2.29 alone

330 16 43

{Hunter's PoV}

I've danced with the Collector along with my family and friends. It was pretty funny, the Collector seemed to enjoy it as he was laughing all the time. At some point, we start to switch up our partners and we dance with my classmates. Right now, Kai is spinning me around and everybody is laughing happily.

Even though it is really nice, my thoughts are still filled with the Boiling Isles. And with him. Looks like it was obvious enough for Kai to notice that something is wrong.

"What's wrong, Hunter?" I hear Kai ask. "You seem to be lost in thoughts." We're still dancing together and I give him a little smile.

"Oh, uhm... as you know we're not from here. And we can't go back home. And you remember when I told all of you about the guy I am waiting for?" He gives me short nod and we stop our dance. "Well, he's in that other realm. And it looks like...I won't be able to ever see him again. Nor anyone else...never again" I keep on smiling, but a tear rolls down my cheek and I immediately wipe it away. "Sorry, sorry. I guess...I-I guess I..." More tears appear in my eyes. "I-I can't do this afterall, I-..." I say, sobbing quietly. Kai looks at me overwhelmed and after a few seconds he pulls me into a hug.

"Psssh...it's okay. You don't have to do anything. And especially not keep going if you're breaking down inside. As long as you're not ready, you don't have to move on." I'm pretty surprised by his words. Kai was always nice, but never one to be good with words. I keep on staring into the air for a moment before I start to cry even stronger. He's still hugging me as I'm just crying into his shoulder. I feel his hand stroking over my back, I also notice a couple of people gathering around us, all asking what is wrong. I also notice my family and the Collector.

"He's...sad about not seeing his friends from back home." Explains Kai and he looks at Luz and the others. They all share a sad look as Kai looks at me.

"Come on, let's get you to a quiet corner." I give him a short nod and he along with my friends and family walk me away from all the music and the people.

[Narrator's POV]

As Hunter's family and friends walked him away to help him calm down, one stayed behind. The Collector is watching as the crying Hunter walks away.

He's standing there for quiet a while, silently. Simply watching the one who helped him cry.

So, he turns around and leaves the party. Once he's out of sight, he uses his magic to fly into the air. He starts to fly towards his goal, the house in the forest.

It doesn't take long for the powerful Collector to arrive at the little house. He looks at it for a moment and he changes his look to his normal self before reaching into his pocket and taking out a little test tube. It's the test tube filled with Titan's blood, there's still a lot left inside it. So, he opens it and drips a little drop of the blood onto his hand. It floats above his palm as a little ball. Carefully, he puts the test tube away again and looks at the door.

Holding the drop of blood between his two hands, he closes his eyes and uses his magic.

{Back at the Boiling Isles}

When the Collector left the realm and went to the Human Realm, all witches were depressed. The chaos and pain they had to go through is now happening in the Human Realm.

However, they knew they had to do something. They couldn't let this happen. So, they immediately started to work on the portal. Even though they all knew what the Collector has said. They couldn't open a portal without him, but they'd still try.

Edric, his father and many more people started to collect the pieces and rebuild it. At the same time, Eda, King, Darius and many more went out to search for Emira. The snow storm stopped, when they won that game, but she's still out there and nobody knows what her condition is.

Right now, Edric and the others are trying to piece the door together when it suddenly starts to light up.

"What the-" says Edric in shock and he steps away from the door pieces. All the pieces fly up in the air and they set themselves together. Not only that, all the cracks disappear. It's as if the door never broke in the first place. It's still flying in the air and it suddenly opens itself. At first, it's shining in a bright white and then a familiar forest appears behind it. And a even familiar person steps out of the portal.

Along with the door, he's flying in the air and just starring down at all the witches. After a while, he flies down and lands on the ground in front of the witches.

All of them are just staring at him in shock, he's holding a drop of titan's blood in his hands as he watches everyone. Now, he looks at the blood and he snaps a finger. From who knows where, a little key starts to fly towards him. He looks at both of those things, then he places the blood inside the key and fixes it up.

He's holding the key in his hand as the door lands on the ground behind him, still open. After a while, he lifts his head and looks around the crowd in front of him, his glance stops at Edric.

"Edric, there's someone waiting for you." Says the Collector and he gains a round of confused stares.

"Wait...you didn't destroy the Human Realm...?" Asks Alador beside his son, watching the Collector carefully.

The Collector walks over to Edric and he gives him the key to the door. "No, I did not. I...was encouraged to think about what I've done. I've been suffering because I was lonely. And he's suffering too. He helped me and became my friend. A true friend. And I can't watch my friend suffer. So, I'm gonna help him now."

Edric looks at the Collector, confused and warily. "How do I know this is not a trap."

The Collector looks at him. He expected something like this, it's no surprise.

"Trust me or not. But he's still waiting for you." He walks back to the door and stands beside it. "Additionally, does this look like I did anything?" Edric looks at the door for a moment, thinking. It does look normal. However, he's still nervous and unsure. He takes a short look at the key in his hand, thinking and thinking, when they hear someone running over to them.

"Edric, they found her!" Yells Vinney, holding a crownphone in her hand. Standing beside Edric, she let's the phone go and it flies over to Edric.

"H-Hey bro..." They hear the weak and stuttering voice of Emira.

"E-Em!!!" Says Edric releaved and smiling. "You're alive!!!" Alador beside him is just smiling as relieved. He didn't loose another daughter.

"O-Of course I-I am alive...who d-do you th-ink I am?" She laughs weakly. "R-Remember what I-I told you...on t-the Day of U-U-Unity...?" A little confused, Edric stares at the crowphone. "I-I told you...i-if you don't f-finally ask him o-out...I'd s-snatch him a-way from you...so you b-be-better go in th-ere and finally d-do it. O-Or I'll do i-it...you hear me? I-If it's a t-trap...I'm sure y-you can h-handle it. If not...g-go for it, Ed." Edric stars at the phone a little surprised and then smiling.

"Thank you, Em."

"A-Always...tell him I-I said hi...."

The phone call ends. Edric looks at the key in his hand and he takes a deep breath before looking back to all the witches around him. "I will go alone for now. I'll let the portal open. If everything is alright, I will return in two hours. If I don't return...prepare an attack."

The others nod, Alador places a hand on his son's shoulder and he smiles at him. "Be careful."

"I will." Says Edric before hugging his father. He let's go off him some seconds later and he walks over to the door. The Collector already went through it and Edric takes another look back at all the witches before also stepping through it to the Human Realm.

Let me live! | Hunter X Edric The Owl HouseWhere stories live. Discover now