28. Night

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[Edric's POV]

After the three coven heads left,  all of us went to sleep. I also stayed at the Owl House and helped everybody prepare for their department. After a couple hours, they went to sleep. I stayed with Hunter in the living room, scared of someone sneaking in and taking him.

Sitting on the ground in front of him, I just watch him sleep. Watching his chest rise and sink, as if I was scared that he would suddenly stop.

After a while I notice how he seems a little uneasy. His hands clench into the blanket and his breathing gets faster.

"U-Uncle..." I hear him whisper. It was so quiet, I almost didn't hear it. Gently, I take his hand into mine, holding it and stroking over the back of his hand with my thumb. I take a short look at his hand, being coverer by a glove. He wears them all the time, even when he sleeps.

"Shhh...it's okay, Hunty." I mumble, I look back to his face and keep holding his hand. "You're save."

After a few seconds, he calms down again and continues to sleep calmly. A little smile appears on my face and I lay my head down on the couch beside him. My eyes close slowly and I just watch him untill I fall asleep with my head on the couch.

[Hunter's POV]

Yawning quietly, I open my eyes and look around a little. Where am I? I look around a little longer. Looks like it's early in the morning, the sun is just rising. And that's when I finally remember where I am.

"T-The...Owl House..." I mumble quietly, that's the moment when I notice something on my hand. I lift my hand a little while sitting up and I see another hand holding mine. Confused, I follow the hand and I see Edric, sitting on the ground beside the couch, sleeping with his head on the couch.

"Edric...?" I say confused. That's when I hear some footsteps walking in.

"Oh, Blondie. You're awake. How are you?" I hear Eda ask. She walked into the room with a backpack in her hand. Even though she placed it down once she saw me awake.

"Okay..." I answer her and I look back to Edric.

"Oh, Blight Brother over there wanted to look after you. He must have fallen asleep at some point." Eda smiles at me. "Take your time. We will leave the Owl House once you two are awake."

"Leave the Owl House...?" I ask confused and she nods. While I sit up I just look at Edric, still holding his hand.

"It's a long story, I'll explain it to you later." She turns around again and walks to the kitchen. "You hungry, Blondie?" I hear her ask and I just nod a little. I hear her walk into the kitchen. I look at Edric for a few seconds before I grab the blanket off me and put it to the side. Afterwards, I grab him gently and pull him onto the couch. As I am sitting on the couch, I lay his body down beside me and his head on my lap and I stroke a little through his hair. I cover him up with the blanket and just continue to stroke through his hair as he sleeps.

"That. Is. Adorable." I hear someone say and I immediately look up, blushing. Luz stands in the door way, King beside her, both chuckling.

I look at them, blushing. "Shhh, don't you dear wake him up!!!" I mumble/yell and they continue to chuckle, that's when I hear a chirp and then Flapjack flies over to me.

"Flapjack!!" I say and I hug him softly. "Ohhh, I missed you so much. Sorry for not paying attention to you last night. I was...exhausted." I smile at him and stroke over his head. "We have to catch up on a lot."

{Some time later}

I am talking with Eda and Luz, we're all drinking some tea while King, at some point also laid down on my lap and fell asleep.

We're talking calmly when I notice something move under me. I look down surprised and I see Edric slowly waking up.

"Morning, Sleepyhead." I say and place down my cup on the table. I look back to Edric only to see him looking up to me with big eyes.

"I see an angel... am I in heaven?" We hear him ask, causing me to turn red in embarrassed as Luz and Eda start to laugh out.

"O-Oh gosh, you two are even worse then Luz and Amity!!!" Says Eda, holding her stomach as she laughs.

"H-Hey, that's not true!!!" Says Luz, now also blushing.

As they start to argument I sigh quietly and look back to Edric, stroking through his hair. "No, you're still alive."

He slowly sits up, stretching a bit. "Wow, I slept amazing..." he says while yawning.

"No wonder if you slept on Blondies lap and he kept stroking through your hai-" "ANYWAY!!!" I interrupted Eda, standing up and holding the sleeping King on my arms. "We should get going. The longer we stay here the more dangerous it gets.

Edric also stands up and he nods. "Alright." He looks over to Eda. "Is your Sister on the way?" He asks her.

"Yeah, don't worry she can help me carry our things there. You kids go and take care of your family." Says Eda, giving Edric a smile.

"Kids?" He says confused and Luz laughs.

"What did you think, we're coming with you!" Says Luz, smirking. "I wanna see my awesome girlfriend again."

"What??" Says Edric shocked. "Nonono, you should go to the hideout, I'll follow later."

"Of course we'll come with you." I walk over to Eda and I hand her the sleeping King over. Then I walk over to the couch and grab the sleeping Flapjack of a pillow. "Luz told me what happened when she last spoke to your parents." I look over to Edric, looking at him dead serious. "You are not going to talk your parents out of their business and then have them punish you by 'testing' their newest weapons on you. I won't let that happen. I already contacted Darius, he wasn't convinced by our plan." Flapjack wakes up and he transform into a staff, I hold it in my fist and stomp with it on the ground. "But he nor anyone else can stop me from sticking up with you and stop your parents. Or in that matter, Belos."

Edric looks at me with those dorky eyes of his, blushing slightly. "That was the hottest thing I've ever seen someone do." After a few seconds he shakes his head a little and he nods smirking. "Alright, let's go!!!"

Says Edric smiling and I also look at him, smiling slightly.

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