." I mumble and they now all look over to me. "I've been lately...troubled by my own thoughts...I'm sure you noticed." I keep looking at Flapjack, fondling him a little. "Can I..tell you what's been on my mind...? I know you guys are just as scared and overwhelmed as I am and I'm sorry if-"

"Shoot." Says Amity, stroking through Luz' hair. "Don't even try to apologize. Know what Ed said about you?" Amity looks ovee to me and she smiles a little. "He smiled like...the total dork he is, looked into the sky and said 'When will he finally value himself? There all this people out there who love him, want to help him and just see him happy. And all he does is feel guilty and think he disappoints everybody if he does anything for himself. It hurts me. Even more then it would, if he would simply tell me everything that's on his mind. When will he finally see what I- I MEAN ALL OF US SEE IN HIM!!!' Then he turned red like an apple. Sounds like him, don't you think?"

All of them look at me smiling a little, while I'm just looking at her with big eyes.

"Yeah, sounds just like him. I miss him so much." I mumble quietly and she smiles a little.

"So do I." Says Amity and she looks back to Luz, laying between her legs. "So, take his words to heart. Don't feel guilty for having emotions. Come on, tell us."

All of them keep smiling at me. I take a deep breath and then start to tell them everything that's been on my mind. At some point, the others join. Everybody's sharing what's been on their minds, how they are feeling.

It was...nice.

There's nobody other then us who can understand what we're going through.

So that's when I'd like to remind myself of something Luz said before some times.

Us weirdos have to stick together.

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