9. Staff

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[Edric's POV]

Right now, I'm waiting near the parade for Hunter. For today we wanted to go together to the anual covens parade. I put on a nice outfit, even without my concealment stone. I just wanted to make some effort for our meeting.

I'm patiently waiting for Hunter to appear, but after more and more minutes pass, I feel like he won't appear. And my feeling turns out to be true when his little Palisman called Flapjack flies over to me.

"Guess it finally happened..." I mumble quietly when he lands on my hand and drops a little note in my hand. I open it and see a writting on it, probably Hunter's.

'Hello Edric,

I'm sorry to disappoint you. I can't make it to our meeting today.

I hope you aren't too disappointed, I was so exicted for today. Have some fun without me.


Sighing quietly I fold up the letter again and put it in my pocket. I look at Flapjack and stroke over his little head.

"Thank you for bringing the note." I start to walk away, towards the parade. I know that Emira is there, guess I will spend some time with her. Flapjack sat down on my shoulder and I walk towards the parade. I can already see my sis standing on the side watching the parade.

"Hey, Em." She looks up suprised once she sees me.

"Ed? I thought you were on a date with Hunter?" She smirks, causing me to turn a little red.

"Shut up. And yes, we wanted, but Hunter couldn't make it." I stand next to her and watch the parade.
She seems to notice my disappointment and luckily doesn't say anything.

We watch the parade for some time when some shit happened. Confused the three of us watch everything unfold when we notice Mittens standing at the side, also watching everything.

"Mittens, what's going on??" Asks Em her and she looks at us surprised.

"What are you two doing here??" Asks Mittens suprised.

"Doesn't matter, what's happening??" Asks Em and Mittens takes a short look at the vehicle covered in smoke.

"Luz and Eda are doing something. I will follow Luz
and help her, can you guys follow Eda?" Both of us look at her surprised and we see two shadows jumping out of the fog.

"Alright Mittens, but you owe us something!!" We yell at the same time and then make our way to follow the bigger shadow.

As we're following the shadow, Flapjack flies off my shoulder and flies ahead.

"W-Wait Flapjack!!" Now we follow the little red cardinal towards an alley. Once we arrive there both our eyes wide in shock.

"Whoa, what is happening here?" Say Em and me at the same time and everybody looks at us.

"The Blight twins?? What are you doing here??" Says Eda, the Owl Lady.

"Mittens said you were planning something and asked us to come help you." Explains Emira while my glance is glued to the Golden Guard.

"Why do you have this Palisman." I say in a serious tone. Now everybody looks to the Golden Guard who steps a little away with HUNTER'S Palisman Staff in his hand.

"This is none of your business." Says the Golden Guard and now Eda also steps in.

"Wait, the Palisman he has belongs to someone else?" Still staring at the Golden Guard I nod and Eda also looks over to him.

"The Emperor is collecting Palismen. I don't know what he is planning or what he needs them for, but we shouldn't let Belos right hand-man take one."

"The emperor...is planning something? Involving Palismen?" Says Emira speechless and I keep staring at the Golden Guard.

"I don't care about what the Emperor is planning. Give me the Palisman back." I say once again.

The Golden Guard looks at us for a moment before he looks to Eda and reaches out with one hand to her.

"My staff in turn for the Palisman." I look over to Eda and even without a second thought she throws him his staff over. The three of us lift our hands, ready to use magic if necessary.

"Calm down. I'm not a foul to try and fight against three witches." He says and then he throws the Palisman staff into the air. The three of us run over to catch it, scared of it breaking if it lands on the ground. Luckily Emira is able to catch it and Eda and I sigh relieved. The three of uns turn back to the Golden Guard and the Head Witch, only to see them both sitting on the Golden Guards staff.

"It was an honor but now...BYE!!!" They fly away on his staff and within seconds they are out of our view.

"Raine!!!" We hear Eda yell, but they are already gone. "What is going on here..." says Eda quietly.

"That's what we would like to know." Says Emira while she hands me Hunter's Palisman Staff.

I look at the staff for a moments before looking to Eda. "I wanna know why the Palisman of my friend was in danger. Tell us what is happening here. What game is the Emperor playing?"

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