10. Doubt

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[Hunter's POV]

After I flew away with Raine, we landed on top of a rooftop and we both got off my staff. As soon as we're on the ground, I kneel down and hit the ground with my fist.

"Dammit!!!"I yell as I keep hitting the ground. "I can't keep lying to him about who I am...he will hate me..." I mumble, completely forgetting that Raine is still there.

"So, I guees the 'him' you refer to, was the green haired boy. And that he was the one you met in secret." I look up suprised and turn around to look at them.

"Raine...how do you..." I ask, shocked. They know that I leave the castle outside my missions.

"Emperor Belos ordered some scouts to watch you and your room. I heard them talk about how you were gone for hours, nowhere to be found." My eyes wide in shock. Uncle did what? "So I have a proposal. I won't tell the Emperor about your Rendezvous with the boy. And about that Palisman of yours. Therefore, you won't tell him about Eda."

I look at them, confused and suprised. "Why would you want to keep the Owl Lady out of this. You rather seemed like you resented her." They are silent for a while. "Raine. What is going on here?"

"Do we have an agreement?" They ask, completely ignoring my question.

"I wanna know what is going on here! Do you know what happened during the last months or you don't?? What has uncle to do with all of this?? Why won't anyone tell me anything??"

They look at me for some time. "I don't want to drag you into this, Hunter. This is nothing you should get involved into. I don't want to see you get hurt. Belos doesn't has to know about you not following his orders, if you keep quiet." I'm
even more surprised, they turn around and leave the rooftop, leaving me completely alone.

After a while I grab my staff and start to fly...somewhere. I don't know. Just away from here.

Just what the hell is going on?? Why would Uncle
order scouts to watch me?? What is up with Raine and what has the Owl Lady to do with this?? What is
going on here, why isn't anyone telling me anything??

And why would Uncle lie to me?

[Edric's POV]

After we met up with Luz, Mittens, the little demon King and the House Demon, all of us went to the Owl House outside of Bonesborough. By now it's already midnight, Emira and I are sitting on the couch while Eda, Luz and Mittens explained everything to us.

"So, Belos tries to create a portal to the Human Realm, also trying to get rid of wild magic. That's why he's trying to get everyone into a coven in order to keep control, so that the Day of Unity will work out without a problem. And every coven-less witch will be forced inside a coven or petrified." Tries Em to sum everything up and Mittens nods.

"That's everything we know yet." Says Mittens and Em stands up.

"Why didn't you tell us directly?? We will help you, right Ed?" Says Em, looks back to me smiling. I'm just sitting on the couch, stroking Flapjacks head.

"I can't believe the Golden Guard tried to take his Palisman. I always thought...he was so cool. A real fighter, honorful. But this..." I close my eyes in disappointment, leaning back on the couch.

I notice how everybody stares at me and shortly afterwards I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"Look, Kid." That's Eda. "That Golden Guard... I don't think he has a bad heart. Yes, he's on the Emperor's side. But after he saw what was going on with Raine and that there have been things the Emperor hasn't told him, he hestitated. As if he noticed that something wasn't right." I open my eyes to look at her and she strokes over little Flapjacks head. "I don't think he would've just given us this little guy. The Palismen are essential for the Emperor, that magic staff off his can be rebuild. It's not worth giving up a precious Palisman for. You understand?" Says Eda before giving me a soft smile along with everybody else.

"Yes..." I say quietly, just looking down on Flapjack before standing up. "We should propably let him fly. My friend-" "BOYfriend-" adds Emira, earning an embarrassed death glare from me, causing everyone else to fall into laughter. After a while I sigh quietly and walk out of the owl house. Outside I smile slightly down at Flapjack and I give him a note.

"Bring this to Hunter. And please return with an answer to me. I'm a little worried about him, you understand?" I smile at him while he chirps quielty. He grabs my note with his claws and jumps into the air, flying away. I watch him for a while before walking back into the Owl House.

"Please be alright, Blondie..." I mumble quietly.

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