5. Mission

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"E-Emperor..." I say shocked, he stands directly in front of me and looks down at me.

"Golden Guard. Please follow me to the Throne Room." After he said that, he turns around and makes his way towards the throne room. I follow him there, just staring at the ground.

Please don't be too disappointed.

After a dead silent walk we arrive at the throne room. A couple of scouts and some higher people are there. "Everybody leave the throne room." Says my uncle and only a couple seconds later the whole room is empty. As soon as the room is empty I remove the mask off my face and just keep staring at the ground.

"Where were you." He asks seriously.

"I-I...the convention took a little longer. I'm sorry uncle." I mumble quietly and a little embarrassed.

"The convention already ended hours ago. Where. Were. You." He turns around and I notice his piercing look at me.

Still staring at the ground, I take a little breath. I can't tell him that I spendt my time with Edric. So I just stay silent. After a couple of seconds I hear him sigh, he kneels down in front of me and takes off his mask. "Hatchling, look at me." I feel how he places his hand on my cheek, I lift up my head and look at him.

"Please. I was so worried. If your mission takes longer, please notify me. And don't do anything else. Return immediately after you finished your mission. Can you promise me that?" He strokes over my head and I nod slightly.

"Yes, uncle..."

"Good." He strokes one more time over my head and then stands up. "The other coven heads told me you did an amazing job at the Coven Opening. I'm proud of you. You must be tired, you can return to your room and rest. Good night, Hatchling." He turns around and puts his mask on.

"T-Thank you, uncle..." I say while I watch him leave the throne room. As soon as he left the room I put on my mask again and then also leave the room.

Once I am in my room I place all my things down, I open my window and let Flapjack in. Afterwards I drop down on my bed and I take a deep breath. Today was such a strange day. In my head I try to replay everything that happened today.

And Edric seems to be more on my mind then I would like him to. It was so nice with him, I had fun. I felt so different. Like there was nobody who expected anything from me, like I could just live without a fear of failing or disappointing anyone.

I shake those thoughts out of my head. I can't waiste my time with those kind of thoughts. I have to be on call if uncle needs me.

I take off my clothes and I pull out the autograph from myself that Edric gifted me. I look at it for a moment before I place it on my desk and then return to my bed.

{The next day}

Some hours have passed since I woke up. I'm simply sitting in my room, waiting for my artifical magic staff to light up, creating a connection to the staff of my uncle, making us able to talk with each other. However more hours past, but there's nothing.

At some point I was tired of waiting, so I walked over to the throne room. After knocking and hearing my uncles voice I walk in, only to see Kikimora and a big group of Coven Scouts gathered in the room.

"Golden Guard? How can I help you, I don't remember calling you in." Says Uncle. I walk in front of him and kneel down.

"I'm sorry to disturb you. However, I've been waiting for hours. What's my mission today?" I ask, still quite confused. There is ALWAYS something to do.

"Well, you are free for today. There's only one task at Eclipse Lake and Kikimora and those Scouts will complete it." Says Uncle and I immediately stand up to look at him surprised.

"What? So let me accompany them on their mission!! I can hel-"

"Enough!" I am interrupted by my uncle's voice. "Eclipse Lake is very dangerous, you will NOT go there. You're free for today. This task will be done by Kikimora. Now leave."

For a while I look at him in shock, my head wanders to Kikimora, who is just whispering innocently. After sighing quietly I bow down again and then leave the room. I make my way back to my room, there I take off my mask and my cloak and just drop them on the ground. I look over to Flapjack and he lands on my hands, confused.

"There's nothing to do for me...is Uncle punishing me? I already went on dangerous tasks, why can't I go on this one?" I ask quietly while just stroking over his little head. "Well...if there's nothing...I could study some more wild magic..." I look over to my desk to see the books I secretly got out of the library. But then I notice the autograph beside it and I gulp nervously. I walk over to the window and open it, a fresh breeze of air blows by my face. For a while I stare into the far, feeling the fresh air on my skin.

After a while I look back into my room. Without a task or a mission there's nothing for me to do. My little cardinal lands on my shoulder and he looks at me kind of worried.

"What did he say? 'Are you also a student at hexside?'. So he's going to Hexside..." I mumble quietly and I look to Flapjack on my shoulder. "It would be nice to see him again. To apologize for my harsh goodbye." I say and he seems to agree with me. "And uncle probably won't even notice that I'm gone, right?" Once again he agrees with me and a little smile appears on my lips. Flapjack transforms into a staff and I turn back to the window. I climp out of it and once I stand on the windowsill I take a deep breath before jumping out, landing on my staff and flying off.

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