2.19 Danger

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[Edric's POV]

After coming up with a little plan, we told the other covens about it. Looks like I was able to convince all of them, everybody agreed to take part in the plan.

We're all standing at the entrance line to a giant area in the middle of a snow storm. It's the newest change in surrounding the Collector did. And the last one.

"Alright, all of you know the plan." We nod.

"This our last chance." Says Darius in front of us. "Let's end this."

"YEAH!!!" Scream all of us and we all look up to the giant countdown. Only some seconds and the game will start. All of us with Palismen get them out and we prepapre ourselves to go.

3. 2. 1....

"GO!!!" Yells Darius and we all immediately dash forward. We're jumping on our Palismen, flying through the snow storm. The first phase is it to get any flag you can find. No matter which flag, then return it to their coven. One of the covens will turn to wild witches, we can't stop that, however we all agreed to something. The wild witches won't make their part. They won't fight us and not enter our bases. They will risk a punishment, but he can't punish them during the game and there's nothing after the game. So, it's not like anyone cared. And without a threat to our bases, nobody has to watch them. So, we have all our forces on the field.

We keep on flying through the snow storm. I'm flying beside Em, Vinney, Skara and our other friends. We're all searching the storm when I see a flag in the snow.

"There!" I yell and we all fly down. Em jumps off her staff and she runs over to the flag, she pulls it out of the ground and takes a look at it.

"ORACLE!!!" Yells Em up to us and we nod.

"Oracle flag found!" Says Jerbo into a crow phone. "We will send it over!" Once again, we created a phone call with multiple crow phones, not only keeping in contact with our own coven but also the others.

We get a confirmation of the oracle coven and Emira flies up on her staff to us. "I'll bring them the flag! You guys to the Owl House! Our flag is already on the way!"

I look at Em for a while and I nod. "Come to the Owl House once you're finished." She nods and just when  she's about to fly off, I grab her arm.

"Be careful sis." She looks at me for a moment before smiling.

"I'm strong. You know that." She hits my shoulder gently before flying off on her staff.

I look after her, then I nod to the others and we all start to fly off, again flying towards the giant Owl House.

Due to the snow storm it took us another hour to arrive at the Owl House and that's the moment we hear the Collectors announcement.

"Ding, ding, ding!! Eight covens found their flags!! The only Coven to not find their flag was...the Oracle coven!! The Oracle coven is now a part of the Owl witches and will try to take all of you down! The other two flags are inside my precious Owl House, come get them!~" Once the announcement ends my eyes wide in shock.

"W-What...?" I say in shock, not believing what just happened. I turn around to Jerbo, I grab the Crow Phone from him and speak into it.

"Oracle coven, did you not receive your flag?? Did a girl with green long hair arrive at your base??"

"Apparently not, we thought the flag arrived some time ago!!!" Says a voice, causing me to tremble.

"E-Em...she didn't arrive...?" I mumble quietly when I hear rumbling from the crow phone and then Dad's voice.

"Edric, what happened???" I hear him ask, I'm just standing there, holding the phone in my hands and staring into the air.

"E-Em...she had the Oracle's coven flag...she never arrived there..." My dad gasps and I'm holding back my tears. "W-We have to find her!!! She can't stay out there in that storm!!!"

"Edric, in which direction did sh-!" I hear my father say, but he's interrupted by someone snatching away the phone from him.

"Blight boy, listen to me!" Says Darius. "The area is enormous, you can't possible find her!! We don't have enough time! We either win this game and save her and everyone else or we loose and everything is over! We only have less then five hours left!!!" Yells Darius, I hear my father arguing with Darius, my friends are just looking at me worried.

"How can you say that!?? She's my daughter, I'm not loosing another one of my kids to that psychopa-"

"Darius is right..." I mumble, interrupting my father. "This is the only chance."

Dad stays quiet for a while before sighing quietly. "Everybody move over to the Owl House." Says Darius, I let go of the phone and it flies into the air.

"You alright, Edric?" Asks Vinney and I just nod.

"Yeah." I look at the Owl House in front of us. "But I want this sick game to end right now." I say with an angry voice. I get out of my staff, waiting patiently. I want to just rush in there and end this, but I know I can't do this alone. So, we have to wait until all the others arrive at the Owl House.

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