4. Autograph

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[Hunter's POV]

Pfew. Luckily, I made it in time for the opening.
How could I just forget something like that? How could I forget that I am the Golden Guard??

I just felt so...different before. I've never felt like that. It felt strange. I didn't feel like myself.

I am the Golden Guard and Emperor Belos right hand. That's who I am. I couldn't have just forgotten that.

As I land, I am shortly afterwards surrounded by a lot of people. They hand me papers and pencils, while I give them autographs they ask me all kind of things and I try to answer them as good as possible.

"Excuse me, Golden Guard." I turn around as I hear a familiar voice behind me. It's Edric and he hands me two pieces of paper. "Can you sign these for me?" I take the papers and nod. "Of course, who are they for?" I smile slightly behind my mask. For being pretty bold before he seems so shy now.

"Ehm...for Edric and Hunter." I am a little suprised as I hear him say my name.

"Hunter? What a strange name." I say as I sign both Papers with both names. He rubs his neck while chuckling cut-quietly.

"Ah, it's for a Friend. Even though I just met him. But he is really nice and he can't be here so..." after I signed those papers I hand them back to him.

"That's nice of you." I simply say and I see his face light up once he looks at the autographs.

"Thank you so much!!" He walks off, looking at the papers with a bright smile. Once he's gone I huff quietly and take care of the rest of the people.


After some couple of hours, I quickly left the people and went into the alley. Once again, I hid my mask, cloak and staff and walked out of the alley again. Carefully I look around, trying to find him.

I don't know why, I feel bad after just leaving him and then, him also getting an autograph for me. Something so thoughtful...nobody did ever something like this for me. I keep looking around, some more time passes when I notice him sitting on a building top, looking over the city. I take a short look at Flapjack who transform into my staff and helps me on top of the building. Once I am there, he transforms back and flies off. Now kind of nervous I walk over to Edric, gulping nervously.

"Hey. Got some space for me?" Once again he flinches together in shock and looks up to me surprised. After a short moment he jumps up and looks at me with a bright smile.

"Hunter!! There you are, I got worried." He smiles at me and shortly afterwards, he hands me a paper. "Look! The Golden Guard was the special guest. He gave me even an autograph for you and me!"

I take the paper from him and I look at it for a moment. It's my own writing and nothing special, but still he got it just for me. I stroke over the paper with one finger, even though I can't really feel it because of the glove. After a short while, a little smile appears on my lips and I look back at him. "Thank you. No one has ever dome something like this for me."

I notice that his cheeks turn a little red and he strokes through his green hair. "A-Ah, your welcome..." he takes a deep breath and looks back to me. "I would like to...keep in touch with you. Do you have Penstagram?"

"Oh...no sorry. My uncle doesn't allows me to own a scroll." I say and notice his surprised reaction.

"Your uncle has kind of too much control of your life..." he says and I look at him a little upset.

"No, he doesn't!! He does everything he does to protect me." I say and immediately cross my arms while looking at him offended.

"Nonono, I didn't mean it like that!!" He lifts up his hands in a defensive way. "It's just, you're my age, it's strange to not own a scroll. How else would your uncle keep contact with you??"

As he said that I look at him for a moment, until I notice something. It's already dark.

"Oh god, it's dark!!! I was supposed to be back hours ago!!!" I look around and notice Flapjack flying over, I stretch out my hand to him, he transform into a staff and I grab him. I climp onto him but Edric stands infront of me, blocking my way.

"Wait, how can I talk to you again?? Are you also a student at Hexside, where do you live??" He asks me but I just gulp nervously.

"Sorry, I have to go. But thank you. I had fun today." I give him a small smile before flying away on my staff.

"Hunter!!" I hear him yell after me but I just keep flying. After I'm out of his sight, I get my things out of the alley and make my way back towards the emperor's castle.

"Oh titan, I'm too late, he's gonna kill me!!" I say as I finally land infront of the castle gate, impatiently, I wait for it to open and for the bridge to drive out. As soon as the bridge is fully extended, I make my way over it and make my way through the door. As soon as I am through and the door closed again, I sigh relieved and turn around. However, right in front of me stands...

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