32. Recruit

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[Hunter's POV]

"How can they expect us to NOT fight with them?? We're strong, we can fight!" says Luz while walking up and down in the room.

All the adults are gone, preparing some more things for the Day of Unity. We're gathered in my room, talking about everything. Amity is trying to calm Luz down, Emira is talking to King, trying to calm him down and Edric and I are sitting on my bed, just watching them.

"And they won't even let us talk to anyone!" Luz sighs quietly. "I just want to know if Willow and Gus are alright..." mumbles Luz. I think about it for a moment before standing up.

"Follow me." All of them look at me confused but they follow me outside my room. I walk into the main room and we all sit down around the table. I take a look around the papers on the table before I grab one. "Darius told me about an incident at Hexside, with Head Witch Graye. In order to stop multi-tracks they wanted to brand students with coven sigils, but their plan was stopped by an student affiliation and Graye was defeated by an Illusion Track student and a Plant Track student. I think it could be Captain and Gus." I say while handing Luz the paper with the report.

"If you really want to fight at the Day of Unity, you should go get them." I say and she looks at me suprised.

"Wait, are you serious? Darius said we shouldn't leave and you seem to listen to him." Says Luz and the others look at me confused.

"I think if you want to fight Belos you need all the help you can get.  Captain and Gus are strong, they'll be a great addition." I explain and I notice a lot of suprised stares.

"Wait, you said 'if YOU want to fight Belos'. Aren't you going to fight too?" Says Amity and I turn around, sighing quietly.

"I will come with you and help. But... I can't face him. I just can't. I won't be of help. And since he needs me as a ... 'sacrifice', it'll be stupid to bring myself to him, right?" I notice all their stares in my back and I sigh quietly before looking back to them with a small smile. "Go and bring Captain and Gus here, be careful to not let anyone follow you."

I walk out of the room, leaving them behind, even though I hear one person following me. I walk out on the balcony and I just look into the sky.

"How are you feeling?" I hear Edric ask and he walks up to me.

I huff quietly and just keep on looking to the sky. "Shouldn't you worry about other things then my feelings."

"I think I'll always worry about you." A little smile appears on my lips and I grab his hand, holding it in mine.

"Do you think all of this will...turn out good...?" I ask quietly, still looking at the sky.

"Of course it will." He looks at me and I also take a look at him. "Their plan is good and we'll help them. The Day of Unity won't end the way Belos planned it to." He's quiet for a while before smiling at me. "There will be a tomorrow."

I look at him surprised. He referred to what I said when we we're fighting the Abomatons. I smile slightly and we both look back to the sky. I lean my head a little on his shoulder.

"Yeah...you're right."

{A few hours later}

By now, the others returned with Willow and Gus. Edric and I stayed in the hideout to not risk anyone seeing us.

"Captain, Gus." I say when they walk in.

"Hunter!!" Both of them run over to me and they hug me. A little confused and suprised I look at them as they hug me.

"We're so glad that you're alright!! It's good to see you again." Says Gus and Willow smiles at me.

I look at them for a short moment before nodding. "I'm also glad to see you."

"We're still a little confused about what is going on." Says Gus and Willow nods.

"We'll explain everything that happened and what we will do on the Day of Unity." Says Edric and the others nod.

"Alright..." says Luz and she takes a deep breath.


We explained everything to Willow and Gus and worked on our plan for the Day of Unity.

We were grounded by Darius for ignoring his command, but Raine and Eda put in a good word for us and with an annoyed sigh he eventually let us go.

"You think he's gonna stay mad long?" Says Edric, sitting on my bed watching me play with Flapjack.

"No. He doesn't look like it, but he forgives fast. I once accidentally spilled something on his clothes. He raged for a bit, but a little later I lost my mask and he helped me find it." I throw a little stick into the air and watch Flapjack flying up to it and catching it midair. "Oh, and your dad. Darius hated him, but now he's here and they are talking like they did when they were kids." Flapjack brings me the stick and I look back to Edric. "Like friends. Maybe even more."

Edric looks at me surprised. "And you noticed that yourself?"

I look over to Edric, confused. "I did. That's a strange question, you know?"

He looks at me for a while, but then he just starts to chuckle. "Yeah, you're right."

Still pretty confused about that I just shrug with my shoulders and continue to play with Flapjack.

"So, Hunter..." I hear Edric say and I take another look at him. "Are you really aware of what's gonna happen to Belos if the plan succeeds...?"

Looking at Flapjack in front of me I take a deep breath, even though it makes me a little nervous and I start to fiddle with my gloves, catching Edric's attention. "I know. Ever since I found out what his real intentions are...I gave up on ever having a family again."

"You know..." Edric stands up and he sits down beside me on the ground. "Family is not bound by blood. Just take a look at Eda, King and Luz. They aren't related, not at all. And still, they are a family. A caring, loving family." He looks at Flapjack and strokes over his little head. "You'll find people you can consider your family." He looks at me and smiles. "I mean, the way you and Darius act with each other...don't you think he treats you like a son? Raine too and Eberwolf, kinda like a crazy uncle." He chuckles causing me to chuckle too. "And you still have me- I MEAN ALL OF US!!!" He mutters fast, laughing embarrassed. "With those people around, you'll never be alone. Yet alone without a family."

I just look at him, smiling. I take his head in between my hands, smiling at him gently and softly.

"Thank you, Edric. For everything. You make me so...incredibly happy."
He looks at me, with those big, sparkling eyes and that dorky face I love so much.

"N-No problem..." he mumbles while looking to Flapjack and smiling widely. I just watch him play with Flapjack, smiling a little.

Everything will be just fine.

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