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[Luz's POV]

Mom opens the door and behind the door we see a police officer and...

"Hunter!!!" I immediately walk over to him and I hug him. "Gosh, we were so worried!!" I say as I keep hugging him. The police officer behind looks at my Mom.

"Good evening Camila, Luz." He smiles at us as he takes off his hat.

"Bob, thank god you found him. We were so worried!" Says Mom, she smiles relieved and she hugs Bob.

"No problem, really! It was a delight to speak with such a resposible, strong young man! It's not easy to keep going after living through something like that." Camila let's go off Bob, he places a hand on Hunter's shoulder and he smiles at him. "Maybe you'll be an addition to our police force in some years. I'd be happy to have someone like you in my team."

Hunter looks at Bob and he smiles a little. "Yeah, maybe one day."

Bob keeps smiling at him, he puts his hat back on and he strokes a little over Flapjacks head, who is sitting on Hunter's head. "Alright, Camila, Luz, Hunter and Flapjack. Have a wonderful day. I gotta get back to my patrol. I'll see you for Brutus next check up!" Says Bob as he walks away and Mom weaves him goodbye.

"Thank you once again, Bob!" Yells Mom after him before we all get inside and close the door.

Mom immediately kneels down, she hugs Hunter and sighs relieved. "Oh gosh, are you alright, are you hurt??" Says Mom, looking at him worried.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to make you worry." Says Hunter and Mom shakes her head.

"It's okay, mijo. As long as you're alright, it doesn't matter." Hunter just looks at her for a moment before nodding a little.

We go back into the living room and once we enter it, all the others jump Hunter, almost brining him down.

"Hunter, you're back!!!" Cries Gus, hugging him tightly. A little bit overwhelmed, Hunter stands in the middle of all of them.

"Sorry...I didn't mean to scare you..." mumbles Hunter and he hugs them a little back. After a while they let go of him and Mom walks over to him, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"What happened, what did you tell Bob...?" Asks my Mom and now all of us look at him curious.

Hunter takes a short look up to Flapjack before he scratchs his cheek a little.


[Hunter's POV]

{At the river}

"It's just, those voices won't let me go and they make me feel worse. I know that most of the things they say aren't true...but I lost my confidence to believe in anything else. And hearing them all the time...it hurts...makes me insecure, causes me to question myself and everything around me." I mumble as I just lay there and look into the sky. Flapjack chirps quietly and I sigh. "No, I don't want to tell them. They'd worry even more." Once again Flapjack chirps, but we're interrupted when we hear someone walking over to us. I immediately sit up, causing Flapjack to fall off my chest. He flies up to my head, sitting down in my hair and I grab my gloves to put them back on.

"Hey Kid, are you alright?" Asks a man. Once I put my gloves on I look around and I see a man, clothed in a blue uniform standing beside me. I stand up and I look at him a little overwhelmed.

"E-Ehm, yes, yes." I mumble and he looks at me for a while.

"Mhh, I haven't seen you before. Are you new here?" Asks the man and I look at him overwhelmed.

"Y-Yes I...uhm...I'm visiting my...family's friends, yes. I got a little lost..." I mumble, hoping he'll buy it and let me go.

"Oh, well where do your friends live?" Asks the man, smiling at me gently.

Where do they live? In a house.

"Ehm...I don't know..." I mumble quietly.

"Mhhh, you know their surname?" Asks the man and I think for a moment.

"Ehm...Noceda." I mumble quietly and he smiles at me.

"Ohhh, so you're a friend of Camila's and Luz'. Come on, I'll walk you to their place." He smiles at me. I look at him for a while before nodding a little. He goes ahead and I follow him, a little hesitant.

"Ehm...you know Camila and Luz...?" I ask quietly.

"Of course I do! Camila is the police dogs veterinarian! She's amazing at her job. And Luz, well the city isn't that big soo most people now everybody here. So what's your name, kid? And who's that little bird on your head?" Asks the man and he takes a short look at me.

"Ehm...Hunter. And that's Flapjack." I mumble amd he smiles at me as we walk over a street.

"My name is Officer Clay, but you can call me Bob. So, what are you doing in Gravesfield?" He asks as we continue to go. I gulp nervously. What am I supposed to say? Who knows how long we're gonna have to stay here.

"Ehm...well..." I'm thinking, trying to think of an explanation. He takes a short look at me, waiting for an explanation. "I-I lived with my uncle and...he had to...leave. So, I'm now staying with the Noceda's for some time." I mumble quickly and I take a short look at him. He stops and looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Leave?" He asks me and I simply avoid his glance. After a while he sighs quietly. "I think, I understand. I'm sorry. That's nothing a kid should go through. Must be hard to stay in a foreign city with new people." He continues to walk and I follow him.

"It's okay. I just don't want them to worry about me." I mumble quietly, Flapjack chirps on my head.

"Did you run away?" Asks Bob, I keep quiet for a while before shaking my head a little.

"Not really...I just got lost." I say and he nods a little.


"Got it...you know, it's really responsible of you to don't want to worry them. But in times like those you're living through, it's important to talk about what you're feeling. Being strong alone is good, stronger with those people around you even better." He gives me a smile. "Got that, lil man?"

I look at him and nod a little. "Yes, I think. Thank you."

He smiles too and we continue to walk. "Say, you know what you wanna be one day?"

"Not really..." I'm quiet for a moment. "But...I always liked rules and authorities...serving them and...protect the people." I say and take a look at him. "I want to have...a meaningful purpose and I want to choose it myself..."

He looks at me for a moment before laughing a little and smiling at me, he places a hand on my shoulder and we continue to walk through the city. "Then let me tell you of the life of a police officer. Maybe that'll inspire you a little." He starts to talk about his position and the police forms. I'm just listening to him and a little smile appears on my face.

The way he talks about his job sounds...


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