2.28 chance

300 16 16

[Hunter's PoV]

We're still sitting there, just watching the sky. I feel so bad for him. I miss the Boiling Isles like crazy and I was ONLY gone for two years. He wasn't home in...forever. Then also locked away? No wonder he freaked out like that. Who wouldn't freak out? Which kid would keep a clear mind after experiencing something like that? I'm just thinking about a way to  cheer him up when I suddenly get an idea.

"Hey Collector?" He looks at me and tilts his head a little. "Did you ever dance before?" Now he looks at me confused and shakes his head. "Wait a moment." I stand up, leaving Flapjack and the Collector sitting there. I walk away a few steps, get out my phone and call Luz.

It doesn't even take 10 seconds until she picks up the call and I hear multiple voices yelling into the phone.

"Titan, calm down!! I can't understand you!" I yell into the phone, they immediately shut up and Luz starts to talk into the phone.

"Hunter, you're alive! We were so worried, we thought you were dead!!" Says Luz worried and I smile a little.

"Sorry, we were busy playing and...talking." I say, I take a short look back to Collector and I see him and Flapjack, apparently talking to each other. "Is prom cancelled?" I ask, gaining a round of gasps.

"Of course not, if you'd know what is happening here!! Half the town is here thanking us for the fight we've put on against the Collector! They expanded prom to the school yard, hanging up lights and decorations, they prepared a buffet! Everybody wants to celebrate the win and the graduation, but they are all waiting for you! You're their hero!!" Says Luz exictedly as I look at the phone confused and suprised.

"Hero? I'm no hero." I simply say and I take another look at the Collector. "Anyway, thank you for telling me, I'm on the way." After telling them goodbye I end the phone call and walk back to the Collector and Flapjack.

"Hey Collector." He stands up as I fix my clothes a little and smile at him. "Right now, people are waiting for me on a party. We are celebrating my graduation. So, what do you think? If you behave and listen to everything I say, you can come with me. We could even have a dance, how does that sound?" He looks at me thoughtfully. "I know it's not a game, but it can also be fun if you want to give it a try."

He looks at me for a while and after some time he smiles at me.


The new party setup is finished, the school yard looks amazing. Colorful spotlights are hanging from different little poles. A nice buffet with food and drinks is placed on many tables on the side of the party and there's even a DJ making music.

"They really outdid themselves." Says Vee and the others nod agreeing.

"Yeah. And they all can't wait to celebrate." Adds Gus and the others share some worried looks.

"What if he did kill him?" Says Amity and Luz shakes her hand.

"He sounded...calm. I'm sure nothing happened." Says Luz and that's when they hear the people gasp and cheering. Those five turn around until they look up and see someone flying down to them.

"Hunter!!!" I hear multiple people say my name as I'm flying down on Flapjack. Once I land, we get off my staff I am immediately surrounded by a bunch of people. Flapjack transformed back and he lands on my head as all these people talk to me.

"Hunter, you were amazing!"
"You saved all of us! Luz and the others explained us everything!!"
"Still pretty freaky that y'all are witches."
"Can I also fly on your staff??? And did it just turn into a bird???"
"So, you're from the same world as that Frog-vasion girl?"
"That's our Prom King!"
"We're so happy you're okay!"

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